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Posts posted by Huygens

  1. Lol, EA sucks...just after the money...so, do the owners of these games still be able to play online via private servers or are they just doomed to buy the new games?


    As for mediocre games: FIFA is one of the best sold titles every year in Europe, football is popular here, but yes, the games suck and don't ever offer something new, they just update the teams.

  2. Looking at that image out of context, it's hard to image a background story that's not racist.


    Posted Image



    I just looked it up on wikipedia, it says that before the 2nd world war 'Sinterklaas' only had 1 helper, which was black, for no named reason. Just after the 2nd world war the Canadian soldiers in the Netherlands all dressed up as Black Peters and since then it's a tradition for Sinterklaas to have some kind of army of black people, lol.


    This Black Peter idea originates from 1850.

  3. I got a lot of food...No seriously, we don't have Santa Claus, but we have what we call 'Sinterklaas', which is a really old Dutch tradition, it's like nearly the same, but instead of a fat old grey man, it's a skinny old grey man riding a white horse and instead of elves he has what we call 'Zwarte Piet', which can be translated to 'Black Peter'. I shit you not. It has NOTHING to do with racism, however.



    But we also skipped Sinterklaas this year, getting too old for that crap, I'm glad my parents fund a lot for me throughout the year, I'm grateful for that.




    I got myself book 2 and 3 from the Game of Thrones (yes, I already had the first one..)

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  4. So you still play GW2 then? What level are you? What server(you have told me before, can't remember)? For me it stopped being fun rather early, and my computer can't habdle it very well. I really want a new computer, but have agreed not to buy a new one until I move out in one and a half year's time.


    Yeah, I play every now and then, I'm only lvl 31 and 9 though haha :P which is quite pathetic. As for the server; Blacktide at the moment, but I could switch to any other server, since all my classmates (reason I joined this particular server) don't play anymore.


    It does get kinda repetitive at an early point, but the story is ok, I guess, personalising your shit and stuff :P Just started a ranger, lvl 9 atm and I'm hooked right away again.

  5. My only real large complaint is that the main characters spent over half the movie running away from something while being scared shitless, which is kind of a let-down after the badassery of the first group of heroes.


    LOL! I couldn't agree more...they are running away the whole fucking time and when their leader is in danger, it's the fucking hobbit who attacks the albino orc and wargs...and after that the midget dwarves suddenly found the courage to fight back?


    My biggest complaint is in the books as well..the fucking eagles...why not fucking fly over to Erebor? As for LOTR, why not fucking fly to Mount Doom, drop the ring, end of story, fuck you Sauron.


    That's a lot of fuck I just gave o.0 I'm sorry for that, I think.

  6. Dutch, obviously, really really good at it too (as in better than the average Dutch or Belgian person)


    English; since I started playing video games, which was at like age 6 (I'm 21 now) + 2 years in primary school + 6 years in high school? + 2 years in university


    German ; 6 years 'experience' + I'm quite interested in this language; I used to watch German war movies without subtitles and stuff


    Took French lessons for like 3 years, but I really hated the crap out of everything that has something to do with the French language or French culture, so I only remember the basics.


    Very basic Spanish


    Very very basic Japanese (used to do Kyokushin Karate)


    No Latin though, I dropped Latin.

  7. The difference is that delivery people rely on tips for their salary. Tipping has become so standard that employers are allowed to pay delivery people below minimum wage because they expect tips. You're screwing the delivery man over if you don't tip him here in the States.

    Well that's a pretty lame policy, if you ask me :P Employees have the right to get paid the minimum wage, right? 

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