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That One Thing You Really Want

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It's been the Fishing cape since 2007 when I tried to get it the first time. It's coming to an end now.Now my goal is to be entirely self-sufficient and not rely on the GE. Not going to go straight-up DIY though. Just more of an on-principle kind of thing. Afterwards, I honestly have no idea what I want. 90 attack and 90 def for now.

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Well since F2P can't get skillcapes :P my goal is to max out every skill. Which I know sounds unrealistic but I highly doubt I'll get membership unless that happens (well, unless I'm still playing when I move out).

Get mems first. I swear to god, it's like playing a different game. The only problem is that if your mems runs out, you really won't want to play F2P.
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True, but I took a 3 month break from playing RS and now I'm back into it (sadly?).

Change the 3 month break into a 3 year break for me.Hmmm one thing I really want... I guess would be the reason i created this account for many moons ago, and that would be to make money for a phat ha.
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Currently my goal is the Quest cape. I earned it a while back, and now it sits in my bank, unable to put it on... I'm 12 quests away and several skill levels away from getting it, that I don't really want to train lol.Other than that, the only goal that I really see achievable is a skill cape, the closest for me now being cooking and wcing.

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