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Posts posted by Nathan

  1. we could keep it at the same build tick, cause no one really works it right away anymore, and if you want to move the tick to thursday, we'd have to work the citadel and cap it within one day and have the required visitors.

    Thats fine, I was originally going to just do it without moving the tick and maybe move it if this works and gets people actually working on the citadel more.I've decided to run two times, which may be on different days so that I'm not doing loads in one day.
  2. Another point I'd like to make is regarding Bruce Wayne's knee - it was clearly a mental issue. Yes, he has virtually no cartilage, but if you've read ANY prolific Batman tales, Batman usually conquers all by sheer will and determination.

    That makes sense. I've spoken to a number of people about this and your the only one who realised that so clearly they didn't do a good enough job at expressing that, instead they focused on hammering in "The next robin" concept (even though there aren't going to be any movies continuing on from this one)

    How old was Bane to have been looking out for that thirty something old lady when she was just a child? Fifty odds? lol

    Good point, I didn't really think about that, but the whole origins for Bane and Talia were pretty pathetic. Talia doesn't need to much of an orgins story basically shes Ras al Guhl's daughter, thats enough, whereas Bane needs to be explained a bit more (why he relies on Venom so much, which clearly they avoided mentioning) to seperate it from "Batman and Robin". Basically they got it around the wrong way on how much they explained their origins.
  3. I remember we tried to do this a few times way back before I left, I don't think it really worked too well (partially because I don't think anyone really went ahead and did anything with it), but it certainly can't hurt to try again.

  4. I've got a suggestion, not sure if it has been done in the past though;

    If the build tick is moved to thursday, everyone can cap again on a busy/crowded evening like Friday night. So 'capping fridays' or 'citadel fridays' which could be successfull

    Sounds good, That should be fine with me too, so if everyone prefers we could make it Friday rather than Saturday. Would the times I have listed now still be okay for Friday?

    The only problem with it is getting the citadel capped quickly so that we can change the build tick. I'm fine with starting this event before the tick is changed if we can't get it done this week.

    Changed to Friday instead of Saturday

  5. The build tick we could move it because we dont have enough to upgrade so moving the tick wouldnt hinder our progress

    If you could do that then that would be really helpful.Also I've planned it out more, so I guess it doesn't really belong in "Event Planning" anymore, could someone move it if possible.
  6. Guys stop arguing about this.

    There is no doubt that the clan has a problem with activity and we aren't getting many new recruits in, as a result turn outs for events are low. Heck we couldn't even get enough people together for a friendly clan war. Basically everything about the clan is being affected.

    I disagree with David's methods of improving this (ie announcing the clan would be closed) in my opinion whilst it has the potential to work it does more harm than good, causing conflict amongst ourselves. Anyway I don't want to blame anyone for this all this means is that we need to work harder. Yes there are those who are preoccupied with other things and that's fine, but those who are able to should do their best to help.

    Recruiting has gotten harder since I was last in the clan, the fan sites no longer have much activity and people in the Official forums are turned off by the idea of having to visit a website that they are unsure of, but we can work around that. In essence the ratio of people who are suited to TRR has decreased (although due to official support for clans the total number of people looking for clans has increased) so all this means is that we need to post more so that we can ensure we're reaching the right people. Basically if there's anyone who has some free time for recruiting they should do so and apply to become a diplomat (heck 30 minutes is enough to do an okay amount of recruiting, more is better but at this stage any little bit helps). Heck even if you don't want to take up the responsibility of a staff position you can still help out with recruiting, if your unsure how you can contact me and I'll let you know how you can help.

    If recruiting isn't your thing then turn up to events. If your in the clan you obviously play Runescape so all you need to do is play the game. If the events team can post about successful events that looks good for the clan which makes it easier to recruit people, more members means more people attending events, and so on. Its all connected. So basically if you see an event that your kind of interested in and its at all convenient go to it. If there aren't any events that interest you and are held at convenient times then make that event.

    Asides from that, log into the clan chat (and talk to people in it, there is no point in you being in it if you aren't going to reply to people when they're talking to you), reply to topics on the forums create your own etc.

    If there's a war alert, and you do some combat then reply saying you will go. Wars are generally set for times that they will be convenient for most people, obviously if you have other commitments that takes priority but if you've got nothing else to do then just do it.

    Yes this clan should be all about having an accepting laid back friendly community but there is work that needs to be done to make that happen otherwise the clan will cease to exist no matter how friendly and happy everyone is.

    Its not a whole lot to ask for but if everyone does this it makes a huge difference and basically we would no longer have any problems with the clan.

