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Everything posted by David

  1. People don't realize that the game has vastly improved since then. Yeah, it sucks now, but it was even worse in 07/08... It's just nostalgia talking.
  2. It's really never to early, though, especially since several other places already have it.
  3. Seriously, are there any? I can only think of one - we could be too intimidating to other players and cause everyone else to quit.
  4. I'm considering buying the following application, which is $50.00, in order to support guild creation on our site. http://demo.syvarth.com/groups/ It's a group system, but could easily be modified for guild purposes to compete with those systems found on TamrielF and TESOF. Just want some second opinions. Play around with it a little. Is it worth it? How serious are we about becoming TES/ESO centric? I don't want to drop $50 on something with a 0% chance of profitability - especially on an already non-profit (at best) site - if no one is going to utilize it.
  5. If I make a link that says "Guilds" under ESO, maybe they will appear. That's how these things work, right?

    1. Blake


      I find no fault with your logic.

  6. Annnnnd it's live. Currently downloading it so I can never play it. But at half price!
  7. Someone asked the question yesterday, so check this thread for a more detailed response. You can still level smithing using daggers, they're just no longer the most efficient method. You now want to look at the price of the item you're crafting divided by the ingots required. For example, Iron Armor is worth 125 gold and costs 5 iron ingots: 125/5 = an exp/ingot ratio of 25.
  8. What about them? If you're talking about power-leveling smithing with them, sadly that was nerfed in version 1.5 and won't be returning.
  9. PS3 users who have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of Skyrim's DLC are now able to download the first of the three upcoming installments. Patch version 1.8 (1.08 in-game) was also launched alongside Dragonborn earlier today, and introduces the following bug fixes alongside prepping the console for the much anticipated DLC. Patch 1.8 Bug Fixes [*]General memory and stability improvements [*]Fixed rare crash when using vampiric grip [*]Fixed issue where Arnleif and Sons Trading Company could become permanently locked [*]Fixed issue related to duplicate NPCs [*]Fixed rare issue where exterior door would not open properly Those who are currently unable to find Dragonborn in the PlayStation store just need to wait for PSN to update, which generally occurs during the early evening hours (EST). Following the release of Dragonborn are Hearthfire and Dawnguard, each staggered from the other by a week. Release Dates (North America) [*]Hearthfire releases Tuesday, February, 19 [*]Dawnguard releases Tuesday, February, 26 Release Dates (Europe) [*]Dragonborn releases Wednesday, February 13 [*]Hearthfire releases Wednesday, February 20 [*]Dawnguard releases Wednesday, February 27 Each DLC is on sale for 50% off for the first week that they are available (depending on your location). That means those of us in the United States and Canada have until February 19th to grab Dragonborn for half-price! Click here to view the article
  10. PS3 users who have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of Skyrim's DLC are now able to download the first of the three upcoming installments. Patch version 1.8 (1.08 in-game) was also launched alongside Dragonborn earlier today, and introduces the following bug fixes alongside prepping the console for the much anticipated DLC. Patch 1.8 Bug Fixes General memory and stability improvements Fixed rare crash when using vampiric grip Fixed issue where Arnleif and Sons Trading Company could become permanently locked Fixed issue related to duplicate NPCs Fixed rare issue where exterior door would not open properly Those who are currently unable to find Dragonborn in the PlayStation store just need to wait for PSN to update, which generally occurs during the early evening hours (EST). Following the release of Dragonborn are Hearthfire and Dawnguard, each staggered from the other by a week. Release Dates (North America) Hearthfire releases Tuesday, February, 19 Dawnguard releases Tuesday, February, 26 Release Dates (Europe) Dragonborn releases Wednesday, February 13 Hearthfire releases Wednesday, February 20 Dawnguard releases Wednesday, February 27 Each DLC is on sale for 50% off for the first week that they are available (depending on your location). That means those of us in the United States and Canada have until February 19th to grab Dragonborn for half-price!
  11. 1.08 (or 1.8) is just a game patch that fixes various bugs and preps the PC/PS3 for the upcoming DLC, some of which is being released today (Dragonborn on the PS3). For information on what has changed, you'd have to go back and look at the patch notes from each version between where you started and 1.8. For 1.8 specifically, these are the release notes: BUG FIXES [*]General memory and stability improvements [*]Fixed rare crash when using vampiric grip [*]Fixed issue where Arnleif and Sons Trading Company could become permanently locked [*]Fixed issue related to duplicate NPCs [*]Fixed rare issue where exterior door would not open properly
  12. It does come out today, but we have to wait for Sony to update PSN so all of the new titles appear. They usually do it in the early evening hours EST; since it's already 3:30PM it should be up very soon. Hopefully before 6:30PM EST. Until then we sit here and wait.
  13. Try doing the fix again; double check that you're deleting the old files. Some people in this thread had to do it twice. There is a small chance that they re-released the old bug with the new patch. Haven't tested it myself, though. This is exceedingly unlikely.
  14. Just look under your game data for the file version if you have a PS3. 360 is similar. Post 1.5 smithing experience is all based on the price of the item, so you need to look at the material/gold ratio. This is why iron daggers are no longer effective. For example, Iron Armor takes 5 ingots and is worth 125 gold, which is a exp/ingot ratio of 25. Iron daggers are like 10 or something now, can't remember. Honestly, I leveled all of my characters before the 1.5 patch, so I can't really speak on the effectiveness of transmute jewelry. Prior to 1.5 Patch Iron Daggers >>> Transmute / Material Ratios Post 1.5 Patch Transmute / Material Ratios Also remember to use the Warrior Stone for a +20% boost.
  15. Why on earth are you using Internet Explorer?
  16. Eliminate... [*]Speech. Frees up 3 perks. Yeah, selling to all merchants is nice, but by the time you're level 20-30 you'll be rolling in cash regardless so it really doesn't make much of a difference end-game. [*]Pickpocket: again 3 perks. Enchant apparel to boost carrying capacity instead. [*]Conjuration - I LOVE DEAD THRALL. Consider putting perks to get this and you can have up to 2 permanent companions that can be revived with you at all times. [*]Destruction - Just get dual casting and impact in addition to novice. Chances are you'll want to use more than one type of spell so augmented is sort of a waste. [*]Regeneration - Unless you die a lot avoid death is kind of meh. Consider Necromage if you go for Dead Thrall since it increases the max level of NPC's you can thrall. A lot really depends on how you play, so take the above with a grain of salt as I'm not sure about your play-style.
  17. Should be static now. You'll probably have to clear your browser cache to see the change if you loaded the page before. The current background is just a placeholder. I'm glad it's not too laggy; when I uploaded it earlier today it was 2MB. I compressed it down to about 300K, but that's still pretty damn big. Can't really make it much smaller without tons of quality loss.
  18. Yay or nay? Is it too slow/laggy? Should it disappear when scrolling or stay fixed? Different image, etc, etc.
  19. David


