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What do you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend/partner?


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What is it that you look for? I was known in HS for never being "facebook official" with anyone because I'm a shallow asshole really don't like committing to people when I can just hit on everyone.

Anyways, my things.

1. Attractiveness

- Skinny/in-shape. This isn't politically correct but being in shape is a big part of my life and it's therefore important to me when looking for others.

- Breasts are nice and all, but there's definitely such a thing as too big, and that line is way below what pop culture would have you believe imo. Basically you're good if they're bigger than mine.

- I don't want to see the yellow plaque on your teeth. This was a problem with several girls in my school. That said, I don't have fake pearly whites either necessarily and don't expect it.

2. Must be able to get my subtle/reference-filled/(mean?) sense of humor without getting offended.

3. Have to be able to have intelligent conversations that don't consist of texting this: "hey" | "hey" | "wuts up?" | "nm, u?" | "nothing really"

- When someone texts me this they're instantly deleted from my phone. Happens about 10 times a year.

I know I'm shallow. I don't give a shit, I know what I'm looking for. Don't waste your time telling me how "wrong" I am.

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Anyways, my things.1. Attractiveness- In shape, with some nice curves.- Red hair, weird I know kinda fettish? not ginger but red, a common thing in scotland now a days.- Sense of humour, not a physical feature but something I like in a girl definatly, not one of those prissy girls who don't like to talk about sex and stuff, but not one who's constantly gagging for it.3. Have to be able to have intelligent conversations that don't consist of texting this: "hey" | "hey" | "wuts up?" | "nm, u?" | "nothing really"One girl I know of is all of these things, and I'm currently working on going with her.

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Physically attractive is good, but that's far from the top priority. If I can look at them and not gag, that's enough.As cheesy as this is, and as much shouts of bullshit I expect, the personality is what I like the most. It is also what I depend on the most. After being fucked around by girls who are in some cases LITERALLY models and meeting physically attractive people who have absolutely hideous personalities, this is important to me. I've often fallen into lust with these kinds of people, but the love I desire is at least the girl is pleasant. Finally, the same tastes as me in music, movies, etc. are a huge plus, because I get uber excited because most people born in the last few decades tend to not have tastes as uncommon as mine. If you share the same principles as I do in terms of politics and religion, especially if I haven't even talked to you about them yet, I'm hooked.Judging by my RuneScape name ingame, most of you can probably tell who fits this description for me and who my ideal girlfriend would be.

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As far as looks go, I like girls with big doe eyes and slender frames. I don't care so much if a girl is a little overweight as long as their face is 8/10+ though. I prefer if girls are tall but that's not a dealbreaker. I like brunettes more than blondes and blondes more than redheads. I don't typically care about race but if a girl is Asian and acts anything like my mom I would never date them.As far as breasts go, shape is a lot more important than size. I tell my girlfriend that all the time, she's a little self-conscious about the size of hers (she's 5' 4'' with 32Bs, they're honestly not even that small). In terms of personality, I mostly like girls who are funny. Being super-nice isn't a requirement but if I'm in a shit mood the girl can't make me feel worse about it). I like girls who are "try-hards" and passionate about something. Another thing I like is if a girl is intelligent in a bookish way. If you've read a lot of books you'll understand how I talk IRL a lot more.

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I must be able to easily carry her.

She doesn't mind my smoking(weed/cigs).

Have a taste for multicultural food(ima chef).

Knows how to fight.

Can fire a rifle/shotgun without everyone around her going"OH SHIT!" and diving to the ground.

Short-Medium Length hair.

A Squeezable butt, but not thundering/jiggling.

At least 5'4 to 6'2(i'm 5'7, never cared if my girl was taller then me).

Must enjoy alcohol without getting wasted/still knows what not to do.

Can parallel park.

MasochistSubmissive at times.(im Sadisticstubborn)


In shape.

Doesn't mind me wanting to play video games.

Enjoys/tolerates my craziness.


Not the spoiled/gets-everything/princess type.

Pretty much it.

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a girl who has a great personality+great looks. doesnt care too much about how people may judge her for what she does. independent. easy to speak to( always has something to say, quite the opposite of me actually) isnt stuck up and thinks she deserves the best. smart, i dont want a girl that thinks too short term either. i also plan on travelling the world in my lifetime sooo someone with a big suitcase too. someone who aims high in life.doesnt go for hairdresser or beauty involved jobs. dislike girls that cake themselves in make-up. understanding, patient, outgoing, passionate. friendly (but not too friendly) brunette probably. girls that use '' bby '' all the time annoy me :/. girls that talk about rugby/football are annoying as well, im not team involved and barely ever watch the games or know the teams i just play the sports. slutty girls are a no-no...i dont care how big your boobs are, who knows how many hands have caressed them

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What is it that you look for? I was known in HS for never being "facebook official" with anyone because I'm a shallow asshole really don't like committing to people when I can just hit on everyone.

