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Posts posted by Nathan

  1. Glad that there's a few people interested in this, and that the times your available is fairly close together, problem is the time thats convenient for you guys is 4 o'clock in the morning for me :(I'm on a break from uni for the next couple of weeks now though so I might be able to do it.

  2. Hi guys, so I was wondering if you anyone would be able to improve on the logo I made for my last article (in the spoiler tags below). I would like to have a logo that I can put in the foreground of an image, and then customize the rest of the image for that week, as I've done below.

    Posted Image

    If your willing to help me out with that and want the image in a different format (like png with just the text) I can do that for you. It should be about the size it is above. It would also be good if someone could do a background that I could use, but if not the logo is the main thing because at the moment it looks pretty terrible and I don't have the time to fix it, in fact I don't really have the ability to make it look much more professional.

    Of course I'll give you full credit for whatever work you do when I use it.

  3. Welcome to the NHK is my all-time favorite anime. I don't watch much though, have only seen the basics of Cowboy Bebop, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Azumanga Daioh.

    I hadn't heard of Welcome to the NHK, it actually seems quite interesting though. I should watch it at some stage but there's so much I want to watch/read and not enough time :(
  4. I was going to write more about the G4 thing but since we don't have it in Aus there would be no point for me to do that.However a similar thing happened here, there's a gaming show called good game, which used to be really good, it was funny and they knew what they were talking about but a few years ago they fired one of the two hosts, who was actually the only gamer and was the one who came up with most of their ideas, but they wanted to get a more general audience and start a kids show which he knew wouldn't work and since then its a pretty terrible show, and its so clear that its completely run by corporate suits rather than actual gamers.Like Squishy said, I really hate that they don't realise that hardcore gamers and geeks are completely capable of supporting a tv show so they don't need to appeal to a broader audience, especially since normally its still understandable to most people so there's no need to "dumb it down". Besides casual gamers are far less likely to watch a gaming show/channel. Same goes for general internet/"nerdy" stuff.

  5. Cool idea, I'm in if I may;

    Runescape Name: eVirus_Neo

    Most Convenient Times: from 19:00 to 23:00 pm (GMT +1)

    Interest in recruiting out of game; runescape forums, other fansites possibly?

    Places you'd like to recruit: Edgeville Bank, Yanille mining,Castle Wars?

    Of course, your more than welcome to join in :D. I'll make sure to let you known when we're going to do this and I'll probably come up with a bit of a schedule for what we'll do just so that we don't get bored and run out of stuff to do. I'll post another topic or move this one once I've got the finer details thought out.

    Castle wars is a good idea, although It might be better to be its own separate event rather than part of this one, but it could still work for this, Thanks for suggesting it :)

  6. Last Weeks Games (13th-19th of September)

    So as I was looking up the games for this article I realized that we're really coming up to a time when a lot of games are released. I didn't realize just how many there would be already; of course many of them aren't major releases but it's still a lot of games.

    Games Released on the 14th

    Posted Image

    [*]Black Mesa, for PC

    [*]FTL: Faster Than Light, for PC and Mac

    [*]Joe Danger 2:The Movie, for Xbox Live Arcade

    Games Released on the 16th

    [*]Kirby 20th Anniversary Special Collection, for the Wii

    Games Released on the 18th

    [*]Borderlands 2, for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360

    [*]F1 2012, for iOS, PC, PS3, 360

    [*]Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Collectors Set. for PS3 and 360

    [*]Phantom Leader, for iOS

    Games Released on the 19th

    [*]Jet Set Radio HD, for PC and XBLA

    [*]Realm of Ancient Wars, for XBLA

    Upcoming Games (20th-28th of September)

    So you wouldn't be wrong to say that a lot of games came out last week, but even more are coming out over the next week!

