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Posts posted by Huygens

  1. Wish I had still had the bottle to skill lol

    Spent an hour last night fkn about in FFA with my mate :') trying to pick up rs chicks LMFAO cheesy ass lines like "hey how's it hanging? I'm hanging pretty damn low right now Posted Image" they love it lol

    Apart from my mate added some bird on Skype and she turned out to be a bit of a psychopath lmao

    Are you seriously saying you pick up chick on RS? With all due respect to our female clanmates, but 90% of them must be obese.
    • Upvote 1
  2. Sorry to deviate BUT Guild Wars 2 you buying/Pre-ordered?

    Oh and I work on karma Posted Image and go by the whole "treat others as you wish to be treated".

    I also have a 2 chances rule. People I meet get 2 chances to be a dick they blow them I simply don't want to hang around with those people.

    So what's everyone's opinion on drink and drugs then?

    Hm havent pre-ordered yet, maybe I should, it's going to be EPIC

    Drink and drugs:

    Im Dutch Posted Image , legal to drink at 16, started at 15ish, used to drink quite a bit, but now I'm aiming for an epic six/eightpack this summer and following a diet that barely allows any alcohol, so now I usually only drink when I go out, which is 1-2 times per week

    Drugs is legal at 18, havent done that too much, I just dont get a thrill out of it, weed is OK I guess, really really cheap too. Some of my friends do illegal/hard drugs too, but I'm not into that, it's illegal for a reason.

  3. I also usually play the good guy in games...usually build my character around it...even in mmorpg I got for the 'good guy class' so no necromancers no undead spells and stuff like that I tend to go more of archery, mage, or paladin style characters

    Agreed, although I had an uber necromancer in Guild Wars. It's so fun to have dead people obeying you, just saying.
    • Upvote 1
  4. That was probably the best mission in the game; skipping it would be unacceptable. I actually found shooting civilians more fun than the multiplayer.

    Meh, it wasn't that great in my oppinion. Playing it wasn't even that shocking. It could have had way more impact if it was a cutscene or whatever.
  5. Im curious about the different styles of playing the game, explain why your method works best:Some possible methods:-Boss killing only-Leveling up all skills equally, combat and non-combat-Leveling up one skill to 99 or x at the time-Combat only, maybe some minor skills for some quests-Merchanting only-Just doing the heck you want to do at any given point-Clan events only-PvP only-......-......My way of playing is usually following a certain rhytm;1. Complete a slayer task 2. Either get a non-cb skill lvled up/Complete some dungeons/Complete a questThis way, Runescape is the least boring to me. Goals might be reached very slowly, but I don't really care, since I don't play that much either.

  6. PKing bots at green drags is just funny.It's not always profitable, because your invent is usually full anyway, but you can always kill them and fill a BoB with the bones.Its a good time passer, and a laugh.

    Until you get pked yourself, that is.
  7. TRR <3

    Posted Image

    Ok, I was bored, I admit...

    Posted Image

    Showing a decent flip, 100k profit from pure essence in a few minutes :-)

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    Went dungeoneering with a irl friend of mine. For some reason I was really lucky and the boss only killed him all the time lol (although he has higher defence and 95 pray). We only did 2 medium rooms, for +-20k dungeoneering xp total. DG is quite fun if you do it with friends, even when they are just as bad at dungeoneering as I am.

    Posted Image

    Back to getting 65 everything, crafting and thieving left. Since crafting costs money, I figured I'd better train thieving then. I forgot how incredible fast xp pyramid plunder is :o !

    Up next:

    65 thieving, money making and maybe I'll do a quest :-)

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