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Everything posted by David

  1. HTML would be nice but it's not required since you won't actually be tasked with making or editing web pages. Most of your job will be to troubleshoot things people run into and make sure things that are already in place don't break.
  2. Since I plan on creating some new site(s) over the next few months I may not have as much time to dedicate to this place. I may take someone and start training them as an understudy or something so that they can operate this place in my absense. Cool stuff if it's the sort of thing your interested in. We have a complete self-hosted suite so there are quite a bit of things you can learn and gain experience in. Requirements [*]You need to be active DAILY, ideally able to visit the site several times each day. [*]You need to be intricately involved in the community. Just reply here if interested. I have no idea if this will actually be necessary, but if it is I want to know who plans on being available.
  3. Just bought another $300 forum license. Why? Because fuck me, that's why. I'm a sucker for $10 Black Friday deals.

    1. Jake


      Time to start a porn site?

  4. You have Blops 2, right? Maybe you could start a thread seeing who has it already and we could have some community events with it. That's the only new game right now that has a Skyrim-sized following.
  5. Well, yeah. I don't really know what to do about it because traffic to the site has been better lately, actually. The facebook integration has got a few accounts, but that hasn't stopped registrations from slowing down.People register when they see interesting, quality discussions about whatever they're interested in. We have forum game threads. There's a bit of a disconnect.
  6. Topic title. Name anything serious, even if it's not really practical with current funds.
  7. So I thought about running a little promotion in which I buy some "Greatest Hits" PS3 game (or whatever the 360 equivalent is) and giving it away to someone who has liked the Facebook page. Obviously the entire point of this is to get many more likes, and with them, exposure. So some sort of "We'll give xxxx away after we hit xxxx Likes" is all I can really think of. Any other ideas on making this work? If now, I need suggestions for a Like number to aim for. I was thinking 100-200. As of now people have a 1/34 chance of winning.
  8. Need to greatly beef up "Da Gif Hause"
  9. Where would be without impressive Minecraft recreations? Many of us are familiar with the numerous, eye-dropping renditions of famous locations done by ambitious Minecraft users. With all of these magnificent creations out there, it's getting harder and harder to impress skeptical viewers. With that said, we were pretty awed by CraftedMovie's interpretation of the opening sequence in the world-famous movie, The Lion King. For the best results, try starting both of the following videos at the same time to make sure they're synced up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vX07j9SDFcc You have to admit that's pretty impressive. Despite every block being only 16x16 pixels, it still looks pretty damn good translated to one of the most powerful opening movie scenes of all timeClick here to view the article
  10. Where would be without impressive Minecraft recreations? Many of us are familiar with the numerous, eye-dropping renditions of famous locations done by ambitious Minecraft users. With all of these magnificent creations out there, it's getting harder and harder to impress skeptical viewers. With that said, we were pretty awed by CraftedMovie's interpretation of the opening sequence in the world-famous movie, The Lion King. For the best results, try starting both of the following videos at the same time to make sure they're synced up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vX07j9SDFcc You have to admit that's pretty impressive. Despite every block being only 16x16 pixels, it still looks pretty damn good translated to one of the most powerful opening movie scenes of all time
  11. Where are the blogs??!

    1. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      LOL they still there bro.

      Nah, kidding, I understand what you mean. I planned like two different entries a while back. However it's too much hassel for me to plug my iPhone into the computer to transfer the pic's...

  12. Logged in. Realized I couldn't dual-wield shields. Logged out.
  13. Yeah, those were pretty bad. It kind of surprises me that Disney put some of them in movies obviously aimed at very young kids. I mean, there's "emotional storytelling" and then there's "Bambi's mom was just shot by your dad".
  14. It was harder for me as well, but I also know it's just because I'm not used to it. It took me awhile to realize it, but now you can just search by typing in the name of whatever you looking for. It even predicts and eliminates letters as the options are narrowed down, it's pretty cool. That alone is already easier than the old crappy method of dozens of alphabetized block menus. Also, sort by price is epic. Have $1.59 left in your wallet? Here is literally everything you can buy.
  15. I'll be amazed if anyone has even seen this movie it's so old. Not much context in that 1min video but whatever. I remember watching that as a kid and being sad. My sister would actually cry everytime. Basically everything that has ever gone wrong in my love life is Disney's fault. Can't turn the people I'm not interested in down, so they get hurt much later and make a squirrel-esque scene in some crowded restaurant. Then I go home and rewatch the Sword in the Stone. Any others?
  16. Yeah, I interpreted it as saying the CoD game sales combined are now bigger than the box office revenue of the movies only. No way it's actually bigger than the entire Star Wars empire when you include things like action figures, clothes, etc.
  17. Apparently the newly designed PlayStation Store came out earlier this month, but I just noticed it today. Man, talk about an amazing overhaul. The UI and amount of sorting options you have aren't short of amazing. I don't see how Microsoft is going to get away with charging for online if this is what Sony's bringing to the table these days.
  18. After having heard that Dark Souls was going to be getting a fairly large $15 expansions some months ago I was pretty excited. Long story short I ended up completely forgetting about it until today when I saw it was out in the PlayStation Store. Does anyone have it? Is it worth the $15? I'll probably buy it eventually but your user reviews may convince me to buy it sooner rather than later.
  19. Oh, trust me. I know there were plot holes There are tons of ways he could have gotten in. He could have flown over the ice, used some sort of vehicle/hovercraft that spread out his weight and made the cross feasible, or he could have simply gone under/over the patrolled area of the bridge.
  20. The extraordinarily successful launch of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, which generated $500 million dollars in its first 24 hours of availability, has propelled the Call of Duty series past notable franchises such as Harry Potter and Star Wars in worldwide box office revenue. The Call of Duty juggernaut has broken records with nearly every new release, with Modern Warfare 3 holding the previous day-one revenue record with $400 million. Before that, the original Black Ops game made an astounding $360 million at release, a record for its time.In a statement, Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg likened the annual CoD release to that of an important world-wide cultural event. Despite the massive number of sales, user and professional reviewers have been relatively reserved in their outlooks compared to that of previous CoD titles. The average Metacritic scores for the game are hovering around 80, noticeably lower than the franchise-defining early CoD games. These reviews will surely change as more people soak in their Black Ops 2 experience, but those of you on the fence may want to hold off on pulling the trigger just yet.Click here to view the article
  21. The extraordinarily successful launch of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, which generated $500 million dollars in its first 24 hours of availability, has propelled the Call of Duty series past notable franchises such as Harry Potter and Star Wars in worldwide box office revenue. The Call of Duty juggernaut has broken records with nearly every new release, with Modern Warfare 3 holding the previous day-one revenue record with $400 million. Before that, the original Black Ops game made an astounding $360 million at release, a record for its time. In a statement, Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg likened the annual CoD release to that of an important world-wide cultural event. Despite the massive number of sales, user and professional reviewers have been relatively reserved in their outlooks compared to that of previous CoD titles. The average Metacritic scores for the game are hovering around 80, noticeably lower than the franchise-defining early CoD games. These reviews will surely change as more people soak in their Black Ops 2 experience, but those of you on the fence may want to hold off on pulling the trigger just yet.
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