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Everything posted by David

  1. Available on Sony's Store and presumably PSN. Examples of games you get for "free" Uncharted: Golden Abyss Gravity Rush Wipeout 2048 inFAMOUS 2 LittleBIGPlanet 2 Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One Great deal if you were planning on getting PS+.
  2. Item: PlayStation Plus - 15 Months Price: $49.99 Available on Sony's Store and presumably PSN. Examples of games you get for "free" [*]Uncharted: Golden Abyss [*]Gravity Rush [*]Wipeout 2048 [*]inFAMOUS 2 [*]LittleBIGPlanet 2 [*]Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One Great deal if you were planning on getting PS+. System: ,PS3, Retailer: Other Deal Link: https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#!/en-us/reward_game/playstationplus-1-year-membership/cid=IP9101-NPIA90005_01-1YEARPACKAGE0000 Click here to view the record
  3. Item: Xbox Live 12 Month Gold Membership Price: $34.99 Deal from Amazon. Free shipping and everything. System: ,360, Retailer: Amazon Deal Link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0029LJIFG/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B0029LJIFG&linkCode=as2&tag=therebecomm-20 Click here to view the record
  4. It should be worth watching just for Harbaugh antics.
  5. Lol'd. I'm sure most people lie about their experience to get the max rating, though. It'll be interesting to see if any of us make it.
  6. Have to go with Pikmin for the Gamecube; it was the driving force behind GC purchases for most people I knew. I enjoyed Wind Waker more though. FF10 for the PS2. Golden Sun: The Lost Age for the GBA. Pokemon for the GB/GBC.
  7. Yeah, it's a really cool movie but it doesn't make much sense as a trailer. No actual game-play or anything.
  8. I just meant that a 1-second soul trap enchanted sword is useless because the time frame is too short, not that they're useless in general, lol. Only way to have followers not attack is if you tell them to wait in a safe spot while you deal with enemies.
  9. Eh, kind of have to side with your boss on that one depending on how close your quotes are to what you said. You sort of came across like you were just straight up telling him "I'm going to leave." which is bad, because he's the boss. If instead you asked and said something like, "Hey, is it alright if I head out a bit early to do xxx if the place is slow?" I agree with you. Haven't had any horrible bosses to be honest. There aren't any jobs in my small town that are available where I don't already know everyone who works there.
  10. 1 second is enough so long as you make sure you use the sword for the last blow. The sword is actually useless, though. What you're going to want to do is disenchant it to get the "Soul Trap" effect, and then you can put that effect into your own new weapon of choosing. The higher the quality of soul gem you use when doing this, the better the length of effect will be. My personal advice is to get the soul trap spell. Much more useful than having a weapon for it; you're going to want enchantments on weapons that increase their damage.
  11. Will the glory of the Water Freezing thread ever cease?

  12. Why? The whole point of roleplaying is to take on a specific in-game persona you create, so it will be different for everyone. Most people that are serious about it only end up doing the one quest line related to their characters. Maybe, but there are definitely faster ways. See The Fastest Ways to Level in Skyrim; it's the very last skill covered.
  13. You can get a weapon that has that enchantment as random loot, but that axe is probably the earliest for-sure thing. It depends what you're enchanting and the effect you enchant it with. For example, enchanting a weapon with fire damage will result in a charge that diminishes every time you hit something with it. After it's out, you just need to use a filled soul gem to recharge it. If you enchant something like armor with a skill boost or some sort of status effect, it's permanent and you never have to recharge.
  14. I think the success of the Wii is really going to lead to consoles being a more casual, for-the-masses option. I know they already were "casual" compared to high-end PC's, but I think this is going to be increasingly apparent next-gen. With that said, the specs of consoles don't really need to be as high as PC's; they are going to be extremely optimized for their sole purpose - running games.
  15. [*]Just level up. You start getting better items from NPC's you kill the higher you are, plus leveling things like Enchanting/Alchemy can result in tons of cash. [*]It's not really worth buying a horse since you can just fast travel. Plus you get one for free during the Dark Brotherhood questline that's much better than all of the others you'd have to pay for. [*]It really doesn't matter, it depends if there's some specific item you want that's dependent on a quest line. I just did them based on which were the most interesting, and IMO that's Dark Brotherhood > Main > Thieves > Others [*]Nothing major really comes to mind. They really don't have the same "static leveled items" problem they did in Oblivion/Morrowind. [*]You shouldn't choose a Race based on skill bonuses since at most you'll get +5, which can be attained in <10mins of training the other races. Instead I would go off of abilities/powers (or which one looks the best). If you insist, though, Redguard have the best one-handed initial bonus at +10. [*]If it's not noticed, guards won't come. [*]The Steel Battleaxe of Fiery Souls can be found in Ironbind Barrow. [*]Again, it REALLY doesn't matter. It's just what you happen to feel like doing. [*]I don't think so. Just make sure that you level up combat skills along with non-combat, otherwise enemies will get stronger than you relative to your level. [*]I'd read this. If you already did and still have specific questions just post back here, but I don't know what it is that you need help with right now.
  16. -10 degree wind-chills all week...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. David


      It's hot as fuck there.

    3. Blake


      I wouldn't call 20 degrees hot as fuck.

      Granted it is like 30 something at the moment.

    4. Nathan


      I'm jealous. I prefer the cold to the heat. Its easier to get warm than it is to cool down. Then again it never gets THAT cold here.

  17. I really chuckled at "Nextbox." I might have to adopt using that. "Xbox 720" sounds completely ridiculous (yes, more-so than the 360 which is bad enough). Why must all systems with good names (Dreamcast) fail? Also, I read that Turtle Rock, the developer of Evolve, tried to acquire their game for 250k, yet were outbid by Take 2's $10.8 million. Kind of sad if they have to stop developing it.
  18. Fuck I wish I was a talentless multi-millionaire like Ke$ha or TSwift.

    1. Jake


      Or, you could be like Dave Grohl. Despite his hardcore rock appearance, he has excellent financial skills, and is worth a respectable $250 million.

  19. It would be great if we could get someone selected for this that was willing to violate the nondisclosure agreement and do write-ups for us.
  20. Bethesda recently announced that they are opening up their ESO Beta Program to public sign-ups. To sign up for the program, you just need to visit the official site and fill out a form. The form is preceded by an important caveat noting that signing up will not guarantee you are selected to participate in the program. I doubt that will dissuade many excited TES fans from trying anyway, though. The news was released alongside a pretty impressive movie trailer. There looks to be some sort of fairly serious war going on, at any rate. Although the fact that TES Online is going to be built around warring factions is no surprise, you may be wondering "But WHY are they at war, damn you?!" A perfectly valid question, and one that TES Loremaster Lawrence Schick explains in the recently released Alliances at War video. Excited? So are we! Good luck beating us out getting selected for the beta!Click here to view the article
  21. Bethesda recently announced that they are opening up their ESO Beta Program to public sign-ups. To sign up for the program, you just need to visit the official site and fill out a form. The form is preceded by an important caveat noting that signing up will not guarantee you are selected to participate in the program. I doubt that will dissuade many excited TES fans from trying anyway, though. The news was released alongside a pretty impressive movie trailer. There looks to be some sort of fairly serious war going on, at any rate. Although the fact that TES Online is going to be built around warring factions is no surprise, you may be wondering "But WHY are they at war, damn you?!" A perfectly valid question, and one that TES Loremaster Lawrence Schick explains in the recently released Alliances at War video. Excited? So are we! Good luck beating us out getting selected for the beta!
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