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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Blake

    The True Loch Ness Monster

    Did you just search for all the animal deviant gifs you could find?
  2. Blake

    Dog Rapes Chicken

    The chicken was clearly asking for it. Look how it was dressed.
  3. Fair enough. Similar to your hated meme, not of a fan of Courage Wolf/Bravery Wolf/whatever it is called. For pretty much the same reasons.
  4. I really just find them all to be stupid. Here is an example (albeit, exaggerated)
  5. Phone David and tell him his mom was slapped on the ass by a black guy.
  6. Got the invite. I'll try to use my amazing Steam connections to pull us some members. And by that, I mean Sauce and Jake.
  7. All rage faces because they encourage unfunny comics. And Overly Attached Girlfriend. Was never really a fan of that or the other shitty memes it spawned.
  8. I agree. You must always cheer for the tighters. Yeah, boring game. On the plus side though, I correctly predicted the coin toss and one myself a free large Papa John's pizza.
  9. Finished a new About Me page. I personally giggled myself to Oblivion.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. David


      That is one thing about Catholics I can't understand.

    3. Jake


      That they wish for permanent wet dreams?

    4. David


      The whole Pope thing.

  10. This. I'm actually serious. Though I'm a little sad I'll be part of the AD, at least I'll be of the feline persuasion.
  11. Thank beings of a higher power for giving me a girlfriend that would go to Gamestop with me 1. Take gf by hand. 2. Leave 3. Try to pre-order TES Online another day
  12. Blake

    skill points

    Masturbating to a clothed picture? I guess you can say you had *sunglasses* NO REGRETS!
  13. The cheap console looks...interesting. May have a few Indie hits, but nothing I'll seriously consider getting.
  14. Prepare to see cars on the right side of the street. Though I'm guessing you won't be driving a lot? Edit: for some reason my default text size was super small.
  15. Yeah, but being a fucking killing machine is a lot of fun. I was Shen though, so saving people's asses was fun I guess.
  16. Waited until the next morning to go to the hospital so I can skip classes that day. Was asked 5 times if I got in a fight. Surprisingly, I didn't break any of my fingers (lul wut) but rather a bone in my hand. In a full arm splint and will be casted in 3 days. My only regret is my last LoL game was played as a tank.
  17. Ravens because I had them winning like every game last year in my "Beat the Broadcasters" game and I feel like I need retribution.
  18. My current boss. Codename: Catholic School Girl Job: Writing Me: Hey CSG, I'll make sure to have that thing written up by tomorrow CSG: Okay, do it soon or else lulz. *Later* CSG: You haven't written up the thing I wanted you to yet. Me: Yeah I've been super busy CSG: Well I'm going to change your color from yellow to green Unforgivable.
  19. So I heard Whitney Houston is almost a year sober. Good on her!

  20. Oh god yes. I'll also like to add she got less hot as the game went on. Maybe it was her voice.
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