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Everything posted by David

  1. Thanks for letting me know your thoughts. I didn't expect much since it took a lot of flak, but still downloaded it since it's free. I just have to wait until I'm back home from college so I can test it on my touch.
  2. I have no idea why so many people type it in. Bookmarking ftw. I have like 400 bookmarks.
  3. So I understand that a few people have announced that they'll start trying again, but that's not really enough. I think there needs to be some kind of plan posted in this thread, otherwise nothing is going to change and I'll just proceed with pushing the red button.
  4. Shaved after 2 days. I am weak.Girls hate it until it gets to a certain stage after a couple weeks. It just looks terrible from about day 3 of no shaving until then.
  5. Ya'll are breaking my balls here.
  6. The Electoral college sucks. They don't even have a good football team.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blake


      I just replied to say how much I like your avatar.

    3. Jake


      I was going to agree with you, that it should be popular vote, but then I saw it was a joke.

    4. CarnivalofSoulz


      lol good one. and nice avatar lol.... like it better than the alpaca already lmao

  7. Damn. "No" was my second guess after 2Ï€r^2.
  8. It's time for October's rendition of the ES Member of the Month! Winners will receive a place on our list of all-time MotM's as well as a free month of Premium Membership. Send me a PM with your vote containing the name of the member you're voting for in the title. Example - "MotM: Traaginen" (but don't vote for me as I'm ineligible; see below. Rules Failing to follow either of these... Rather simple... rules will result in your vote being voided. [*]You may not vote for yourself. [*]Each member is eligible to win once per year. After having won, they're not eligible until the voting starts over the next year in January. 2012 Member of the Month Winners Here are the previous months winners (who are currently ineligible). [*]Traaginen - January [*]Huygens - February [*]Jamie – March [*]Anarchy - April [*]Tcee - May [*]TRR Daniel - June [*]Deathirst - July [*]Labush - August [*]Squishyman - September
  9. If you're running the game at 1080p resolution that card will probably give you about 35 FPS. I'm not sure if that is the "lag" you're talking about. You should definitely have enough RAM and processing power from what I can see.
  10. You should be able to just travel to Karthspire and they will meet you there. The quest is kind of buggy but most of the stuff arrives after you get to the temple, so I'm not sure if what you're experiencing is actually a bug or just unclear instructions. If traveling to Karthspire doesn't work look through the bugs listed here and here and see if there is a fix.
  11. Go for it, it's the most interesting thing that's been posted recently so we may as well promote it.
  12. Heyeyeyeayha is the only one I knew.Is this an article?
  13. David

    Macs and Games

    The life of a mac user.
  14. I don't think I knew that page existed. Then again, I just learned yesterday that there's a miniature "x" on the top-right of everyone's signature that lets you either ignore that user's or everyone's. I've been doing much less scrolling lately and love it.What on earth did you google to find that.
  15. I completely forgot about this until I looked at the users online list and saw that the Bing bot was looking at this thread - http://eldersouls.co...ly-turns-three/Then I realized something. TRR is 4 years old today and no one even remembered.I feel old.
  16. 1. Pfft, yeah. I don't know what I'm talking about even though YOUR BRAWL CHAMPION WAS ALREADY DEFEATED IN THE MOVIE BY YOUR RUNNER-UP. Hulk is just a big, dumb mass of muscle with no control. Thor already defeated him in the movie, and both Iron Man and Thor can just fly up/away to gain whatever advantage they want. Not to mention Tony Stark would be smart enough to figure out some other way of defeating Hulk even if he couldn't just blow the shit out of him from the sky.2. Captain America's solo movie sucked, which really hurt the whole character in my eyes.3. Captain America is still just a nerdy virgin. Why would he get more than any of the others? Also, you didn't clarify that committed relationships mattered. I think Thor/Iron Man's women would understand that they have to have sex with as many others as possible in order to win an online internet argument. It's srs bsns.
  17. Hello, welcome to the site! Feel free to let me know if you ever need anything or have suggestions. :)

  18. General web traffic drops greatly during the school year for sites like this because our demographic is pretty young. Right now we're getting like 50% as many visitors as we were during July. It doesn't change existing members as much, but with any drop in traffic you're going to have less new people registering since only a small percentage of visitors ever actually sign up.Middle/High School and college students have a lot of free time during the summer and will burn a lot of it online furiously f5ing pages.
  19. Don't say that! Theirs is terrible. Just similar colors.
  20. 1.Thor>IronMan>Hulk>CaptainAmerica>>>Hawkeye>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Black WidowI had to break my own site to make the point sufficiently.2. People go to the movie just for Iron Man / Tony Stark, he's by far the best character. The whole Thor-god thing is kind of lame. Bruce Banner is probably the second best character but all he does in hulk form is SMASH and it's been done ad nauseam over the years. Captain America can't carry a movie by himself with whoever the actor is, and Hawkeye and Black Widow are just terrible.3. Tony Stark, obviously. Thor doesn't know what sex is. The hulk could go on a rape rampage, but I wouldn't want to see the outcome of that and maybe Brucie can't even go into hulk-mode. Captain America is a prude. Hawkeye has a 90's hair cut.
  21. That's what's wrong though. Yeah, people are in school but if you want the place to continue you have to MAKE time for it. I haven't seen anyone do that, and that's why we're here. I'm also confused about what you mean by keeping the clan alive while closing the forum. There aren't any admins (or anyone, really) that are running it now, so why would they if the forums are closed?You guys need to recruit in-game and offer people positions. It's really not hard to get people interested if they're offered a position. It's just that no one is doing it, and it has snow-balled.
  22. </3 Blexun </3 Whenever responsibility comes my way... I loved your sig. Then you disappeared to have an actual life or something, abandoning all editor endeavors. That made me sad, and the signature started hitting too close to home. Whenever I scroll past it now, I quickly close my eyes as a single tear slowly runs down my cheek. I sit like that for awhile and wait for the tear to either dry or fall from my chin onto my hipster t-shirt. I then muster up the courage to quickly grab my mouse and violently slam the wheel so that I can open my eyes without worrying about seeing it. Following that, it's always the same; my ensuing depression lasts for days at a time. It's so bad that my now ex-girlfriend thought that I was having a severe guilt trip from cheating on her and left me. I recently found out that she's now dating the admin of skyrimforums.org, our arch nemesis. He still has his Editor and now makes enough money off the site to purchase one condom a week. He uses it to screw who I thought to be the future mother of my children. 1 bashfully benevolent blexun's out of 5.
  23. Jamie - The last time I talked to her she told me she was fixing her internet and would be back and active in a week. That was months ago.Allan - I really want the database for our old forum that had like 50k threads... That stuff would be really cool to have.
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