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Everything posted by Blake

  1. It's probably something blatantly obvious and I'll laugh about it for the next 5 days.But yeah, after the countless times you mentioned this you've never posted a picture of the problem. That would help a lot.
  2. So I saw this picture that I thought was pretty cool. Spoiler tagged it cause it's kind of huge. So what would you choose? In my opinion, 10 is too much to have a lot of fun with, so I'll get around to sharing my 5 when I feel like it.
  3. Great to see you back Swaggster. Now you can pay me the money you owe me.
  4. As a general rule, I just have something that makes me giggle when I look at it as my background. When I no longer get the giggles, I change to something else. Also, I don't use desktop icons cause I'm a douchey hipster like that. Here's the last 3 I can remember having.http://i.imgur.com/GxvBW.jpghttp://www.sanitaryum.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/tumblr_lh892v3bYv1qdqr1xo1_1280.jpghttp://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m56l3lFign1qft5vfo1_500.jpg
  5. I'm going to assume you are either a bot or you failed to actually add a question. If the latter is true, then create another topic with an actual question this time.If the former is true, well then go fuck yourself. BLEXUN OUT!
  6. Garry's Mod, Team Fortress 2, Realm of the Mad God, Spiral Knights.Steam name is Captain No Pants.
  7. Believe it or not, I actually meant in-game hats. Also, torrents scare me. You don't realize how much I love hats. Also, the hats aren't for me. THEY ARE FOR MY ENEMIES WHEN i GIBBB THEM
  8. Looks very interesting, but for 10 dollars, I don't think I'd buy it. I could buy like 4 hats with 10 dollars.I love hats.
  9. Aliath-NoOzzy-NoTerra-MaybeBGS-YUSKelsey-No(we have chelsea)Zeus-NoHeated Deus-NoGet to work people.
  10. I will get one. Not because I'm excited for it, which I am, but because it's Nintendo.They have a friend in me.
  11. Yeah I just got back into it, actually. I originally played just for the TF2 hat you can unlock, but I was hooked after I revisited it. I'm not good in any way shape or form, but I enjoy playing anyway.
  12. Or maybe we can just give our addresses and phone numbers out? I already hid my phone number in a post a couple months back, so here is my address.http://goo.gl/maps/yYOjNSeriously though, I'd be up for this. I only play Team Fortress 2, Spiral Knights, and Runescape as far as online games go.
  13. By "trusted device" does it mean a trusted internet connection or trusted computer?
  14. I always forget to vote, but the person who wins is who I would of voted for in the first place.BUT YAH GR4AT BR0THER
  15. Fuck guys you are missing the moral of the story.And also, are you a masochist? Can't think of another reason why you would major in engineering.
  16. More successful than my last 20 Runescape sittings.
  17. Gather my clan mates as I tell the legend that is Blexun, a male of Puerto Rican heritage, on his father's side, who's fame and stories spread far and wide. Although you may not want to, it's in your best interest to hear this tell and get off of Pinterest. The ending may make you cry and yell, but all can learn from this epic tale. We start our story in 2008. Blexun has just started playing Runescape! He's hooked and enthralled. He's having a blast! But one can become bored of adventuring, alas. So in the famous year of 2009 something happened that was most divine. Blexun browsed Zybez, looking for a clan. A fun, friendly clan fit for our man. Dragging his mouse down the scroll bar he stumbled an ad from TRR. Yes, TRR. A clan most delightful. A community clan that he thought was cool. With Tragic and Illini leading the pack, Blexun figured these guys will have his back. So he wrote an application, now this is no myth, with another famous member named Aliath. After a roaches event with Nuggeh and Christine, Blexun thought "Wow. This clan is the scene!" And thus began Blexun's career most bizarre in the clan known as TRR. Blexun become known as a friendly man, making multiple friends throughout the clan. He became a friend to us all, and knew the perfect time to share a lawl. Even in ranks, Blexun didn't mull. He was Events, Diplomat, and even Council. On top of all that, he an avid forum user. Not like all of those rule abusers. Yes, this was Blexun at his peak. A Leader rank, many thought he'd seek. But alas, we all know how Nuggeh kills when Blexun joined Mindmyskillz. Mindmyskillz was a channel in IRC where one can chat with joy and glee. Nuggeh and Blexun used it for lulz and fun. Surely, it was worthy to praise upon. Sadly all good things will be corrupted And so did happened when Isaiah showed up-ed Isaiah, a Mexican, who's a bit of a troll made Blexun laugh. On the floor he did roll! And thus Blexun became indifferent about others, regularly making fun of their mothers. He cut off his friends, like Ozzy and Bgs. The latter was a douche, but I digress. Worst of all, Blexun stopped caring about the clan, focusing more on the good times at hand. He withered away with all the TRR legends, a great man with noble intentions. Blexun played behind the scenes with his lulz until the creation of Elder Souls. There he rose to importance again, giving Skyrim advice, which the site would contain. He helped David write articles most impressive (which he'll get back on once school be successive). Blexun even rejoined TRR, but as a community influence, way too soon for him to start playing since his Runescape days are starting to flee, but he'll still play for the gp. But probably his biggest achievement was the rank of GLOBAL MODERATOR, which was changed to the less impressive title EDITOR. Yes, this is Blexun as we know him well. Could he fall from this success? No way in hell. But we know the name of this ballad, so prepare to make yourself a salad of woe, tears, lettuce, and cheeseas a tell you the ending that won't appease. Anarchy, the leader of TRR now trusted Blexun like a prize winning cow. Thus he made Blexun, with his sword and his shield in charge of managing the Battlefield.This power please Blexun, and made him very charitable even raching Fealty 3 at the clan citadel. But the worse part of the story is on it's way ANARCHY FUCKING TOOK MY POWER AWAY So there you have it, from rags to riches. I hope this story has you in stitches. Blexun used to be great, alive and well! Now all that is left is an empty, emotionless shell. TL;DR Anarchy took my ability to edit and initiate battles and now I'm angry.
  18. Weedle maybe?Of course there is this meme where you make up a Pokemon name and claim it's your favorite.Honestly, I don't care. I just wanted to comment on the sheer volume of posts that Tynisa made that I deleted.
  19. The originality of this post is sooo extreme, I just don't know where to begin describing it.New favorite pokemon is Gengar. He's a ghost. That is relevant to my interest.
  20. Generally speaking, Call of Duty 4 was the series high point. But yeah, that and Halo are a bit overrated imo. Halo had a pretty decent story line though.
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