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Everything posted by David

  1. David


    Go into any town. Pretty much everyone carrying a shield / wearing a helmet is a guard.
  2. David


    No, you have to talk to a guard regardless. They're who you pay the bounty too. After the bounty is paid, you shouldn't be attacked anymore.
  3. David


    Talk to a guard. You will have two options - paying the bounty or going to jail. Since you just attacked a chicken, the bounty should be pretty low. However, since you just started, you still may not have enough gold. In that case, you can just go to jail, click on the bed, and "sleep" through it. If the guards automatically start attacking you on sight, press and HOLD the button to sheathe your weapon (I would tell you the specific button but I don't know what system you're playing on). They will then approach and talk to you.
  4. Honestly, I'm not sure what else you can try. You should contact the official customer support via email or phone. They should be able to help you.
  5. I've read a ton of posts from people on Reddit who like the change and are planning on trying the game now. If nothing else, there should be an influx of new players. I know that I, personally, probably wouldn't have played it after my first included month. It's just not worth $60 + $15 x infinity. Some old people should come back, and a bunch of new people will hopefully start. I think I paid $40 for my copy around release. Since the game is still going to be B2P, I don't feel that ripped off. Assuming I play it (eventually), I'll probably be out ~$15-20 just for the difference in the base cost. Not that bad. Of course, I've been planning on starting it for a year now... Being an adult sucks, I guess. ESO will have no impact on TES:VI even if it totally flames out now. The sad truth is that Zenimax is just a mid-tier developer. At best. ESO was doomed to this fate from the beginning.
  6. http://www.pcgamer.com/the-elder-scrolls-online-drops-subscription/ And I still have an unused month left.
  7. Once Dawnguard is installed, I believe (but am not positive) that vampires exclusively use vampire armor/robes. They should start spawning around level 48.
  8. Not sure what else you can do besides exiting/entering the cell. Have you tried spawning it somewhere else, just to see if it works? Unfortunately 102010 is the only code I know of.
  9. That won't restore the Skyrim files -- they're not gone, just overwritten as an autosave. I'd advise against doing the above because there's a chance you'll actually lose files and/or settings. You're talking about the Thieves guild base, correct? This shouldn't have anything to do with the quest issues. Please refer to this guide. Before anything else, make sure you've done the pre-requisite quest, Scoundrel's Folly. If everything appears to be in order, follow the detailed walkthrough for as long as you can until you run into trouble. Then you can post back here with the specific paragraph you can't complete so we're all on the same page.
  10. Assuming you are talking about your bandwidth limits -- almost certainly. The initial download / install file is something like 30 GBs, but you can always just buy the physical copy to avoid this. After that, though, just playing the game shouldn't eat up much bandwidth at all.
  11. As in Oblivion or Morrowind? I'm not sure I understand your question.
  12. Your RAM is good. Your graphics card is probably fine for low / medium settings (source). Your CPU should have a model number like "E8400" that's probably necessary to tell you much more about it specifically, but it does meet the minimum system requirements. In other words, I do not believe you will be able to hit high settings without lag. However, you should be able to run the game fine on medium with some tweaks. Low settings at worst. I recommend using this site for additional / in-depth information. http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri
  13. Cure yourself of werewolf-itis and see if anything changes. Since I'm assuming you don't want to do this permanently you don't need to save, just do it to see if that chances the enchanting result.
  14. The characters' enchanting perks and/or active effects are probably different.
  15. dat markdown. As someone who is not typically tempted by such things... I want it. For deer hunting.
  16. Can you be more specific regarding what happens? Is there any pattern to when it crashes?
  17. There's dialogue that's available right after the wedding ceremony where you can decide to live either in their house (if they own one) or one of yours. If you didn't go through this dialogue, you should double-check Vindrel Hall, the temple you married at, and all your personal homes in addition to the place you first met them. If he really can't be found, there's some good news and bad news. The bad news -- there's bug that causes your spouse to disappear after leaving the marriage ceremony. However, the good news is that this can probably be fixed. PC and Console Solution Leave the Temple of Mara and either wait or do something else for at least 1 in-game day. Re-entering the temple may (or may not) solve the issue. PC-Only Solution Open the console with the tilde ( ` ) key and type the following... player.moveto (NPC RefID)Replace (NPC RefID) with the spouse's ID (for Argis the Bulwark, it's 000A2C92), then hit enter. You should appear next to your spouse. Example command below. player.moveto 000A2C92
  18. Is this still an issue, or has the page up/down solution solved it?
  19. Is this a mod or something you did yourself with the console?
  20. Installing from Steam is the same as doing so from a disc. Uninstall/reinstall won't cause you to lose any data/progress.
  21. Make sure the DLC is installed and enabled. You can check by right-clicking the game on Steam's game list, selecting properties, and then navigating to the DLC tab on the pop-up. Sometimes it takes awhile for Steam to install it. On the same pop-up, I'd also check the Local Files tab and hit the Verify Integrity of Game Cache button. Let it run for a bit until completion. Let me know if problems still persist after going through the above.
  22. You need to go to Morthal. If people are attacking you, that means you are a stage 4 vampire. To stop the attacks, you need to revert to stage 1 before visiting Falion (guy in Morthal who will cure the disease). All you need to do to revert to stage 1 is to feed on someone while they sleep. This will allow you to peacefully enter towns so you can cure the disease for good. Here's a full explanation - https://eldersouls.com/_/skyrim/guides/how-to-curebecome-a-vampire-in-skyrim-r15
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