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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Just in case you aren't as meme-tastic as me http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/pretty-cool-guy
  2. I take pride in knowing everything about anything. And if I don't know it, I'll at least pretend I do. I find this as gotten me far in life up to this point. That being said, I will admit to having some gaps in what I think should be general knowledge. What are some gaps that you have? Here are a few of mine. [*]I have no idea who Spoogan is and how we know him. [*]All I know about WWI is that Germany were being dicks, America didn't fight until the end, and it immediately began when Archduke Ferdi-something was assassinated [*]Until quite recently, I had no idea what the difference between England, Great Britain, and the UK was. [*]If I were ever a witness to a car theft or something of the sort and I was asked to say what kind of car was stolen, I wouldn't be able to say anything short of a color. [*]I'm absolutely horrible at remembering faces, but not names. [*]Trying to talk to be about politics that aren't social issues will just result in me nodding my head and saying "right". [*]I have no idea who Honey Boo Boo is or why we hate her. To name a few.
  3. I can't think of any to be honest. That being said, here is a Reasons Everybody Should Be Khajiits. 1. Khajiits are used to the hot, arid environment of Elsewyr. And as we've seen in Skyrim, they can easily maneuver the cold, harsh mountains of Skyrim. That being said, obviously they can thrive in all of the other environments in between, in Tamriel. Therefor, Khajiits can not be stopped by weather. 2. Khajiits are, obviously, cat like. However, they are without the weaknesses of the typical cat. For example, they are okay with water, they don't fall for the laser pointer trick, they have thumbs, and many more. That being said, any of the usual shenanigans that fool cats will not work on your average Khajiit. 3. They are thought to be thieves, killers, and generally bad people. Think of the reputation that you have going into a fight. The enemy will be scared shitless. As for women, they love the bad boy. That being said... 4. All women want to get with a Khajiit at some point in their lives. The very fact some deny proves that this is true. The phallus isn't as hairy as you'd think. 5. Claws. Enough said. 6. M'aiq the Liar, one of the very very few reoccurring non-Daedric characters in the franchise is a Khajiit. You may say "Oh but Blake, each M'aiq is, in fact, an ancestor to the original one." Well that only proves number 4, now does it? 7. They are sneaky has bow and doesn't afraid of anything That's just the 7 that come to mind.
  4. I enjoyed EOC. Found it vastly more entertaining than "you click on me and I click on you. One of us will die in 20 seconds". But to each their own. Bots will probably be in the old version if they bring it back. I honestly don't know what the bot situation is anymore. How is the wilderness now any different than what is was back then? (Besides new armor and weapons) The armor sets were really necessary. Let's say you have a person who just wants to mage. There is you start off with basic mage robes, then there is no cheap, basic robe option until level 40 or something like that. Changed when they released the fungal armor and the like, but the point remains. On a related note, they absolutely had to release better gear than Barrows and Whip. Both of them require 70 in their respected skills, which is way less than half of mastering. Why would the best gear be awarded to levels that low? All in all, a majority of the hate and ridicule, in my opinion, occurs when players don't wish to learn more or work harder to benefit from the newly released content. Not to say all of Jagex's ideas are golden, but they all aren't god awful as the community would have you believe. The fact that I'm defending a game I haven't played in 6 months really shows you the kind of grasp Jagex as on my soul.
  5. Reading Yahoo comments on the Dorner hunt makes me sad we share the internet.

    1. David


      Visited 4chan recently?

    2. Blake


      No, but I can imagine the butthurt.

  6. Honestly, both the blond girl and Tyra Banks seems like they'd be kind of a bitch about you getting it on with multiple women at the same time. NecroThreader at work here.
  7. You feel that? That's the feel of a hundred million anuses being unclenched.
  8. Your avatar makes everything funnier. Didn't say this yet, but I prefer the moving background as opposed to static. Good work, you Mad Men Admin.
  9. I went snowboarding as opposed to skiing. I was the only one who didn't wanna go because I, for some reason, thought skiing was gay. I accidentally went down the novice hill on my first run. End up falling down it, more or less. Maybe got down the entire hill after falling 3 times? 4 maybe. Then I tried the bunny slope for up near an hour and a half. Had fun despite doing shit. Then I went down the novice again. Ended up only falling at the end, and that was because I didn't know how to stop. All in all fun trip. Though they need some sort of hill between bunny and novice.
  10. Replied 4 months after his first post. A true hero.
  11. Only played the second one and I loved the story. Still need the third one, so I can't really speculate much about the 4th
  12. No problem lag-wise. Could you maybe try having it scroll with you just to see how it looks?
  13. He's being abducted. By aliens. However, the eagle pulls him from the beam.
  14. I guess it is an RPG of sorts, but not in the traditional sense. Usually I pair RPG's with turn based fights, a traditional stat system, and random encounters. While Skyrim does feature a lot of RPG elements, I wouldn't classify it as such. RPG Action/Adventure maybe?
  15. Ema Watson is overrated. I think I felt the internet just tremble.
  16. I've beat David in our race to 300 rep that he didn't know we were having.

    1. Jake


      And I'm off to unlike your posts.

    2. Jake


      (Obviously a joke)

    3. David


      Sadly I was preparing to post this exact same status when I won.

  17. Oh goodie. Office Space is overrated. Stupid women are, by default, not attractive. I enjoyed watching the last 3 Star Wars movies than the first 3. (inb4shitstorm) Call of Duty isn't a horrible game. I hate group projects.
  18. From my personal experience, I can never really count on a companion to hold on to items for too long, especially hired thugs. Nothing I can say except load to an old save if you can as there isn't really a fix to missing an item. All I can really tell you is next time, travel light.
  19. Just so we are clear, you are talking about Boethiah's Calling, right?
  20. If it helps, turn off the tracker on all quest except for one. Then just knock them off one at a time. Yeah, order doesn't matter. Though I'd start with Bleak Falls Barrow if I were you.
  21. Blake

    The Perfect Crime

    Theft most fowl. I like how casual it just strolls out of there. Then again, it's a fucking bird.
  22. Blake

    Cat Loses Fight Against Self

    My cat does the same thing, but doesn't bite itself.
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