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Why PC is the best gaming console.


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PC is clearly the hands down winner of the console war. I will explain1: Graphics. PC games have changeable graphics depending on your specs.2: Games. PC has the widest range of games out there.3: Controllers. XBox and PS3 have only one controller type. PS3 players say that the Xbox controller is to big. Xbox players argue that the two analog sticks beside each other is a redundant design. Why not just use a mouse? Mouses come in many different shapes and sizes depending on your hand size and how you play.4: Mods. I will use CoD as an example but this applies to most games. After a couple months of play and some people get bored, the developers release mod tools for the brilliant minds out there to play around with until they come up with an amazing new game type that could include anything. Consoles just don't have this capability.Feel free to discuss these points and add anything on.

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Agree with all your points, except that PC has the widest range of games (it doesn't unless you count older games, much fewer new releases compared to the consoles) and the controllers.I prefer the console control method; it gives me a reason to spread out on a bed/couch and play in comfort. For PCs I tend to sit upright in a chair and it gets annoying after awhile. Graphics on the PC are definitely better, but it could cost you $2,000 too, which isn't really comparable to what you get for $200 with a console. Mods are HUGE though, unbelievable how much they make every game better.

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PC graphics are obviously better, but to be fair, if you have good enough graphics with the consoles, would you really care that much if PC were that bit better? I couldn't care less as long as they are decent. ;) The mods are a great bonus though, love the ones in Counter Strike when I used to play that old game... But I can't agree with the controllers, I'd much rather the compact size of a PS3 controller with the buttons together over a keyboard and mouse. And David has a point there, it's much easier to lay back and relax on the couch rather then sit straight up in front of a computer.Overall, I'd rather the PS3, especially since all my friends play PS3. PC is still good though.

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Agree with all your points, except that PC has the widest range of games (it doesn't unless you count older games, much fewer new releases compared to the consoles) and the controllers.I prefer the console control method; it gives me a reason to spread out on a bed/couch and play in comfort. For PCs I tend to sit upright in a chair and it gets annoying after awhile. Graphics on the PC are definitely better, but it could cost you $2,000 too, which isn't really comparable to what you get for $200 with a console. Mods are HUGE though, unbelievable how much they make every game better.

You can still play GBA/PS64 games on an emulator ;)Besides that, agreed on all point Mageman ;)
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Yup you have a point wen you say that PC have better graphics than consoles but David have a point wen he says that you get good graphics in PC for 1500+ $ and 360 or PS3 is like 200 $ or 300$ only...About the controler, I don't like that much to play fast movement games for example like BF3 or cod or some other games like that in PC, it's not that fun...In other way calm games like adventure or policials.. that shit is better for PC.

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Yup you have a point wen you say that PC have better graphics than consoles but David have a point wen he says that you get good graphics in PC for 1500+ $ and 360 or PS3 is like 200 $ or 300$ only...About the controler, I don't like that much to play fast movement games for example like BF3 or cod or some other games like that in PC, it's not that fun...In other way calm games like adventure or policials.. that shit is better for PC.

You can actually get a computer for so cheap if you buy the parts and put it together yourself. And price can't really be brought into it, as most people already have a serviceable computer and just require a graphics card or ram upgrade.
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you forgot cost... if you want a lagg free game of 20v20 on cod4 on PC you need a good PC... your looking 600£ plus.where as with the xbox and PS3 200£, its lagg free.But I agree I do like PC Gaming, but not for shooters, the controls are too extensive and varied across games "/ find my self hitting every key on the keyboard just to throw a gnade :)

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You can actually get a computer for so cheap if you buy the parts and put it together yourself. And price can't really be brought into it, as most people already have a serviceable computer and just require a graphics card or ram upgrade.

If I wanted to upgrade my PC, he is like 5 6 years old and to get good I would have to make it a graphical + ram + video + audio update and it would cost alot, so basicly depends on the Pc...
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you forgot cost... if you want a lagg free game of 20v20 on cod4 on PC you need a good PC... your looking 600£ plus.where as with the xbox and PS3 200£, its lagg free.But I agree I do like PC Gaming, but not for shooters, the controls are too extensive and varied across games "/ find my self hitting every key on the keyboard just to throw a gnade :)

That's because you have to get used to it, trust me, once you learn to aim with the mouse and move around its much better than a console.
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  • 4 weeks later...

In my opinion, it really depends on the game and whether or not there is a good modding community behind. Games like Skyrim and Oblivion are definitely made much better on the PS3 with modifications. Otherwise, I'd just as soon have the game on a console where I know compatibility won't be an issue.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My computer isn't built for gaming. I plan to fix that when I have the money, though. The games my computer can run, however, are much better on PC. Well, really, the only Ps3 game my PC can run is Portal 2, but that's not the point. I feel the numerous mods make games last much longer on PC. Combine this with a better controller, and you have a superior system. Ps3 is the best for platforming and fighting games, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd say PC is better cause of graphics and speed you can always update your PC but you can't really update you console unless you're getting more space which doesn't really do anything but give you space to DL expansions and save data... PC also has in my opinion more control when gaming like COD 1 button to knife where as a console if you try to knife you might not knife and knife the air cause the stick moved...and you all know it's happened to you.. :P

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PC has the most potential because it can always be updated, console commands, and mods. My biggest fear when buying Steam products and other online games is my computer can't run it. Then I'll be like Fergal. We don't want that. With consoles I don't have to worry about buying games I can't run. WYSIWYG my friend.

