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Everything posted by David

  1. I don't really see why that is unbelievable. He is Batman, after all. The water around Gotham was frozen and he undoubtedly has contacts outside of the city. The problem was never sneaking into Gotham (special forces did it too), it was that Bane threatened to destroy the entire city if people outside started to interfere. The difficulty was not in actually doing it so much as the fear of what would happen. This prevented people from attempting it.
  2. TDK Rises was the last of the trilogy. Him traveling back to Gotham was kind of a weak area in the plot, but I wouldn't call it a plot hole or anything (I know you didn't, but others have and I'm just saying). It likely wasn't explained just to save time since the movie was already pretty long. It's not THAT big of a stretch to think that someone like Bruce had enough contacts to get him back to the States in a matter of weeks. After he found some sort of town he could hitch a ride to a bigger city and eventually get to an airport or something.
  3. Anyone have it? Just thought I'd see if it's any good before buying or not.
  4. Thinking of doing a game give-away for the facebook group. Suggestions for good games that are $20 or less? That covers all of the PS3 Greatest Hits before you give me crap.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Shadow of the Colossus is out for PS3 now, nub.

    3. Jake


      I know, but you said you wanted the Ps2 version. I have the Ps3 version already. I wonder if Traag has decided yet?

    4. David


      I kind of liked the Dark Souls idea. But I'm not really sure on a good way to go about the facebook thing since the whole idea is to get more likes/exposure. I also just spent $105 to renew the software here so it might be awhile before it happens.

  5. Just so everyone knows I'm not full of crap; just paid $85 for upgrades. It's $105 (every 6 months) to keep everything up to date. The remaining $20 was paid a few months back.
  6. Following their official announcement of Skyrim's upcoming DLC, Bethesda has released new never-before-seen gameplay-images of Dragonborn. The first features a burly Nord braving the harsh winter elements with a companion. Frank looked out over the majestic rocky hilltops bathed in the grandeur of the falling snow... And he thought of nothing, because he is a pixels. Wait, what? Image number two features a bustling community we've never seen before. Boy, doesn't that architecture remind you of a previous TES game? Don't worry, I'm sure Dragonborn isn't all about the scenery. What would the TES series be without eccentric, non-human NPC's? I can feel the glare from this guy right through my screen. Dragons. Dragon Priests. Dragon Priest shrines. At this point it's all so old, yet looking at this next image brings me right back to the first time I watched the original Skyrim trailer. The eccentric looking monsters may make you look around for Tom Cruise and Dakota Fanning. HOLY SHIT YOU CAN RIDE DRAGONS. But that's old news. You already knew that. Right? I hope so. Either way, this screen shot has us excited. I'm not positive what this mutated cockroach has to do with anything, but I can't wait to find out! Please have a voice actor. That's it for this series of screenshots! Stay tuned, we'll keep you up to date with the latest news all the way up to Dragonborn's release! Click here to view the article
  7. Following their official announcement of Skyrim's upcoming DLC, Bethesda has released new never-before-seen gameplay-images of Dragonborn. The first features a burly Nord braving the harsh winter elements with a companion. Frank looked out over the majestic rocky hilltops bathed in the grandeur of the falling snow... And he thought of nothing, because he is a pixels. Wait, what? Image number two features a bustling community we've never seen before. Boy, doesn't that architecture remind you of a previous TES game? Don't worry, I'm sure Dragonborn isn't all about the scenery. What would the TES series be without eccentric, non-human NPC's? I can feel the glare from this guy right through my screen. Dragons. Dragon Priests. Dragon Priest shrines. At this point it's all so old, yet looking at this next image brings me right back to the first time I watched the original Skyrim trailer. The eccentric looking monsters may make you look around for Tom Cruise and Dakota Fanning. HOLY SHIT YOU CAN RIDE DRAGONS. But that's old news. You already knew that. Right? I hope so. Either way, this screen shot has us excited. I'm not positive what this mutated cockroach has to do with anything, but I can't wait to find out! Please have a voice actor. That's it for this series of screenshots! Stay tuned, we'll keep you up to date with the latest news all the way up to Dragonborn's release!
  8. Contacts and a nail filer. His recent developments are sad. I was very close to almost deleting his comic several times because it wasn't really Skyrimy.
  9. Because he's the hero TRR deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll post sarcasting things making fun of him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A robotic clan member.
  10. I think the lack of comments is because these are generally pretty broad and shallow in content. There's nothing wrong with that, it just means that you attack several different issues and only say a bit about each one.
  11. Teh likes. Teh arh back!

    1. Blake


      Any idea what was the original problem?

    2. David


      Nope, they just reappeared as randomly as they drifted away.

    3. Blake


      Zuckerberg works in mysterious ways.

  12. New "Error 404" page - http://eldersouls.com/404.html

    1. Jake


      That's pretty cool, I must admit. It gives our site a bit more style.

    2. Blake
  13. That's due to the TRR skin, which I'm not going to update. Clearing your cache won't fix it, but if you want to know how just google "how to clear cache in *browser*"
  14. You guys have until I upgrade the skins on the site (when v3.4.0 is out of beta) to make some serious changes. If not, then when I update the skins I'm going to remove the TRR specific things.
  15. They should still be changed over, though. The exception being 10 or so posts made between the time the board was upgraded and when I updated the skin, like so http://eldersouls.com/topic/3307-october-motm-2012-blexun/#entry23937
  16. On the mobile skin specifically? Can you link me?
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