    • Upvote 2
  7. @Carroll and Huygens: Seriously? A "stupid way"? Please let me know of any good methods of shutting down a clan. :/

    I think they were just meaning that you should have given us more details on why exactly your shutting down the clan, and whether that meant that elder souls was shutting down as some people thought it may have been.Also I assume there's no point in recruiting people now, more members would obviously be a solution to the lack of activity but at the same time its really unfair to invite people to the clan and then shut down (I already feel bad for people I've recruited recently, some of which had come straight from another clan that had disbanded).Also the lack of responses could be just that people see that the clans closing think that's final and so don't bother doing anything more.
  8. I guess they put her in just to hint at the second catwoman (plus in canon Holy has pretty much always been Selina's reason for becoming Catwoman and was basically the only person she trusted early on),

    sort of similar to the way the hinted at the next Robin,

    which of course is all pointless since its the end of this storyline.I never thought about these sorts of things (ie. not knowing who certain characters were) but I know that's only because I was exposed to batman way more than most people ever since I was born. (My dad has what is probably an unhealthy obsession with Batman) So I know this stuff is definitely not obvious to the casual viewer, maybe its something they put in as a sort of nod to the comic book fans who would recognise her.

  9. I guessed that chick was Talia Al Guhl as soon as I saw her, and then I basically confirmed it when they tried to hint that Bane was Ras Al Guhl's child. It kind of explains her romantic relationship with Bruce (in the comics they have a similar relationship as he does with Catwoman, they even have a kid in some storylines) but they dragged that out way too long, she's beaten shortly after its revealed she's the badguy. The character wasn't as interesting as it could have been in the comics she's a FREAKING NINJA ASSASSIN, afterall she is the daughter of the leader of the League of Assassins (the comic version of the League of Shadows).The leg injury was wierd, I have no idea why they put it in their, when did he injure his leg and how? At first I thought it was going to be like something he'd just been doing to seclude himself and then that he was going to use that to his advantage to get into the Hospital Gordon was in, possibly somehow using some trick to make them think he actually was injured. That would have been far more Batman-ish.The way he fights with Alfred is just stupid, in every variation of the comics Alfred is the most important thing to Bruce, and he would do anything for him. And likewise Alfred understand's Bruce enough to know that he can't give up being Batman, whether he likes it or not.I was worried as soon as I found out Bane was going to be the main bad guy, he's not a very good villain and basically needs another villain to control him. Yeah he's relatively smart but his plans are pretty simple (like blow up the whole city-THEN JUST DO IT), but batman is a lot smarter so basically he only works as a Henchman for other more dangerous villains.I've never really liked Christopher Nolans Batman, he's far to emo and actually is far more like Superman (so hopefully he does the Superman movie in a similar way but probably won't since movies treat Superman like he's awesome and completely undefeatable, even though Batman can and has beat him up.) Before even seeing DKR I was already more looking forward to the Batman Reboot and eventually The Justice League movie.

  10. Clan Citadel Gathering

    Date: There are two events, dates are listed in the time charts below.

    Location: Our Clan Citadel, accessed via the Clan camp. Going to a citadel takes you to a different world that can't be accessed from the lobby but hopefully it should send us all to the same world.

    Notes: If you can bring your clan cape and vex (you don't necessarily needed to have either of them equipped) that would be good (I'm going to take screenshot's to use for recruitment and stuff), If enough interested people turn up we might have a bit of a tournament on the battlefield. I will run this weekly. Times may change from week to week but I'll try to keep it as consistent as possible. You don't have to skill if you don't want to, you can just hang out and muck around a bit, it still helps us meet the requirement for the citadel.

    Click below to see the original post which has a more in depth description of what this is about and where I would like it to go eventually.

    So I've been thinking about this for a while and I finally thought it was about time I share it with you guys. So we REALLY need people to help out with the clan citadel, we didn't get enough visits last week and as a result the citadel dilapidated. I've often found skilling in the Citadel boring, and have found that even just having one or two other clan members skilling at the same time can make it a lot more bearable. I've seen pictures of the Citadel when it was being worked on by a number of people and it looks like a lot more fun.

    I think Blexun's comment below sums that all up pretty well:

    Citadel is so scary looking, I'm too afraid to go by myself.

    So naturally this means we need everybody to come keep me company.

    So basically what I'm thinking of is to set a date and a time for as many people as possible to head to the citadel together. It would be awesome if you could cap but if you want to just hang out and muck around a bit that's also fine, and is still useful as it helps us meet the requirement for number of visitors to the citadel.

    I might run a sort of casual tournament on the clan battlefield (which is a safe combat area) if anyone's interested. I thought about possibly doing skilling competitions but I'm not really sure how that would work (or whether it would work) let me know if you can think of a way to do the skilling thing as well as any advice on the battlefield thing and whether your interested in that.

