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Everything posted by Huygens

  1. :'( why so late? Anyways, what are we going to do, to be honest? Just mass and hope people are interested?
  2. I never understood the whole 'luck ' aspect of the game. Hard work should be rewarded...
  3. Recruiting campaign, sounds guuuddddd to be honest. I've never been really keen on ingame recruiting though, you usually attract noobs that join and leave really fast.
  4. Hmmm..Is there no possibility to rank people? Looks like you're the only one at the moment that has the ability to accept members, delete trash topics and stuff.
  5. My brother plays BF3 and says its really good, really realistic and all, I play MW3. I prefer COD over BF because of the fast pace gameplay
  6. Hey welcome back mate, enjoy your stay!
  7. Huygens


    Hey mate, welcome back to the clan! I'm sure you will enjoy your stay here
  8. Insurance, for the win?
  9. AAAAAH ITS SO BRIGHT MY EYES HURT!!!!! No, sersiously, I don't understand much of computer stuff, so I guess it has benefits or whatsoever good job I guess?
  10. I think this is a good step, Fergal. An idea might be to make threads just like we have/had for the achievement of the week and delete all posts every week. This way, people can see who might show up and who won't.
  11. My suggestion is to motivate people to be in the cc, even when they aren't actively playing. I've been hanging around in the cc more than actually playing RS, lately. I just don't have much time to play, because I got shit to do for school n stuff, but when I'm actively talking in the cc, I think I 'participate' in the clan as well, it's always better than doing nothing.Besides this not so helpful note, I got nothing, to be really honest.
  12. Awesome! You should update your signature to be honest
  13. Just out of curiousity, did you do anything special this Valentine's day? I've got a girlfriend, but I personally think Valentine's day is some commercial bullshit.What are your thoughts?
  14. So, this topic hasnt seen an update in a while. I've been doing some dungeoneering, solo'ing small floors, incredibly bad xp, but I hate doing stuff in teams, so its the only way for me to lvl dungeoneering I was having a really good game today, but this happened....
  15. Hey,What is your biggest fail buy ever?Mine must be dragon age part 1, I've bought it for like 50 euros and still havent played it a single time! lol
  16. You were an awesome clan mate <3
  17. Huygens

    Forum images.

    Well, in my opinion, if it says in text like 'runescape discussion' but the image says it as well, it kinda double and therefore lame
  18. Hm having an event every day would solve the problem of having no events (recruitments ads should be updated as well ), but still if no1 is showing up, there is no point, im willing to show up but it has to be so fking early lol I can stick a little longer on fridays tho (got to get out of bed @ 5am on saturdays as well tho >_>)
  19. Seriously ;p stick to slayer or you will end up with high skills and low slayer which makes it really boring to train slayer if you're ever going to
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