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Posts posted by Huygens


    [*]Attended two proms. Our school's homecoming queen was my date to the first. For the second, I convinced two girls to be my date on the same night. Took weeks of cunning to play it right so they'd both agree to it (obviously neither girl liked the idea at all). They both hate me now, but it was totally worth. Proudest moment of my sad life.


    Pics or it didn't happen



    ->I have the ugliest facial hair ever.

    ->I speak German better than English.

    ->Hate girl on girl porn

    ->I'm 1.82m and weigh about 85 kgs and still manage to have a decent sixpack, imagine that.

    ->I prefer beer over liquor

    ->Been with the same girl for nearly 5 years

    ->Black ops 2 is the first campaign I actually finish before playing multiplayer since cod4

    ->I actually like wine

    ->I'm Dutch and I don't do drugs :-)

    ->I'm on antibiotics at the moment, still allowed to drink a bit though.

    • Upvote 1
  2. This is really going nowhere, in any random test at school you can get credited 1 to 10, sometimes the average on a hard test is a 3-4 sometimes everybody gets a 7, because it's easy.


    The level of test determines the average, the level of the test is here the standards of a guy.

  3. noooo the scale doesnt work like that lol


    10 is impossible for any woman to get because its the perfect score and no woman is perfect.


    you go on your scale 90% of the female pop would be 5 above for me... cause id smash 90% of all women


    My thoughts EXACTLY.


    Not fat but has a fuck face? =>bang

    Fat but cute face? => bang

    Not fat and cute face => out of my league =>5-10% of women

    Fat and fuck face? => no thanks, unless I'm drunk




    *says the guy who has been monogamous with the same woman for nearly 5 years* :yucky:

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