I know the forum has been pretty slow recently with the aging of Skyrim and... Well, the state of ESO... So I thought I'd make this thread for those of us still lurking. Anyway, most of you probably noticed that I've been pretty inactive around here for the better part of a year. I just finished my final semester of college about a month ago. I tried to finish strong and boost my sorry GPA a bit, which unfortunately meant cutting out some of the pet projects (such as this place) that were dominating my time. Now that college is done, my days are spent studying for graduate school tests and stressing about letters of recommendation, careers, white picket fences, and the like. My time still isn't going to magically rebound to what it was once was, but after July I expect my helmed-alpaca avatar will be seen around these parts more often. I've spent the last couple of days procrastinating horribly -- naturally this means that the site sees a few updates. The changes were pretty modest, but I'm happy to see the horrible background image and header/footer gradients go. If any of you are feeling nostalgic or just hate change, I made the previous version of the skin available as "Original" in the skin selector. So I guess that's me. What's new with you, ElderSouls.com?