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Everything posted by David

  1. I stated that you have to be in the same cell as the item for it to work. This information is out of the wiki.
  2. That command gives you the RefID. The RefID denotes a specific copy of an object, while the BaseID is the prototype code for an object. I did forget that the RefID won't work unless the item is currently loaded, so you'd have to visit the area the item is in before you attempt to use the code. You might want to try it next to the object just to confirm this is the case. You can also drop all of the leading 0's in RefIDs, so 0002345 can just be entered as 2345.
  3. This post is pretty in-depth and has several methods. Except the following... The easiest method is probably to hit "more reply options" when posting. Hit "choose files" below the post box on the resulting page, and then select the file to upload from your computer. After that it's just a matter of hitting "Add to post" after the upload is finished.
  4. Not that I know of, unfortunately. Have you looked into using the creation kit? It's a powerful modding tool, and more in-line with these type of things than console codes.
  5. Wow! This thread was posted a long time ago. I apologize for missing it. For future reference, I typically look for topics that have 0 replies when I browse this forum for unanswered questions, so posting twice in a row may increase the chance it will be missed. If you forgot something in the original post, you can always add it in afterwards by using the edit button. Anyways, to answer this question, see my response to your other thread. That should help you since you have specific objects in mind. I will help with anything that won't work, just say the word.
  6. Since you have specific items in mind here, I'll first suggest a method you can try to get the IDs (as I'm not sure where all of these things are located in-game). It's quite simple and should avoid your page up/down issues. Open the console and then click on an object with your mouse / cursor; you should see their ID pop up in the center-top of the console. That's it! Instant ID. Let me what this method won't work with and I'll help with the rest.
  7. I checked again and couldn't reproduce this. However, it occurred to me that you may be using the incorrect page up/down keys on your keyboard. Skyrim typically uses the keys that I outlined in yellow. The keys on the number pad (outlined in red) will not work without some additional fiddling around on your part. This distinction may be important depending on the type / layout of your keyboard (e.g. some keyboards don't have a number pad, and thus only have one set of up/down keys). Do you have a second keyboard that you could test with? You could also experiment with the on-screen keyboard that Windows has.
  8. I just tested registrations myself and was having issues with the server timing out. If you're like me and clicked the "submit" button a second time when it was unresponsive, it probably sent a second captcha response that didn't match what you wrote the first time. The timeout issue should be fixed now, so you should try again. I did notice that Captcha kept serving "Happy Holidays" -- I got this message wrong at least twice for some unknown reason. That might be an issue on their end. If you get that message when you try again and get it wrong, try to register once more and just cycle through the captcha messages using the refresh button on the right side of the captcha box to find something different. If you have any further issues let me know.
  9. What is the specific error that you're getting? If there's just no more room on the disc you'll either need to delete something that's unnecessary to save some space or get a disc with a higher capacity.
  10. Cellular and Molecular Biology.
  11. I couldn't reproduce the issue the last time I tried (when you posted it the first time). I can try again, but it won't be until I'm done with my final exams (December 16th).
  12. 0002996f Nope. You'll have to balance it yourself on something else, somehow.
  13. 1. You can't use the attach image option with URL links. Instead, you select the file from you computer and upload it directly from there. 2. There shouldn't be any 'X'. Revisit the image in this post and make sure you're clicking the right button initially. You should definitely not use Internet Explorer. It's absolutely horrible. Download and use Chrome instead. Maybe that really will fix this issue. Even if it doesn't, though, it's much better than IE. Alternatively Firefox is also very good.
  14. Are you hitting the "Attach to Post" button? After you do that, something like... [attachment=35:01ElIVX.gif]Will be added to your post. That means it worked. You will see the image appear only when you then post / preview this. I don't know what you're talking about here. What X? What browser are you using?
  15. It can depend on the mod. You're best bet is to find a mod you want to install on a place like Nexus and then read the specific instructions listed on the mod's page.
  16. Not a follower per say, but you can cast dead thrall on various NPCs after you've defeated them. Orchendor, an NPC during some quest-line I can't remember the name of, is one of the unique NPCs that can be thrall'd. He's the best combat companion you can have in the game.
  17. You just have to copy the address that's in the "Direct Link" box and then paste it into to pop-up I talked about on this site. This system is standard on every forum, and almost every user-content site for that matter. Facebook and other social media sites are the only ones that don't utilize it. However, there is an easier, social-media esque way to add images. Hit "More Reply Options" when posting on the bottom right. Click "Choose Files" under the attach files heading, which is right under the post box. Select the image you want to post. When it's upload, hit "Add to Post" The only difference is that premium members can use this site to host images instead of imgur. You can become a premium member by visiting the "store" and buying a subscription. However, this may still give you the same issues that imgur is since the concept is the same. I'll look at the Skyrim issues on their specific threads in a bit.
  18. Delete them on by one until you can post. You should re-read what I wrote under common issues though, I can almost guaruntee that's what's happening.
  19. Paste the all links into a post regularly (just like text), and I'll see what's wrong with them.
  20. Nope, you can only ever marry once, regardless of the circumstances.
  21. I have no idea what mods you installed, nor would I know what they do behind the scenes if you told me their names. This is one of the risks in installing multiple mods. All you can do is disable them all, see if the issue is fixed, and then go through them one by one to find the actual culprit. To undo all the damage they've done, you'll have to reload from a save prior to the mods / game issues.
  22. Disable all of your mods and see if that fixes it.
  23. Enable the mods in Steam (selecting the "tick" marks), and I believe it should work.
  24. I'm assuming it's the " / " key on your keyboard. Test it and see. Obviously that button is not on your controller unless you map it to something, but that shouldn't be an issue. Just use the keyboard for a minute, rename your thing, and then switch back to the controller.
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