    If people are interested in this I'd like to do this at least weekly, and the more people do it the better the citadel will become and therefore there will be more for us to do in these events (since at higher tiers we will have more buidlings, skill plots etc..

    I'm thinking of running this on Sunday's (my time) which would be Saturday for most of you, but I'll work out a time that's convenient for everyone once I get peoples opinion.

    I've also thought about taking screenshot's to create graphics and possibly even some video to use for recruiting purposes.

    So yeah, let me know what you think (how I could improve it) and whether your interested and if enough people are interested I'll get it organised.

    Time Charts

    As you can see there are two times for this event, one is to suit people based around EST, while the other is for those based around GMT


    [th] Time Zone [/th] [th] UTC/GMT Relative [/th] [th] Event Time [/th]

    [td] AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) [/td] [td] +11:00 [/td] [td] 7:00 P.M. Sun[/td]

    [td] British Summer [/td] [td] +1:00 [/td] [td] 10:00 A.M. Sun[/td]

    [td] UTC/GMT [/td] [td] 0:00 [/td] [td] 9:00 A.M. Sun[/td]

    [td] Eastern [/td] [td] -4:00 [/td] [td] 4:00 A.M. Sun[/td]

    [td] Central [/td] [td] -5:00 [/td] [td] 3:00 A.M. Sun[/td]

    [td] Mountain [/td] [td] -6:00 [/td] [td] 2:00 A.M. Sun [/td]

    [td] Pacific [/td] [td] -7:00 [/td] [td] 1:00 A.M. Sun [/td]



    [th] Time Zone [/th] [th] UTC/GMT Relative [/th] [th] Event Time [/th]

    [td] AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) [/td] [td] +11:00 [/td] [td] 10:00 A.M. Sat <<<(so you better go this is early for me on a weekend)[/td]

    [td] British Summer [/td] [td] +1:00 [/td] [td] MIDNIGHT Fri[/td]

    [td] UTC/GMT [/td] [td] 0:00 [/td] [td] 11:00 P.M. Fri[/td]

    [td] Eastern [/td] [td] -4:00 [/td] [td] 7:00 P.M. Fri[/td]

    [td] Central [/td] [td] -5:00 [/td] [td] 6:00 P.M. Fri[/td]

    [td] Mountain [/td] [td] -6:00 [/td] [td] 5:00 P.M. Fri [/td]

    [td] Pacific [/td] [td] -7:00 [/td] [td] 4:00 P.M. Fri [/td]


    If your time zone is not included in the chart, a time zone converter may be of help.

    • Upvote 1
  11. You have a week to make the 130k required for rune. If all else fails someone will just give you the money. :smile:

    Yeah, I realised I should be fine now anyway. Just gotta make sure I wake up early enough, lol.
  12. I would like to, but I'm not sure I'll be able to, I still don't have much equipment after being hacked. The times not too great for me but I would be able to make it if not for the previous thing of not having armour and weapons at the moment.

  13. I voted yes to both but really I'm unsure as to whether its worth changing, it does currently give the impression that this is mainly a Skyrim community but at the same time I understand it would be really difficult to recover from moving and could just make everything far more confusing.

  14. Re-download me thinks?

    Sounds like it, thought it might have been. Still considering other programs though just for more advanced features and stuff and the whole thing with it not supporting my tablet, even though my tablet is pretty standard (Wacom Bamboo Fun, loads of people have problems with it in Gimp and not anything else)
  15. Okay guys, I've known for a while that I really suck at creating backgrounds but I've never really found any decent instructions or tutorials on how to do them well. For a reference of my past attempts at backgrounds have a look at my gallery on this site or my deviantART gallery (link in my signature). So I've seen some nice looking backgrounds from you guys so I wonder if you'd be able to either give me some advice or direct me to a good tutorial or whatever.Also I'm considering getting Photoshop, but I'm not sure since even with a student discount its $200, of course I could just torrent it or something but yeah... I'm currently using GIMP but with the latest update I'm kind of sick of it, I'm not sure whether its something that went wrong in installing it but now its more difficult to switch brush sizes, you can't just choose a smaller brush because it will stay the same size you have to go into tool options and change the size there (which is stupid). I know there's quite a few other free or cheaper alternatives to Photoshop out there so your opinions on those would be good too before I go downloading them.

  16. utilize the clan vex. i was recruiter for a month..prolly less... and, well... i think i did okay.

    Good advice, I haven't really used it much yet...wasn't sure how well it works, but I'll give it a shot.
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