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Everything posted by David

  1. Have I crossed the invisible line?
  2. Does anyone think that we should create new forums for the upcoming DLCs? Obviously the Skyrim sections are slow as hell right now, but by creating new forums we may be able to pull in substantial traffic from phrases like "Dawnguard Forum" when all these DLCs are released on the PS3/PC. I mean... Yeah. That was mostly because I made that "Where to Buy Property" guide before it was released, but that's a good example of having sure-fire search term in Google before the thing even comes out. Going off of that topic, if 360 players have a list of common questions or things they searched for after having bought the DLCs, it would be great if they could be listed here so we could start building FAQ's and stuff to help people with.
  3. Amazon has Far Cry 3 for $34.99 on the 360, PS3, and PC. Free shipping is included. Deal link is below. Note that you can change the console you're buying the game on the page itself.
  4. Item: Far Cry 3 Price: $34.99 Amazon has Far Cry 3 for $34.99 on the 360, PS3, and PC. Free shipping is included. Deal link is below. Note that you can change the console you're buying the game on the page itself. System: ,360,PS3,PC, Retailer: Amazon Deal Link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0050SYV70/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B0050SYV70&linkCode=as2&tag=therebecomm-20 Click here to view the record
  5. Item: PSN Titles Price: $0.00 PSN is running a sale on the following items from January 22nd to the 28th. [*]LittleBigPlanet Karting – Regular $39.99, Sale $19.99, PS Plus $10.00 [*]The Unfinished Swan – Regular $14.99, Sale $7.49, PS Plus $3.75 [*]Ratchet & Clank – Regular $14.99, Sale $7.49, PS Plus $3.75 [*]Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy – Regular $7.99, Sale $3.99, PS Plus $2.00 [*]Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds Complete Collection – Regular $24.99, Sale $12.49, PS Plus $6.25 [*]Warp – Regular $9.99, Sale $4.99, PS Plus $2.50 [*]Shank 2 – Regular $9.99, Sale $4.99, PS Plus $2.50 [*]NiGHTS into dreams… – Regular $9.99, Sale $4.99, PS Plus $2.50 [*]Jet Set Radio – Regular $9.99, Sale $4.99, PS Plus $2.50 [*]The House of the Dead: OVERKILL Extended Cut – Regular $19.99, Sale $9.99, PS Plus $5.00 [*]Psychonauts – Regular $9.99, Sale $4.99, PS Plus $2.50 [*]Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 13 – Regular $39.99, Sale $19.99, PS Plus $10.00 [*]Machinarium – Regular $9.99, Sale $4.99, PS Plus $2.50 System: ,PS3, Retailer: Other Deal Link: Click here to view the record
  6. PSN is running a sale on the following items from January 22nd to the 28th. LittleBigPlanet Karting – Regular $39.99, Sale $19.99, PS Plus $10.00 The Unfinished Swan – Regular $14.99, Sale $7.49, PS Plus $3.75 Ratchet & Clank – Regular $14.99, Sale $7.49, PS Plus $3.75 Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy – Regular $7.99, Sale $3.99, PS Plus $2.00 Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds Complete Collection – Regular $24.99, Sale $12.49, PS Plus $6.25 Warp – Regular $9.99, Sale $4.99, PS Plus $2.50 Shank 2 – Regular $9.99, Sale $4.99, PS Plus $2.50 NiGHTS into dreams… – Regular $9.99, Sale $4.99, PS Plus $2.50 Jet Set Radio – Regular $9.99, Sale $4.99, PS Plus $2.50 The House of the Dead: OVERKILL Extended Cut – Regular $19.99, Sale $9.99, PS Plus $5.00 Psychonauts – Regular $9.99, Sale $4.99, PS Plus $2.50 Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 13 – Regular $39.99, Sale $19.99, PS Plus $10.00 Machinarium – Regular $9.99, Sale $4.99, PS Plus $2.50
  7. David


    I will never unsee this.
  8. Is it me or are the weekends/days-off always the slowest around here?

    1. Fergal


      Lol, never seen you as David on forums. xD

    2. David


      Really? I've even been "Wilson"!

