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Posts posted by Huygens

  1. Call me a jerk all you want, but I find it a bit sad that video games are so mainstream now. It almost seems like part of the culture was lost, especially since the big and evil businessmen are determined to screw over the hardcore crowd for a quick buck. *cough* Kotick *cough*Sorry about that; I had to get it out of my system. Nice job on the article. I've learned some new things about the industry today.

    Yeah, you're no longer considered a nerd when you like playing video games :( Unless you play Runescape or WoW that is..
    • Upvote 1
  2. In my oppinion either martial arts or weight lifting, probably martial arts.You need coordination, strength, discipline, speed, technique, the eye of the tiger mp3 on your ipod and cunning to win a fight. Unless the other guy is drunk and you're not of course.

  3. I loved part 1, it was hard at some times, but with some patience anything was possible in the game. The only thing that I hated is that you had to walk back after you completed a mission and if it took you too long all the mobs had respawned, which took ages to kill again.

  4. Freakin SoF :( I don't mind Solomons store as much, at least you know what your getting if you do pay for things but I still wish they would put as much effort into the actual game in order to increase memberships and make their money that way. I wouldn't mind these items and animations etc if they implemented them into an actual part of the game, eg as quest rewards.Also using any of the things you buy from them often labels you a noob who just spends more money on the game to look good (something I encountered even though I haven't spent a thing on either of these, I just spent my initial RuneCoins well, I only bought stuff that was free and stuff that was on sale and I actually wanted and could afford)Sorry, I just needed to vent my frustration.

    I actually agree,I'd never even consider buying these appearance-related stuff and animations, it adds nothing. I would consider buying extra bankspace and stuff like that though.
    • Upvote 1
  5. NOOOOOO gona miss my 3 day headstart :( didnt realise it was a bank holiday, bank holidays mean I have to do go out all weekend :/ see you on tuesday !

    dont worry, I don't have the headstart either, dont care much about it either :P
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