    Games to be released on the 20th

    [*]Realm of Ancient Wars, for PSN

    [*]Torchlight II, for PC

    [*]Train Simulator 2013, for PC

    Games to be released on the 25th

    Posted Image

    [*]Boulder Dash-XL 3D, for 3DS

    [*]Dead or Alive 5, for 360 and PS3

    [*]Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse, for PC, PS3 and 360

    [*]FIFA 13, for 360, 3DS, iOS, PC, PS2, PS3, PSP, PS Vita, Wii, and 360. It will also be released for the Wii U at a later date.

    [*]Hell Yeah!, for PSN

    [*]LittleBigPlanet PS Vita, for...yep, you guessed it... the PS Vita.

    [*]One Piece: Pirate Warriors, for PS3

    [*]Pro Evolution Soccer 2013, for 3DS, PC, PS2, PS3, PSP, Wii and 360.

    [*]The Testament of Sherlock Holmes, for PS3 and 360

    [*]Tokyo Jungle, for PS3

    [*]Warriors Lair, for PS3 and PS Vita

    [*]World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandoria expansion for PC and Mac

    Games to be released on the 26th

    [*]Hell Yeah! for XBLA

    Games to be released on the 27th

    [*]Bad Piggies for Android and iOS

    Games to be released on the 28th

    [*]Carrier Command: Gaea Mission, for PC and 360

    Announcements and Demos

    [*]Further details on Nintendo’s next console have been revealed. We have all the details for you here.

    [*]Apple unveiled the next iPhone, the iPhone 5. To be perfectly honest, I’m not the best person to talk about its features. Besides, I don’t want to tease myself since I’m still paying off my iPhone 4s.

    [*]It was announced that the gaming and technology channel G4 will be rebranded in 2013, and will be made less “geeky†and more “hip†in hopes of targeting a more general modern audience. Strangely, they also claim they are going to be trying to stick to their roots despite the fact that they seem to be doing the complete opposite of that.

    [*]Bayonetta 2 was announced, but you may be disappointed to learn that it will be a Wii U exclusive; a decision which has already been met with criticism from fans. No release date has been given at this point.

    [*]A 1.22GB demo for the upcoming Fable title “Fable: The Journey†has been released on the Xbox Live Marketplace.

    Weird and Interesting News from the World of Gaming

    [*]Hackers from the University of Bristol have converted a Kinect into a handheld 3D scanner.

    [*]The infamous Facebook gaming company, Zynga, which is known for games such as Farmville, has bought A Bit of Lucky, which is another Facebook gaming company known for titles like Lucky Train.

    [*]Microsoft is planning on opening a new tablet gaming studio in London to make games for Windows 8 tablets.

    Well, that's it for this week. Next week as well as the usual stuff I'll have details on what the general thoughts are on some of the games from this week including: Borderlands 2, Dead or Alive 5, and more. So remember the next article will be out on the 29th of September, and in the meantime make sure to have a look at our other awesome articles and check out our gaming community!

    Click here to view the article

  7. An Avatar Warden summons it into the world, and the players in range will recieve the bonus. Simple.

    Everyone on the same world (assuming they've paid the 300 orts for the week) actually gets the bonus but you get more when your within range. Just off the top of my head I think its 6% bonus for being on the same world and 10% bonus when your within range of it. It also allows you to gather resources in the citadel quicker. (I can't remember what its other buffs are at the moment, those are the only two I've used and I think they are the only skilling ones.)As far as the citadel goes, it can also act as basically an extra person in that you can set it to gather resources and it has the same cap as any other member, I'm not sure whether it contributes to the visitor count though.
  8. So I've been thinking about this for a while, I've been trying to start organizing stuff with the Events Team but I thought I should share with the rest of the clan as well.

    So the basic idea is we'll go to the clan camp on a busy world, I'll bring the clan avatar, and if enough people are there we might also do some stuff in the citadel (but obviously we'll have to have people outside telling people to go to the citadel, but thats just an idea) and ideally so long as we can get a good group together I'd like to go around runescape as a clan recruiting people, we could do some skilling etc, but I'd like to have a good number of people all in clan capes so that we can be easily identified as being from a clan if we do that. If anyone wants to it would be cool if we could also spread the recruiting to outside of the game (ie on fansites and the forums, it would be a good opportunity if you want to get a feel for recruiting as I'll be there to help out.