    3. Fergal


      Think I've seen Traaginen, Tragic_Shadows, Wilson and possible more, but not David. Only even on IRC as [`David] :P

  9. /b/ is basically the only one I've ever looked at, mainly because of its reputation. I'm always pretty disappointed; it's just flat-out not that funny most of the time. It's not like they've really churned out memes recently either. I was surprised when I saw you pop-in, by the way. Welcome back. Sigh. Yeah. Sadly the only attractive girl in the class produced about 75% of my hilarious quotes, so now I have nothing to use as a distraction unless I can get over what I'm assuming is a mild learning disability. Actually, what am I saying? Does anyone actually go for intelligence?
  10. This. In fact, I've grown so used to deleting all of your posts here I'm still wondering whether or not this is just a troll thread.
  11. Since statistics are always interesting, I figured I'd post the following table highlighting the most popular articles on Elder Souls. I was going to sort them ALL by author and tally the views to create the biggest pissing-contest cluster-fuck possible. Sadly I lack any easy way to do this and am already procrastinating work, so I'll just do the top 12 (because screw top 10 lists). The following numbers are based off of the articles only, and do not take into account topic views (some of these articles have 10,000+ topic hits). [table] [th]Article[/th][th]Article Hits[/th][th]Author[/th] [td]Skyrim: Master Conjuration, Smithing, and Enchanting[/td][td]119,122[/td][td]Traaginen[/td] [td]Marriable Characters in Skyrim[/td][td]42,112[/td][td]Traaginen[/td] [td] Words of Power: Locations and Information[/td][td]33,471[/td][td]Blexun[/td] [td]The Different Types of Gamers[/td][td]24,387[/td][td]Squishy[/td] [td]Skyrim: Dragon Priest Mask Locations[/td][td]24,035[/td][td]Blexun[/td] [td]How to Get Married in Skyrim[/td][td]23,032[/td][td]Traaginen[/td] [td]Boosting Armor, Weapon, and Item Stats in Skyrim[/td][td]22,164[/td][td]Blexun[/td] [td]How to Cure/Become a Vampire in Skyrim[/td][td]13,638[/td][td]Traaginen[/td] [td]Hearthfire - Where and How to Buy Property[/td][td]13,064[/td][td]Traaginen[/td] [td]The Dark Knight Rises - Plot Holes and Problems[/td][td]12,172[/td][td]Traaginen[/td] [td]This Week in Gaming: Releases, iPhone 5, and G4[/td][td]10,812[/td][td]Deathirst[/td] [td]8 Sites That Probably Aren't Worth Your Time***[/td][td]9,792[/td][td]Blexun[/td] [/table]***There is some serious Skynet-esque bot action going on here, methinks.Following the top twelve are my "Fastest Ways to Level" guide at 9,291, Unknown's two table-based articles at ~7,850 each (they are weirdly close), and then the Gaming News stuff Squishy and I have done. Things to take away from this... Original content is king unless you're Deathirst. By this I mean that 'Gaming News' articles are good because they can be mass-produced but individually never get high view totals. If you're wondering how I got a rather shitty guide (compared to the others) to 120,000 views and blew away the competition, it was because I posted links to it on forums and Yahoo Answers many times. Networking your stuff works. Is this a Skyrim site or something? This isn't fair to a lot of the newer stuff that's been published, but yeah. I'll save the views/day and what-not for another day.
  12. Basically you run around doing things, and through these actions your skills will begin to increase in level. After a number of skills have increased, your character itself goes up a level. Every time you get a "character level" you select one of three things to increase: magicka (how many spells you can cast), health (health), or stamina (how long you run/how much you carry). You will also be able to choose 1 perk that will give you some sort of bonus in a skill. These range from things like +25% damage from that skill or the ability to get a "decapitation" animation. Basically it's exactly like Fallout. How OP you are is more an effect of your perks than the actual level of your skills. You can still technically get behind enemies if you increase literally no combat skills for 40+ levels, but it's way harder to do than in previous games. Enemies aren't scaled in the shitty ways of yore either; certain places have tough enemies, and other places have shitty weaklings. They do scale with you, but it's not like Oblivion where you can get 1-hit by some average Joe you tried to pick-pocket.
  13. Don't see much downside at that price. Worst case you can flip it for like a $5 loss. Not really sure what you mean by this, but Skyrim's leveling system was completely different than Morrowind's and Oblivions. You don't select Major/Minor skills anymore and you can just play and let leveling happen on its own more or less. Pros: conforming to society. Ability to say you played one of the - arguably - best games ever. Increase your eldersouls.com e-bench. Seriously, do you even lift? Cons: conforming to society. Potential to lose $5 and/or your significant other. As far as navigating goes I'd pay a few dollars just to play with the game's map. IT'S IN QUASI 3D. BUY BUY BUY.
  14. Fixed the last two. As for the other one, though, I have no idea how or why that's happening so we're probably just going to have to live with it. It affects virtually nothing anyway since every just uses quick reply. Changed it back (mostly). Added fade-in/out to the secondary nav (black bar), mainly because I feel it's a lot smoother. Also added a drop-down to the applications tab for members (though I think it's broken in IE).
  15. David

    Anyone here?

