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Everything posted by David

  1. So the daggers you're using are not bound or enchanted, right? That's the main potential problem. The additional words should only amplify the magnitude of the effect (1.3 pts for one word, 1.5 for two, and 1.7 for three), so I'm confused what you mean by this. How are you measuring that they're not working? Remember, you have to manually unlock additional words by spending a dragon soul in your magic / shout menu. If you can temporarily disable all mods at once, you can try doing so to see if the problem is resolved. But I do think that it sounds like you're using a bound / enchanted dagger, so checking that should be the first step.
  2. Is the dagger bound or enchanted? Elemental Fury doesn't affect bound or enchanted weapons, nor any type of bow. If you have any mods installed, they also might be potential culprits.
  3. First of all, disable all of the mods you've installed that are related to marriage / divorce. It's likely they're creating conflicts and other issues that may be to blame for some of your problems. So my best guess is that your original wife Camilla isn't actually dead or gone as far as the game is concerned. Spawning a new Camilla via the console commands could result in another "copy" if you used her BaseID (0001347B) instead of the RefID (00013488). Spawned Camilla may not have any marriage dialogue options because she's no longer in the right marriage faction. Of course, this theory depends on what you mean by "spawn Camilla in Riverwood" and the specific command you used. Anyways, a possible fix. First, open the console with Spawned Camilla in view. Click on her with your mouse to target her (her ID should appear on top of the console screen - take note of this!). Try the following commands in succession. addtofaction 00019809 1Setrelationshiprank NPC ID 4 Player.setrelationshiprank NPC ID 4Replace NPC ID with whatever the console gives you when you click on Camilla. Without closing the console, continue with... DisableEnableThis hopefully resets her dialogue. You should now be able to re-marry her. To resurrect Lucien, try the following... prid 00013487moveto playerenableresurrect 1Let me know if the above works.
  4. I'm not positive what you mean by "moving magician," but some NPCs, like Orchendor, are able to teleport short distances. If that's the case, you can only stop it by defeating them.
  5. I've always played mages. Altmer's running around with destruction magic are my thing. Morrowind. Oblivion. Every TES game, I find myself starting and ending with a mage. Mages in Skyrim suck. Prior to a few days ago, I had never played more than 10 minutes as an archer. Bows always felt clunky and unwieldy to me whenever I happened to misclick-equip one and run with it for a few minutes. I never understood how you could accurately hit moving enemies long-range without an area effect. I didn't think that the damage was significant compared to one-handed builds with enchanted and improved weapons. I was wrong. I give you my latest build. Well, my re-purposed old build. Introducing my new stealthy archer. I used his limitless wealth and 100 Enchanting / Smithing / Alchemy to get top-of-the-line gear even though he was a novice in the relevant skills. With fully improved armor (enchanted with fortify archery and muffle) and a dragonbone bow / arrows, I was one-shotting some enemies even with ~30 archery. Sneak attacking (2x damage) consistently does so with any enemy. The combat is so much more satisfying than Skyrim's other two options. Magic is criminally under powered to the point of being useless as anything other than a supplement. Melee is just... Boring. It's been well-covered elsewhere. Skyrim doesn't have great combat mechanics in the first place, and melee is particularly weak. Unlike the other two disciplines, using a bow actually requires a bit of skill. Not much, but certainly more. There's a great deal of suspense in sneaking up on a group of enemies and then silently dispatching them long-range. Going for the perfect shot requires adjusting for distance by aiming above or below your target. Sometimes your arrow will sail just inches over an NPCs head. Controllers are thrown, keyboards slammed. Sometimes you get a head-shot. The THHHWWWP you're rewarded with has to be the best sound in Skyrim. Shhh. No tears. Only dreams now. I giggle like a school girl every time I see the NPC slump over. A silent guardian. A watchful protector. A dark knight. All in all, I highly recommend making a stealth archer build. I can't see myself playing as anything else from here on out.
  6. David

    Stealth Archer Build

    From the album: Traaginen's Album

    Looking back, I can't believe I bothered with other builds.
  7. David

    Traaginen's Album

  8. David

    A Dark (K)Night

    From the album: Traaginen's Album

    A silent guardian. A watchful protector. A dark knight.
  9. David


    From the album: Traaginen's Album

    Shh. No tears. Only dreams now.
  10. Not a single comment on my recent image discoveries. :(

  11. David

    Skyrim Guards

    Years of wearing tight leather helmets have taken their toll.
  12. Did you know about any of these?
  13. If you killed her, she's not important for the quest-line (unless you ran into some rare bug). You can continue the quest line as normal.
  14. If you're serious, the game usually won't let you kill any NPC that is necessary for a major quest.
  15. I'M HERE TO HELP! No. Well, maybe. Probably yes.
  16. David

    Door Riddles

    For real though, does anyone really try?
  17. Just another day at the college campus.
  18. David

    Combat Slaves

    The real purpose of Skyrim's children.
  19. *Game of Thrones theme plays*
  20. The many faces of Satan.
  21. Elite can be killed by pick-pocketing their Briarheart.
  22. "But if you have a laser pointer, this will suffice."
  23. That's one way to hunt deer.
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