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Posts posted by Huygens

  1. Im always jelly at people with a dry sense of humour, I usually treat women the same way I treat men; making sex jokes all over, and it does seem to work on girls that I've known for a while, though, girls that I just met think I'm a pervert haha

  2. I enjoyed EOC. Found it vastly more entertaining than "you click on me and I click on you. One of us will die in 20 seconds". But to each their own.


    Bots will probably be in the old version if they bring it back. I honestly don't know what the bot situation is anymore.


    How is the wilderness now any different than what is was back then? (Besides new armor and weapons)


    The armor sets were really necessary. Let's say you have a person who just wants to mage. There is you start off with basic mage robes, then there is no cheap, basic robe option until level 40 or something like that. Changed when they released the fungal armor and the like, but the point remains.


    On a related note, they absolutely had to release better gear than Barrows and Whip. Both of them require 70 in their respected skills, which is way less than half of mastering. Why would the best gear be awarded to levels that low?


    All in all, a majority of the hate and ridicule, in my opinion, occurs when players don't wish to learn more or work harder to benefit from the newly released content. Not to say all of Jagex's ideas are golden, but they all aren't god awful as the community would have you believe. The fact that I'm defending a game I haven't played in 6 months really shows you the kind of grasp Jagex as on my soul.


    I don't know what the situation of the wildy is now, I kinda quit when they were trying to get it back.


    And the you click me and I click you is not true, you have a special bar, which you have to use wisely. Vengeance, prayer, even hybridding made the pvp experience better in my oppinion. I sometimes watch pk videos from my youtube subscriptions with EOC, and it kinda looks like the guy who really is the luckiest wins. Some hits are just insanely high. I remember when I pked hitting a 40 with a whip was huge.


    But I do not know much about the current RS.

  3. RS without EOC (which I haven't tried, just heard from others that it's horrible), without bots, with the old wilderness and without all the new armour sets would be so nice :-).


    I loved the days where barrows armour was the best thing ingame and whips were the #1 weapon (ok maybe godswords are cool too)

  4. I just noticed we don't have a specific section for Runescape anymore, at least, I couldn't find it :)




    Scrolling down my youtube subscriptions I noticed some guy saying the old school RS might return. I looked on runescape.com and yes, indeed, they might have plans on bringing back RS from August 2007


    I don't have a clue what the latest updates back then were, I think summoning? Anyways, my question to you, would this make you return to RS?


    I think I won't even bother taking a look, since I've got no account. CBA to start over.



    This old school RS kinda shows how desperate Jagex is right? RS is a dying game...



  5. It's the game where you can either deceide to follow the story and do some shooting or just go for the shooting right? I first chose the story, but it was rather disappointing to me, the action is quite good though!

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