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Posts posted by Huygens

  1. You buy the game once and get free access for life, COD-like ;) When GW1 was still a popular game they made like 1 expansion per year, which you could buy if you wanted to. The game is free, however, you can buy some bonusses with real money, like extra bank space (not sure about bank space) and appearance-related stuff. It isn't pay to win.In GW1 the charr and the human race were at war. The charr destroyed Ascalon and stuff like that, but in GW2 it seems they have to work together. It has a unique event system, where events just happen randomly ( ''dynamic events'') and you can choose to help or not; for instance a horde of bears is attacking a village; if you don't help, I think the village will be massacred. For some real background information, I suggest you visit the wiki ;) The game does have mazes, instances, bosses, quests, storyline, pvp (world versus world wtfbbq)

  2. I knew this was fake. Skyrim's story is okay, but it isn't movie quality. Plus, the real meat of the story is in the side quests.By the way, have you guys heard they're making a Shadow of the Colossus movie? Don't know how they're gonna pull that off, but I'm looking forward to it.

    They should make a COD movie, I love the storyline since COD4
  3. Hey guys,wanted to let you know that wednesday I'm going on a citytrip to Gent, Belgium, which is a really cool medieval city (and it's free for me, YOLO) and when I come back Friday, I'm going to participate as a leader in a introduction to new students of my university, which is going to be the best week of my life probably. I'll return Friday the 17th and probably will return to RS and the council as well. As summer ends, we should really focus on recruiting, as people are starting to go back to school.<3

    • Upvote 2
  4. Meh I started reading the first book after seeing the first 6 episodes of season 1. It's kinda lame when you already know what's going to happen.. :(Well lots of stuff in the books that aren't in the series, so I guess Ill stick to the books :)

  5. I don't understand how people can't recover accounts. If it actually is your account, it's horribly easy. Create an appeal and tell them...

    [*]The date you created the account (roughly).

    [*]The Internet Provider you used when you created the account.

    [*]Your original IP.

    [*]Billing address if you paid for membership with a CC.

    ... The list goes on. There's no reason you can't recover it.

    I don't know what you mean by your email being incorrect. If you've ignored the account for like 8 months then the hacker could have changed it.

    Honestly, it's almost difficult to keep losing your account. If it's happened before then you've ignored something that you needed to change, such as your email, recovery questions, etc.


    Jagex managed to make it impossible to make an appeal. All users complain about it. They ask you to fill in your mail adress, however this option doesnt work because even when you fill in the right one you still waste one of your 6 chances. I've read about people sending e-mails to Jagex and getting some link from them to manually recover it in some kind of way.

    Dont start again mate, there isn't much point.

    When pures existed, it was okay, because your main may have had too much defend to PK with.

    However, with the new changes that will be coming into fruition, you might as well just debug your computer (Im sure someone can come up with the best way to do that) - Then procced to carry on as normal.

    Thing with RS is, you dont gain anything new by creating a new account, all you gain is the ability to do stuff you have already done, again.

    To top it off, if you are keylogged, when you DO raise the new account to a decent level, and get decent cash, chances are your going to get hacked again.


    Do you not have a bank PIN?

    I do have a Bank PIN, set on 7 days, which have been passed, sadly :P But I see your other points, to be honest.
  6. I'm all for starting again tbh

    Got a wannabe range tank with 99wc 99thieve

    Got full void like 50 def and 60 range I think.

    With 4m on it maybe :/

    Your more than welcome to have that. Posted Image

    Hehe thanks for the offer, but I don't think I'd like to play on an account that is not truly mine to be honest. It already has achievements and stuff.

    But you say I should start over?

  7. Just found this on a Dutch GW community site:

    Tussen vrijdagavond 21:00 (de start van BWE3) en zondagochtend 03:00 (dus beide Nederlandse tijd) is hetgratis om tussen thuiswerelden te verhuizen. Na zondagochtend 03:00 kost het verhuizen tussen werelden het volgende:

    [*]1800 gems om te verhuizen naar een high population wereld

    [*]1000 gems om te verhuizen naar een medium population wereld

    [*]500 gems om te verhuizen naar een low population wereld

    Lees de originele post op het GW2 forum voor informatie over hoe gems worden doorbelast.


    Between Friday evening 9pm (start of BWE3) and Sundaymorning 03am (Dutch times) it's free to move your 'homeworld'. After Sundaymorning this will cost you:

    1800 gems to move to a high population world

    1000 gems to move to a medium population world

    500 gems to move to a low population world

    Not sure I want a high or low population world, though. As long as it's English (or Dutch), I'm fine I guess

    Edit: sorry for double post

  8. Hey guys,I think my account Huygenssauce is on some kind of 'hacking list' or whatever or I have a keylogger (although my security seems pretty solid). I've lost my account yet again and can't seem to recover it; the recovery system RS now has is somehow broken. I've googled it and everyone else seems to be troubled by it. When you enter your emailadress it says that you didn't provide the correct adress (you have6 tries per hour). It might be on this so called list because I used to experience with botting a bit in the past or because I used to share accounts (pre-TRR), which also got me hacked in the past.So I've kinda given up on that account...sadly...Now I can go two ways, either keep playing RS or quit the whole freaking game. It would mean I have to start all over and as you can see by the highscores in my signature, my account was quite good...Maybe even to be considered high leveled with about 100 days of gameplay. Starting all over would be painful, since 90% of all new content is high lvled, but I could try to do something like DIY (gather all used resources yourself; do it yourself instead of buying the maple logs you might use for fletching, you cut them yourself) to make things more interesting.Keep playing or quit?+I've got experience+DIY would make things more interesting+TRR kinda needs people, badly+I think the community would help me a bit-Been there done that-New content mainly for higher lvled-Played for like 100 days of ingame time-Not 100% sure my computer is not infected-GW2 is coming-WTF should I do ingame, really?Meh, help me out, lol<3

  9. Well, my first ever char was a Ranger/Monk which was named Asgarnia the Mighty, which is totally lame and yes based on RS haha.I've had a Elementalist called Pyro the sushiking or something like that, which seems to be a nice name. I guess I'll aim for something that contains my last name ;Huygens

  10. I don't know why but I like to play as myself on games :/ hence why my ran is my name lol

    LOL, I've got the exact same thing. I always play as a big guy with black hair and stubbles (which is me :D). I could never play as a woman to be honest.
    • Upvote 1
  11. I've got a suggestion, not sure if it has been done in the past though;

    If the build tick is moved to thursday, everyone can cap again on a busy/crowded evening like Friday night. So 'capping fridays' or 'citadel fridays' which could be successfull

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