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Everything posted by David

  1. You'll need to find generic boots with the muffle enchantment effect and then disenchant them so you can apply them to the Daedric boots. It is very rare, unfortunately... You can use the Atronach Forge to obtain a random enchanted piece of Daedric armor, which has an equal chance of being a pair of Daedric Boots of Muffling as any other Daedric armor. Since it is random, make sure to save before activating the forge if you want to get that specific item. Your chances of getting the boots on any given attempt with this method are about 1%, regardless of your level.If you're using the exploit of killing vendors and reloading to get them to restock, The Scorched Hammer in Riften is your best bet, since it has more enchanted armor, on average, than any other vendor. I don't think you're supposed to be able to enchant that. You can try console commands. playerenchantobject <object ID> <MGEF ID> <MGEF ID(optional)>.
  2. They just have different animations.
  3. If it walks away, you don't own it. Mount the horse that doesn't walk away, and then it should fast travel with you from then on. If both fast travel with you, that's unusual. If you created the second horse via console codes, just kill it (or let something else do it).
  4. Wow, that's a lot of writing. You can own more than one horse. All owned horses will stay at the place you last dismounted (others will immediately walk back). If you leave them somewhere for an extended period of time they'll presumably reset back to their normal stable. Despite being able to own multiple horses, only one will ever fast travel with you (the one you most recently rode).
  5. I'm glad I could be of help. But yeah, there's no need to make two threads for one issue. Posting in the same thread accomplishes the same thing and I won't have to clean it up, though it won't make me respond faster either. I've just been unfortunately busy recently.
  6. One of those hipster atheist-slogan t-shirts is clearly the way to go. There's tons of them everywhere too.
  7. High school or college? If the former I'm not sure that you can piss off the administration and not be forced out of it.
  8. Nope. You can only learn of his past through conversation with him. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Rune has all of his dialogue recorded.
  9. Unowned horses will always travel back to their original starting site. Fast travel to the location you found it and it should be there. If not, you'll probably just have to use the in-game wait menu to wait there for a little bit until it spawns / appears again.
  10. Assuming you're talking about the word wall in the Bleak Falls Barrow quest, from what I remember you can go back pretty much everywhere, even up until the very end. I can't really discern where you're at specifically without more details, though.
  11. Are they all refusing to fill up, or just a specific type? Remember that black soul gems are only filled with the souls of humans. If none of them are working, try dropping them all and picking them back up.
  12. Apparently they're now calling Windows 9 --> Windows 10 instead. So much for the good iterations on odd numbers theory.
  13. Couriers can be pretty temperamental. Sometimes they show up right away, sometimes they take ages, sometimes never at all. Either way, you don't really get anything valuable/interesting, so I wouldn't really worry about it. Lydia's body should appear in the Hall of the Dead in Whiterun. Unfortunately you are never able to re-marry in Skyrim, even if you spouse dies. If you have the PC version, you can get around this with console commands.
  14. There are two methods for improving weapons and armor that have already been crafted. Item Quality First of all, you should improve the quality of your armor/weapons using a workbench/grindstone. Whiterun has both of these things located at the smith right next to Breezehome. How much your gear will be improved depends on your smithing level. Assuming you have the smithing perk associated with the material of the item you're improving, at level 100 smithing you'll be able to improve your gear to the "Legendary" level (which is the best). Once done, all items that have been improved will be named "xxxx (Legendary)" to signify their improvement. Enchanting This, more than anything else, determines how good your gear is. You can add up to two additional effects on every weapon -- easily doubling the damage you do with every swing. Fortify Archery, One-Handed, and Two-Handed are the best offensive enchantments and should be put on every article of clothing/armor that they can go on (see link below). With 100 Enchanting and perks, you will do +160% damage assuming you have and are wearing the 4 pieces of clothing that can hold these enchantments. If you want to maximize damage, drink a "+32% Fortify Enchanting" potion before enchanting the 4 pieces to achieve +188% damage. See this page for enchanting effects. If you do both of the above things, your character will have little issue taking anything the game can throw at you. The incidence of dragon attacks is more or less always the same. However, as you level up, stronger dragons will attack you instead of the normal ones. For example, now that you're seeing elder dragons, you will no longer see the normal, weaker variety. Some places, like the College of Winterhold / Winterhold, do seem to have a higher rate of dragon attacks than others.
  15. Doesn't sound like a bug to me -- you're stealing their possessions! You can't go into sneak mode under water, so they can probably see you do it.
  16. Gyldenul Barrow is part of a quest that's essentially a pirate treasure map hunt. There shouldn't be any ramifications for opening the door other than possibly ruining a bit of the surprise in that quest.
  17. It's probably just randomly-generated loot. If you have a high enchanting level, it's better to just disenchant a ring with the same effect (magnitude doesn't matter) so you can turn around and make a better version of it yourself.
  18. 000B9Be0 - two candles in a small plate-looking thing. 7ea42 - a wall candle DAB8B - Not sure. 1F248 - Horn-like candle (1 piece) 1F249 - Large floor horn-like candles B9FAD - Single normal candle 24F20 (and 5AD5B) - Smaller horn-like chandelier 368B2 - tall holder and candle 368C2 - small holder and candle 2D847 - lantern with candle 5D6EA (AND 954A3) - 3-row wall candlelight C4BC2 (AND C4BC4) big chandelier with candles
  19. I don't believe gold is visible in your inventory unless you're depositing it in a container.
  20. Steps Go here. Enter Email Read Email Redeem before October 6th. You can also get an additional gift copy with the same email address.
  21. Item: Tropico 3 Price: $0.00 Steps Go here.Enter EmailRead EmailRedeem before October 6th.You can also get an additional gift copy with the same email address.System: PC Retailer: Other Deal Link: https://www.humblebundle.com/summersale2014-free Click here to view the deal
  22. Nothing like that will happen, you'll hopefully just be able to give her the standard marriage commands. But since Serena specifically has no marriage dialogue built in, it simply might not work. The other console commands in this thread might be technically "working" themselves, but if you have no post-marriage dialogue, there's not much point.
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