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Posts posted by Nathan

  1. You buy the game once and get free access for life, COD-like ;) When GW1 was still a popular game they made like 1 expansion per year, which you could buy if you wanted to. The game is free, however, you can buy some bonusses with real money, like extra bank space (not sure about bank space) and appearance-related stuff. It isn't pay to win.

    Cool, thats what I thought, I just wanted to make sure. Thanks for that :)
    • Upvote 1
  2. So I'm considering at some point getting GW2 but I have never played the original and I know pretty much nothing about it so I'd like to know more before deciding whether to get it.The main things I would like to know is what it costs, ie. Is it a one off payment for the game or is it more like WOW where you have to buy the game AND pay a monthly fee. Also just some basic background information would be good. I've tried looking for this myself but haven't really gotten anywhere with it so I figured you guys would probably be able to answer my questions.

  3. Thank you! Glad to be here :]Bleach and Naruto are good as manga, just like One Piece. The anime is just filler filler filler :[. I haven't seen Fairy Tail though, I'll have to check it out!I bet you would really like D. Gray-Man, if you haven't seen it, check it out :]. It's a lot like Naruto / Bleach / DBZ / etc.If you're ever looking for an obscure anime to watch, I have bunches! I love the crazy shows like Furi Kuri and Excel Saga. They always make me giggle :D

    Yeah, I just recently got up to date with D. Gray-Man which i enjoy, and I've just started reading One Piece (well I'm like 100 chapters through it but in One Piece thats nothing, lol) I'm also almost caught up with Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji).Fairy Tail is amazing, I highly recommend it. The art is really good quality (and yet the artist is still one of the fastest manga-ka) and the story is really unique and well paced. The anime is also really good, there aren't many fillers and its actually one of the few anime where I think the English voice actors actually really suit there characters.
  4. Welcome to the community :DI can totally relate to being an anime fan, although the anime I watch are very different (Bleach, Naruto, Death Note, Fairy Tail, Soul Eater the usual Shonen stuff), although I'm starting to expand into very different genres and styles, (I even started reading some really obscure manga about some girl who controls bananas) I generally read manga though rather than watching the anime.Anyway, once again welcome to the community and also to TRR :D

  5. So I just finished capping at the citadel and...

    Posted Image

    Not looking good, especially since the citadel has already dilapidated.

    Fortunately next week I know there's a few newer members who hadn't been in the clan long enough to be able to contribute at the citadel this week who want to and will be able to after the next build.

  6. Only in Japan stuff like this happens? you know why?My friend and I discussed about how Japan has a bunch of cool/smart/wacky stuff that North America will never have. We came to a conclusion that Japan has all these things because they don't think it through. They just do it, which brings us to the cool/smart/wacky things they have.

    Interesting point, I've never thought about it that way but it makes sense. I know quite a few japanese and Chinese (who are the other country that you often here weird stuff about) and a lot of them DEFINITELY don't think things through.The other thing is they don't really have much of a government body that has to approve stuff like most More Economically Developed Countries have. A lot of the stuff they do would never happen in America, England or Australia because it would just be to dangerous (or expensive) for it to be allowed.
  7. Thank God that those are all the screenshots...RIGHT??


    Very nice reflection, I would have come but the time really conflicted with all the work i've been doing lately getting ready to move out again

    Fair enough man, I understand some people would have had other things to do, but I'm sure there were a lot of people that easily could have made it to one of the two times.
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  8. I wonder what their babies will look like.

    No one actually got married to the robot, the robot conducted the ceremony (in place of a priest or whatever)It wouldn't surprises me if someone in japan did get married to a robot though, I'm pretty sure there's someone who got married to an anime character (or tried to atleast)
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