Anyways, my things.

1. Attractiveness

- Skinny/in-shape. This isn't politically correct but being in shape is a big part of my life and it's therefore important to me when looking for others.

- Breasts are nice and all, but there's definitely such a thing as too big, and that line is way below what pop culture would have you believe imo. Basically you're good if they're bigger than mine.

- I don't want to see the yellow plaque on your teeth. This was a problem with several girls in my school. That said, I don't have fake pearly whites either necessarily and don't expect it.

2. Must be able to get my subtle/reference-filled/(mean?) sense of humor without getting offended.

3. Have to be able to have intelligent conversations that don't consist of texting this: "hey" | "hey" | "wuts up?" | "nm, u?" | "nothing really"

- When someone texts me this they're instantly deleted from my phone. Happens about 10 times a year.

I know I'm shallow. I don't give a shit, I know what I'm looking for. Don't waste your time telling me how "wrong" I am.

How wrong you are? This sounds almost identical to me.
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Contributing.1 Personality- Someone who can deal with my irl shenanigans and have a normal sense of humor.2 Looks - A girl can be a little chunky but nothing crazy. I generally go for girls on the 6-9 scale. (Unless your a supermodel with an outstanding record and like ninjazs your not a 10) And have motivation to be running since I like to jog alot.3 ????? - Enjoy sonic the hedgehog

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Contributing.1 Personality- Someone who can deal with my irl shenanigans and have a normal sense of humor.2 Looks - A girl can be a little chunky but nothing crazy. I generally go for girls on the 6-9 scale. (Unless your a supermodel with an outstanding record and like ninjazs your not a 10) And have motivation to be running since I like to jog alot.3 ????? - Enjoy sonic the hedgehog

That last one is an interesting fetish.
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  • 5 months later...

Oh, I have a story to add that's related to this.So anyways, I'm in college and what-not and I've occassionally texted a few girls I met at ortientation during the summer. One of them made the mistake of getting into a debate about the best/hottest hair color with me, and it continued until I said, "Meh, I don't really even care about hair color. As long as they're in decent shape it's all good."Now, I thought that was a pretty clever thing to say; notice how I didn't mention anything about breasts or asses which is what 99% of guys would say (if they were telling the truth, which I clearly wasn't). I was expecting some type of glowing response about not being shallow. Instead, she exploded on me, and said,"If personality or intelligence isn't on your list I'm not talking to you."She was serious. Since then, no responses and a vengeful glare whenever I pass by irl. Luckily I wasn't invested at all and don't care, but I just think it's funny how petty and insane women can be.My recent cool story bro. Don't expect everyone in college to drop their pants with no effort (although it's mostly the case).

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Oh, I have a story to add that's related to this.So anyways, I'm in college and what-not and I've occassionally texted a few girls I met at ortientation during the summer. One of them made the mistake of getting into a debate about the best/hottest hair color with me, and it continued until I said, "Meh, I don't really even care about hair color. As long as they're in decent shape it's all good."Now, I thought that was a pretty clever thing to say; notice how I didn't mention anything about breasts or asses which is what 99% of guys would say (if they were telling the truth, which I clearly wasn't). I was expecting some type of glowing response about not being shallow. Instead, she exploded on me, and said,"If personality or intelligence isn't on your list I'm not talking to you."She was serious. Since then, no responses and a vengeful glare whenever I pass by irl. Luckily I wasn't invested at all and don't care, but I just think it's funny how petty and insane women can be.My recent cool story bro. Don't expect everyone in college to drop their pants with no effort (although it's mostly the case).

There was this one bisexual I knew who once asked me what was the only thing I looked for in a woman. I wasn't really interested in bullshitting so I said "eyes". Apparently, this was a shallow response. I honestly don't get it sometimes.
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There was this one bisexual I knew who once asked me what was the only thing I looked for in a woman. I wasn't really interested in bullshitting so I said "eyes". Apparently, this was a shallow response. I honestly don't get it sometimes.

I think I have one worse. During orientation for college, I was talking to a some chick. During conversation, it came up that I was a huge fan of swimming pools. She asked me what I looked for in woman's swimming pools and I replied "something not too deep". Apparently this is a shallow response. I honestly don't understand people anymore.
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I think I have one worse. During orientation for college, I was talking to a some chick. During conversation, it came up that I was a huge fan of swimming pools. She asked me what I looked for in woman's swimming pools and I replied "something not too deep". Apparently this is a shallow response. I honestly don't understand people anymore.

I have a feeling that theres a sex joke in there and I don't get it >_<
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