    Well, out of the three you listed I'd have to say Solitude is the best from a pure storage/size/decoration standpoint. Then probably Windhelm, followed by Markarth. Windhelm is the most centralized location if ease of access from the most places on the map is important to you. I personally just bought every house and called Solitude my "main" one. However, I used Whiterun to store almost all of my possessions since it's dead center in the map. Yeah, it's pretty crappy, but all I ever do is enter the door, turn 60 degrees to the right, deposit everything, and then leave. All I even see is the fire animation for half a second.
  20. David


    If money isn't an issue why not just buy all of them?
  21. Not really sure what to tell you, I've never heard of anything like that. If you've ran across some rare bug and don't have any back-up saves you may just have to rebuild the home.
  22. What do you mean it's all gone? Did you lose a few things you had stored there, or are all of the default house items gone? It sounds like you just forgot to save after buying the furniture.
  23. If you're talking about "Scoundrel's Folly", the options are... [*]The Armor upgrade has carrying capacity +35 instead of +20. [*]The Boot upgrade has pickpocket +25% instead of +15%. [*]The Gloves upgrade has lockpicking +25% instead of +15%. [*]The Hood upgrade boosts prices by +15% instead of +10%. So you upgrade 1 piece of the set of your choosing. What's best depends on what you're character needs or is lacking in. Looking at the above stats, IMO you should choose boots/armor depending on what you want. Lockpicking bonuses are useless and chances are unless you're under level 20 something you have tons of cash, rendering the price bonuses moot. After "Under New Management," this Thieves Guild Armor is exchanged for a superior set called the Guild Master's Armor.
  24. Item: Xbox Live Gold 12 Months Price: $32.99 $2.00 shipping brins the deal to $34.99, which is about as low as these ever get. System: ,360, Retailer: Other Deal Link: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1184604&srkey=M17-9358 Click here to view the record
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