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Blog Comments posted by David

  1. Mother lay motionless on the floor next to her brother, a tragic irony that I now find humerous.


    I could understand not caring about the uncle, but that's... A tad psycopathic.


    As the knife passes seamlessly through her head he cries out "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" over and over, hysterically, not only to Mother, but to me. 


    I really liked the last paragraph. The dad must be quite the beast to push a knife so easily through skulls though. He'll be tearing several zombies apart with his bare hands in no time, I'm sure (assuming he makes it that far).


    Damn, only chapter 1 and 2/5 of the immediate characters already dead. Could have been written by George R.R. Martin. 

    • Upvote 1
  2. I'm most impressed by the fact that we were getting one new member a day. Why do they do it? Why do so many people make an account for no obvious reason, and never returns or post something?


    People create an account because we're the shit, then the leave and never return because there's not much content. Hopefully that changes when ESO is actually released.

  3. On a serious note, this brings me onto a point, do we even advertise our site? I mean, you can't expect us to grow if we don't advertise.


    Not really, almost all of our traffic comes from Google. That's usually a really healthy sign, but you're right that we won't grow as a forum without advertising at all. It's something I'll hopefully be able to do more this summer.


    If people have accounts on other semi-related forums, just putting a link in your signatures to here helps a lot.

  4. Lol'd at the 4chan thread. Though I'm not entirely convinced the person sharing the link wasn't you.


    It honestly wasn't. I've never posted anything there and only occasionally browse it, which is why I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw the thread.


    I was looking at the real-time analytics (first image), which shows the page people are coming in from... and then I saw 4chan pop up like 30 times.  After clicking it I saw the OP valiantly sharing our link in the first non-OP post, which was actually fairly retarded of him but whatever.


    I did post it on Youtube quite a bit, which was probably the biggest contributing site.

  5. There i gave your FB page a like so now you went from 36 to 37. :D

    It is appreciated!


    FB is the devil. This is my first visit to your page and I found it through some other page that has an astronomical fanbase already, apparently. (tesof.com)

    Ah, yes. I know of them. Did you find us through their link directory?


    tesof is one site that has skyrocketed because Zenimax has repeatedly advertised them on the official Twitter/Facebook for some reason. I can only contain my jealousy by assuming someone sold their daughter/sister/girlfriend to the Zenimax Twitter manager.


    I was scouting out other websites to see their layout/design/content as I have a domain that I'm not using for elder scrolls. I don't think I can ever develop a website as pretty as yours or the other sites...but bleh. 

    That's probably the best thing you can do to get inspiration for your own design. I'm not really a fan of this layout compared to other TES sites out there, but content is always king anyways.


    Welcome to the site, by the way. It's always good to see new users. :smile:

  6. Am I not one of your readers? And yes, I did notice these things... Like the logo at the bottom. I accidently hovered over it and saw it glow. It made me so amazed I had to click it!


    When I wrote "3 readers" I was just trying to joke a bit that it wasn't a lot, not that it was literally just Blex, Jake, and Fergal. Then they were the only 3 that commented and a little bit of me died inside while another part laughed.

  7. You forgot to mention the big square Elder Souls button that skyrockets you to the top of the page.


    I honestly don't know how long that was there. I just noticed it like 2 weeks ago. Or maybe it was just one week ago.


    Personally though, I need to start cranking out blogs again. I just need inspiration.


    Actually I didn't. L2Read. ;) Edit: (nvm, the joke went over my head. I am shamed).


    However, now that I have a few hours of sleep in me I realized I did forget 3-4 small things as well as the entire reason I started the blog in the first place. Oh well, I guess that means I can write another entry in a few days.


    And you really should, I enjoy reading your stuff. Your Netflix blog has nearly 3k views from actual search traffic.


    I try to tell all my friends about this website, but unfortunately, none of them care enough to like it. Such a shame.


    Eh, I haven't Liked it myself to be honest. Though that's because it seems slightly narcissistic.


    Hell, I would sleep with myself if I could, though. So why not?


    Pfft, David thinks we don't notice his changes!


    I know my 3 readers notice, just no one else. <3

  8. Are you talking about what I mentioned a day or so ago? Don't think I said anything about article tools in here. What I was talking about before was a CKE editor update that will come out with the next version of IPB. I've played with it a bit and it's waaay less buggy / annoying to work with. There aren't a ton of new features, but the current version has a lot of issues with automatically changing things when you're messing with line-breaks and alignment.

    As far as your images request, they already render automatically if you use the image button. Dragging them around in the text editor live is possible, but it's something that IPB themselves will have to implement - it's out of my hands. People always beg for it but they don't seem to listen.

  9. For the third question I meant we'd get rid of the header here (with the Skyrim dude) and replace it with the static menu that follows you.

    I should also mention that with the new layout it's also now mobile compatible. I've also re-done the navigation to make it slightly more obvious/easier to navigate since posting this, though I think it's mostly unfamiliarity. After all, all of the navigation links are the same, just in a different place.

    I guess the Page->Category->Article stuff is gone, but I doubt most of you ever read the articles from there anyway.

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