    So who's interested? I'd like to have at least 5 people there, including as many staff members as possible. Once I know who wants to go I'll work out what time suits most of those people (theres no point me making an event that suits EST people if most of the people who want to go are GMT).

    So if your interested reply in this format

    Runescape Name: Self Explanatory

    Most Convenient Times: in GMT or post your timezone as well and I'll convert it.

    Interest in recruiting out of game: Y/N and which sites

    Places you'd like to recruit: eg. Maples in Seers, Monkfish, etc. Post about how to recruit on fansites/forums

    Also even if your not going please share your thoughts.

  9. So why don't you prepare to train the skills that are harder to train?

    Well for example I'll probably use most of my free xp on Summoning since its far easier and I probably wouldn't work on training it otherwise. Whereas for the competition I'll train Woodcutting, Cooking, Thieving etc as its fairly easy to get xp from them, and not a whole lot else that goes in to them (like you don't need to go and kill stuff to get charms like you would for summoning) and I would probably train them anyway.By the way I'm not overly concerned about this I'm just saying its something to be considered, like "worst case scenario"
  10. The note on the other hand, everybody gets it.. I think all of em were members from august till September..We still need more people ><

    The only problem with that is that not everyone will be using it on the skill they're grouped into (I know I won't be, I'll probably be using it on skills that are more difficult to train) However I doubt anyone will try and give themselves an unfair advantage, but its still possible.
  11. Posted Image

    So I remembered that the Avatar can skill so I got it to cap.

    And then we celebrated together XD

    Avatar Disco 3

    Avatar Disco 4

    Avatar Disco 2

    Avatar Disco1

    But seriously we still need 2 more visits and any more skillilng would be appreciated, preferably wood as its more useful for building (we always have way more bars than we need so try and avoid that)

  12. I'm not entering, but I feel that the avatar shouldn't be allowed. It's an unfair advantage since not everyone can have him. Also, if everyone does happen to be in the same world, I'm pretty sure you get more exp when he's within a certain feet of you. So it's still unfair.Just my two cents.

    My thoughts exactly, at the same time though, it would be difficult to stop people who can use it from doing so, especially since people who aren't participating should still be allowed to use the avatar. I was also thinking of the bonus xp from the promissary note (especially since we're meant to get more at the end of the month) that could really unbalance it.
  13. Someone stole your telephone wire.Best thing ever. Not for you, but from a humorous point of view, someone walked into your house, or to the outside of your house, and the most valuable thing worth stealing was a length of £5 wire.Or this person was on smack.I do not know which. My first version is slightly funnier though.Come back soon.

    I thought the same thing until he said hes from Tanzania, and then I was like well crazier shit happens around there.
  14. Dear lord Deathirst, your desktop is HUGE. What size monitor are you running, or do you have it hooked into your TV?

    I only just realized it is pretty big, The resolution is 1680x1050. I'm not sure on the actual monitor size (I cant find it anywhere on it, and I got it as a scholarship thing from my uni)
  15. Owned Communications: Only IRC atm but I could easily get others if needed

    Xbox 360: BoneyDeathirst

    -Halo (all)

    -Assassins Creed (although the multiplayer in those isnt great.



    -Runescape (obviously)



    I've got more multiplayer games on Wii, but most of them probably aren't that good and I don't play much. The other games were all I could think of at the moment, might come up with more at some stage.

  16. Posted Image

    so basically we are one visit and 414 wood off upkeep, it would be really good if we could reach that, also its a lot faster to reach that if you activate your buffs with the avatar.

    On that note, Where is the avatar? I haven't seen it in the citadel since Swaffle had it out a few days ago. And who is allowed to be an avatar warden? I'm just wondering because I'm thinking about using it as part of a recruitment drive soon if possible.

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