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  • 5 months later...

I like both in different ways.Any game with many shortcuts, your going to need a PC; and MMORPG's dont really exist on consoles - so i dont have much choice there.I prefer my xbox for chilling out, comfortably.In all honesty, if i had a better laptop/PC - i'd probably play every game i could on it, so yeah .. bring on cheap PC's

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  • 2 weeks later...

PC is the superior race for one simple reason...What exactly is the PS3 and Xbox360 anyway? Just computers put in special cases. With special precautions so we can't upgrade or mod them. Anything I can do on an Xbox or a PS3. I can do on my PC. It goes both ways though. The only difference is, my PC is a much more open source abnd I can upgrade the hardware as I please. i don't have to wait twelve years for them to decide it's time for a hardware upgrade then drop another $800 on a system that won't even be backwards compatable.

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  • 1 month later...

PS3 or Xbox are better to play, first because they generaly have better graphics than PC and use a command instead of a mouse is more fun Posted Image

That will never be true. Since when did the GAMEPAD, replace the mouse and k/b?

I'm not hating on consoles because i play them for casual gaming but the keyboard allows you to bind keys that are not even possible on the controller?! liar...

True, but you miss out on Demon's Souls, Uncharted, Littlebigplanet, and Dragon's Dogma. I think it's best if a hardcore gamer has a gaming PC and 1 console of his preference.

Yup. True. On a PC you have a choice to watch a youtube walkthrough and play your game at the same time. On a console you cannot do that.

PS3 or Xbox are better to play, first because they generaly have better graphics than PC and use a command instead of a mouse is more fun Posted Image

Since when was that true? when consoles first came out and the whole world was like "OMG IT CAN DEMOLISH PC GAMES!" Well look at the xbox now. RROD?! seriously the PS3 and the PC are the best consoles.

EDIT: Merged posts. Use the "multiquote" button next time for multiple quotations. ;) - Traaginen

^ K thanks Traaginen

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That will never be true. Since when did the GAMEPAD, replace the mouse and k/b?

I'm not hating on consoles because i play them for casual gaming but the keyboard allows you to bind keys that are not even possible on the controller?! liar...

If you want to get technical. The gamepad came first in the world of gaming.

I do agree though, I like my keybindings and my mouse. That's personal preference though. The consoles have found ways around the fact they have limited buttons to give you enough hotkeys for almost everything.

Yup. True. On a PC you have a choice to watch a youtube walkthrough and play your game at the same time. On a console you cannot do that.

Why would you spend all that money on a nice video card just to play your game in windowed mode? You are giving up the quality of your game so you can watch YouTube videos? I'd also LOVE to see someone play Starcraft while watching YouTube videos and do well. Bricks would be shat.

Since when was that true? when consoles first came out and the whole world was like "OMG IT CAN DEMOLISH PC GAMES!" Well look at the xbox now. RROD?! seriously the PS3 and the PC are the best consoles. shut up.

>PC Console

lolwut? I think any computer gamer would be insulted to hear that their PC was being called a console. I know I am.

Also, PS3 has every problem you complained that the Xbox360 has. If you're going to hate on something be consistent.

Also, last time I checked the YLoD was almost just as common as the RRoD since the Xbox Slim was released. Xbox also gives you a warranty plus an extended warranty if the cause of death was the RRoD. Last I checked Sony only gives a one year warranty even if you get a YLoD.

EDIT: Merged posts. Use the "multiquote" button next time for multiple quotations. ;) - Traaginen

no u <3
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If you want to get technical. The gamepad came first in the world of gaming.I do agree though, I like my keybindings and my mouse. That's personal preference though. The consoles have found ways around the fact they have limited buttons to give you enough hotkeys for almost everything.Why would you spend all that money on a nice video card just to play your game in windowed mode? You are giving up the quality of your game so you can watch YouTube videos? I'd also LOVE to see someone play Starcraft while watching YouTube videos and do well. Bricks would be shat.>PC Consolelolwut? I think any computer gamer would be insulted to hear that their PC was being called a console. I know I am.Also, PS3 has every problem you complained that the Xbox360 has. If you're going to hate on something be consistent.Also, last time I checked the YLoD was almost just as common as the RRoD since the Xbox Slim was released. Xbox also gives you a warranty plus an extended warranty if the cause of death was the RRoD. Last I checked Sony only gives a one year warranty even if you get a YLoD.no u <3

I have a PS Slim, so im in the same boat as you, No RROD or YLOD for us :D
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