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Everything posted by David

  1. Do you really think someone would do that? Live in Skyrim and tell lies?
  2. Maybe in TES:VI?
  3. At least you can always rely on family.
  4. Son, we need to talk...
  5. What was the last quest that you completed, specifically? Under New Management?
  6. Have you tried holding down Alt + F4? That should force the doors open.
  7. Has this already been done or are you still looking for help?
  8. You can play all three on one character. The DLCs expand the game and can all be used / played simultaneously.
  9. There are armor pieces laying around in the Thieves Guild Ragged Flagon - Cistern that you can take. In the training room area there's a respawning set on the tables and cupboards. Also, there's a random event that happens when you travel to Riften where a thief is killed by guards. You can loot an entire set off the corpse.
  10. There's no way to revive dead NPCs back to their normal function. You'll have to revert to a previous save before you killed him, unfortunately.
  11. Assuming you own a house somewhere in Skyrim, she will move in with you there. If you own multiple houses, you can choose which one is your primary residence (she will move there).
  12. He spent so many years asking people who they were, he never thought to ask himself.
  13. You'll need the PC version to mod your own saves. Since Skyrim is a pretty old game at this point you'll probably have a hard time finding someone willing to do custom edits for you.
  14. Does it only happen on one save file / character, or does it happen regardless of what character you're playing?
  15. David


    As far as I know nothing happens to Erikur in either of his quests, so yes, you should still be able to talk to him.
  16. There are some bugs with that quest that can happen if you get any of the marks prior to starting the quest. Do you have the PC version or are you playing on one of the consoles? 360 / PS3 Try talking to Svana (exhausting all dialogue options), then talk to Haelga again. Not sure if it will work or not. If not, you may have to reload a previous save. PC Open the console with the tilde key (`) and then enter the following command. setstage FreeformRiften11 70You should get a quest update that tells you to speak to Svana to finish the quest.
  17. Nope. You can't receive a sleeping bonus as a werewolf, so there's no effect to test in the first place. Normally (when you're not a werewolf), a message will appear telling you what bonus you received, e.g. "You awaken feeling Well Rested." If you have Hearthfire DLC, you can adopt children. There is no way to have biological children regardless of spouse combinations.
  18. It depends on what you do after casting bound. To get conjuration experience with bound, you have to cast the spell while in combat OR cast it before combat and then enter combat while the effect is still active. The latter route might give you less experience, I'm not sure. Yes. The enemy will just temporarily stop trying to attack you. Yes, because you will be entering combat with the effect active. There are ways to level both skills that are far faster and more efficient. Check out our leveling guide if you're trying to level as fast as possible.
  19. Weren't you in the Philippines? That's a pretty major change to describe in five words. What drove the move? The next time I'm staring belligerently at Canada from the edge of Lake Superior, I'll wave to you.
  20. I can only imagine that in the last 4 days since your post you've logged about 40 hours.
  21. I still haven't even played ESO despite pre-ordering it months before release for $40. I've heard it's improved substantially since it went gold, but I have no basis for comparison so that might not actually mean anything.
  22. The site will be offline year-round except for one day - Easter - when it will spring to life like a Phoenix from ashes. There will be much rejoicing. On a serious note, it's going to stay pretty much the same until news of the next TES game starts coming out. Then the place will once again become a hype train / rumor mill until the release, at which point mechanics and specific details can be covered. So long as it pays for its own server costs (and I don't see that changing anytime soon), I don't feel the need to change anything. The forum is pretty inactive, but the overall traffic is consistently the same (with the exception of ESO's release). I don't know what else I could do with an "eldersouls" domain name other than have a TES site anyways. On the software side, I no longer plan to update ES to IPS 4. There'd be far too much time required to re-do the skin from scratch and fix the things that will inevitably break for modest benefits. That's something I'll look at again when the next TES game comes out.
  23. I know the forum has been pretty slow recently with the aging of Skyrim and... Well, the state of ESO... So I thought I'd make this thread for those of us still lurking. Anyway, most of you probably noticed that I've been pretty inactive around here for the better part of a year. I just finished my final semester of college about a month ago. I tried to finish strong and boost my sorry GPA a bit, which unfortunately meant cutting out some of the pet projects (such as this place) that were dominating my time. Now that college is done, my days are spent studying for graduate school tests and stressing about letters of recommendation, careers, white picket fences, and the like. My time still isn't going to magically rebound to what it was once was, but after July I expect my helmed-alpaca avatar will be seen around these parts more often. I've spent the last couple of days procrastinating horribly -- naturally this means that the site sees a few updates. The changes were pretty modest, but I'm happy to see the horrible background image and header/footer gradients go. If any of you are feeling nostalgic or just hate change, I made the previous version of the skin available as "Original" in the skin selector. So I guess that's me. What's new with you, ElderSouls.com?
  24. Try the following two commands in succession... setstage CW02B 200setstage CW03 10Hopefully that will start Message to Whiterun.
  25. The Civil War quest line has quite a few bugs, so it's not surprising that you've ran into issues. However, they're normally very easy to solve using the setstage command so long as you're willing to bypass a bit of role-playing. The fact that you've already tried setstage without success is a bit worrying; it may indicate that you've caused some issues with previous commands that weren't apparent until now. Completequest shouldn't ever be used. It's a buggy command and it's hard to ever be sure what's going on with it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it just updates the journal (hence your "Completed" pop-up) without actually changing anything else. Setstage is a better alternative. What stage of Jagged Crown were you supposed to be at prior to doing completequest? I'm assuming resetquest put you at stage 0 -- i.e. "I've decided to help the Stormcloaks drive the Empire out of Skyrim. I should talk to Galmar Stone-Fist to get my first assignment." -- but did you successfully do anything after that? Assuming 1) you haven't saved your game since trying completequest, and 2) that you have the crown in your possession, try the following. setstage CW02B 180Alternatively, try the following two commands in succession... resetquest CW02Bsetstage CW02B 30 Let me know what happens (if anything).
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