    This isn't even a RuneScape site.
  16. No problem, let us know if you ever need anything else.
  17. You can bring up the console commands by hitting the tilde "~" key, which is to the left of the "1" on most keyboards. Then it depends on what you want to do. Lets say you want to set yourself to a certain stage/part/journal entry of a quest. You could use the setstage command, which is formatted like... setstage <quest ID> <stage #>Since I'm assuming you want to harvest the blood instead of skipping that stage of the quest, you'd enter this... setstage DA04 40This will put you at stage 40 of the Discerning the Transmundane quest. To learn what stage corresponds to what number, UESP has the list at the bottom of every quest page.
  18. David


    If she's been missing for a long time it's probably not good. There are a lot of other threads on this; I'll list them below and you can look through the suggestions. http://eldersouls.com/topic/2785-lost-lydia/ http://eldersouls.com/topic/1694-lydia-disappeared-hasnt-shown-up-anywhere/ http://eldersouls.com/topic/119-followers-keep-saying-i-have-a-follower-when-i-dont http://eldersouls.com/topic/93-lynda-is-lost/ http://eldersouls.com/topic/3450-cant-find-lydia/ If none of the above help, post again here with more details on your situation and maybe we can come up with something else.
  19. Open the Skyrim Questions forum to guest posting for the first time in months and get hit with two threads in like 3 hours. I can just imagine helpless Skyrimer's f5'ing the page for months at a time in tears as the "Start New Topic" button doesn't appear.

  20. Blogs, Store, Gallery, and Downloads have all been updated. I also added the search bar back after I was about to yell at someone for not using it and then realized it wasn't there. Oops. All known bugs have been fixed except... [*]Static menu + posting table [*]Static Menu + active tab. [*]Search bar on mouse-over.
  21. Pretty good deal if you don't want to wait for the Gold Edition that I'm sure they'll release. Comes with free-shipping. I couldn't believe it when I saw "6", I think the last one I played was 3 or something.
  22. Item: Resident Evil 6 Price: $29.99 Pretty good deal if you don't want to wait for the Gold Edition that I'm sure they'll release. Comes with free-shipping. I couldn't believe it when I saw "6", I think the last one I played was 3 or something. System: ,360,PS3, Retailer: Amazon Deal Link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0050SXLQC/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=therebecomm-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B0050SXLQC Click here to view the record
  23. I kind of feel like a sell-out for likely buying all of the DLC, but it's hard for me to justify passing up 50% off on each. The sad thing is I'll probably end up buying them and then never even starting any of it since Skyrim is so far back in my priority list now. Then Bethesda will continue their evil ways, knowing that after everything they still conned me out of my monies.
  24. I have heard of some other people having that problem, but it's quite rare (maybe because most people aren't under 15 when the attempt it), and may have been fixed by one of the patches. Before trying much else I'd make sure you have your game updated to the most recent version. People have seemed to be able to solve the bug by reloading the game and waiting until level 15 to hand over the Lexicon, but that's obviously a pretty horrible option since you're level 42+. I'm only mentioning it in case if someone else finds this thread that's still under 15. Your options can depend on whether you have the game on the 360, PS3, or PC. PC players can use console commands to advance through the quest. 360 and PC users have said that they've received the courier and letter by waiting in Winterhold/other major cities). The PS3 seems to be the odd one out, but I'd still try waiting just to see if it works. I'm sorry if the above don't work, this is a bug that doesn't really have a lot of sure-fire fixes. Let us know what happens, if it doesn't work maybe we can try something else.
  25. Made quite a few changes; let me know your thoughts. You will probably need to clear your browser's cache to see them. I've changed/redesigned the following... [*]Navigation buttons (the static ones that follow you as your scroll). [*]Now indent to tell you what application you're on. [*]Secondary navigation (the triangular buttons that list the forum structure, i.e. Forum Index > Community Discussion > Thread Name [*]Added to the "home" application that holds articles. Still seeing if I can remove it on the home page itself since it's dumb there. [*]The topic view (what you see now) so that the borders of all posts blend into the sides. [*]The board index category blocks have been changed. There are now no borders, and the title areas lost the blue-hue + rounded edges graphic in exchange for what's there now. This changes quite a lot across the site since they were used in several places. [*]Tons of little adjustments to size/borders/etc. Known Bugs [*]I'm aware that Gallery is a total mess still. [*]The index of "Blogs" is broken. [*]When posting a topic (not quick reply) the static menu goes behind the post table. [*]Ditto for active tab under member profiles. [*]Sigh. Whoo for custom things.
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