I've continued to play through the game and Connor has turned into such a giant douchebag I'm having trouble even playing. When he was a teenager or whatever he was annoyingly naive with no personality, which was bad enough. As soon as he "ages" into adulthood (which shows him turning 40+ in "6 months") he becomes utterly unbearable on top of his astounding naivete which he never outgrows. Refusing to shake hands, constantly grabbing and throwing everyone's arm when they touch him with friendly gestures... Then he SCREAMS... Yes, literally screams, shouts, and throws tantrums... About EVERYTHING. Nothing is about the Assassin's at all. Nothing. All he does is flip out whenever something happens regarding his tribe; it's 100% his motivation. He's completely useless as a member of the Assassin's; all he manages to do is get used as pawn of the Patriots and several others. Side gripe: he is ugly as hell. In fact, ALL of the characters are save Haytham and a few others at the beginning. No idea what happened to character modeling in this game. I happened to be reading a thread on another forum where some poster called him a "total Beta." I got a good chuckle out of that, then realized how true it was. He really doesn't have very many redeeming qualities at this point, and saving a complete reversal of character, I don't see myself enjoying his journey as a character at all.