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Everything posted by David

  1. You can list other characters if you have a different opinion, but I won't add them to the poll. Why? Because you're wrong. The only true debate is between the characters up top; their douche-baggery is only matched by actual douche-bags and the people that post comments on 9gag.
  2. I'm already at the point where I will simply not purchase any future Assassin's Creed game he is the main character in. It is amazing to me that they took a character as awful as Desmond and made him seem like a godsend during every shitty platforming mission just because you have to listen to - less - douchebaggery (and knowing my opinion of Desmond that's quite a feat).
  3. I've continued to play through the game and Connor has turned into such a giant douchebag I'm having trouble even playing. When he was a teenager or whatever he was annoyingly naive with no personality, which was bad enough. As soon as he "ages" into adulthood (which shows him turning 40+ in "6 months") he becomes utterly unbearable on top of his astounding naivete which he never outgrows. Refusing to shake hands, constantly grabbing and throwing everyone's arm when they touch him with friendly gestures... Then he SCREAMS... Yes, literally screams, shouts, and throws tantrums... About EVERYTHING. Nothing is about the Assassin's at all. Nothing. All he does is flip out whenever something happens regarding his tribe; it's 100% his motivation. He's completely useless as a member of the Assassin's; all he manages to do is get used as pawn of the Patriots and several others. Side gripe: he is ugly as hell. In fact, ALL of the characters are save Haytham and a few others at the beginning. No idea what happened to character modeling in this game. I happened to be reading a thread on another forum where some poster called him a "total Beta." I got a good chuckle out of that, then realized how true it was. He really doesn't have very many redeeming qualities at this point, and saving a complete reversal of character, I don't see myself enjoying his journey as a character at all.
  4. Amazon has Borderlands 2 for $29.99 on both the 360 and PS3. Deal comes with free shipping.
  5. Item: Borderlands 2 Price: $29.99 Amazon has Borderlands 2 for $29.99 on both the 360 and PS3. Deal comes with free shipping. System: ,360,PS3, Retailer: Amazon Deal Link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0050SYK44/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=therebecomm-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B0050SYK44 Click here to view the record
  6. I don't really feel like another topic is necessary so I'll just announce Squishy as winning here.Sadly there is no prize other than satisfaction and the knowledge that Brad posted a gif of himself pooping dildos in the 18+ forum.Carry on.
  7. It's really amused me watching the vote #'s. 3-4 different people have all had 1 vote at different times, and as Squishy's tally grew they slowly all deleted it and moved to the majority opinion. I think I'll write a psych thesis paper on it.
  8. By that you mean 2-3 minutes in Paint.
  9. If you go to the album view (such as http://eldersouls.com/gallery/category/1-skyrim-comics/ ) you can filter by things like that. I think the "Smithing in Skyrim" is the most popular.
  10. David

    How you doingggggg

    Lol'd at the 3 guys checking out her ass in the immediate background. Guy in the yellow shirt:
  11. People always ask me why I hate Desmond. Have you ever tried to board an airplane with that asshole? Hot damn.

    1. Jake


      Wait, you mean there's people who DON'T hate Desmond? I thought such people were a myth.

    2. Blake
  12. David


    It's really awkward seeing a swastika in the dead-center of the page every time I visit.
  13. Within the hour? In U2 and U3 you literally no more than discover the place you've searched for the entire game and then you're sprinting the fuck out of there as it explodes in hilarious fashion. I think in both games combined I explored an area with a square footage about equal to my fucking bathroom. It was really hilarious in U3 because the artifact you search for is never even explained or shown... Except for a period of literally 3 seconds before you "lose it" on purpose. Then you proceed to fire fucking torpedoes OUT OF A PISTOL at support beams for fuck knows why. If only Desmond Miles had had a cameo appearance in Uncharted 1. Then I would only have had to live with his insufferable existence in one Assassin's Creed game instead of like 5.
  14. Haytham is an ultra-suave bad-ass with a refreshing take on the Templar/Assassin conflict. Connor is a whiny punk with 0 personality or ability to be relate-able. Between Connor and Desmond I'm practically rooting for the destruction of the entire Assassin Order. Because fuck them.
  15. Now we just have to get $1 from the other 7 billion people alive right now and then multiply that by 122 million and we'll be getting there!
  16. Pretty much what Tynisa said. You can vote for yourself.
  17. Am I the only one bothered with the fact that you constantly go on these epic adventures to find "treasure", only to ALWAYS end up casually blowing the fuck out of everything when you finally get there? It kind of cheapens the whole adventure/reward experience for me. To summarize the Uncharted games, you're essentially just an extreme racist that kills thousands upon thousands of brown people, all the while razing peaceful villages full of innocent inhabitants to the ground. Then you go on to destroy absolutely priceless artifacts/lost cities that you're trying to "protect from evil".
  18. David


    I really don't know why people feel like the Stormcloak's are the "good" guys and want to play as them. It really felt to me that Bethesda dropped a lot of hints that Ulfric was actually rather evil despite being the "good guy rebel underdog".
  19. Vote for the ES 2012 Member of the Year!1!one

  20. I know no one really cares about the MotM/MotY thing any more, but I have a hard time just up and dropping a 2+ year old tradition. To those unaware, to be entered to win Member of the Year you have to win Member of the Month once in the year the MotY is held for. Everything starts over again in 2013 when January MotM voting happens (if it happens).
  21. Congratulations! Sorry about the long wait on the announcement, I sort of forgot about it.
  22. Available from EA's Origin store. Crysis Crysis 2 - Maximum Edition
  23. Item: Crysis, Crysis 2 Maximum Edition Price: $5.00 Available from EA's Origin store. Crysis Crysis 2 - Maximum Edition System: ,PC, Retailer: Other Deal Link: http://store.origin.com/store/ea/en_US/DisplayProductDetailsPage/productID.248837800 Click here to view the record
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