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Everything posted by FunnyPirate

  1. Do someone have a guide for photoshop or gimp?? I actualy once saw a guide for photoshop but it was so so complex so I need a simple way to learn some photo edditing. It might be usefull so I can make my own PC's backgrouds
  2. Yup I talked to some ppl yesterday and our last real war was a long time ago and I would like to do another one since they are fun
  3. LoooL soz I was mistaken still thanks
  4. So we currently have a system of blogs in a part of the foruns and I would like you to use that system because is actualy funny and it may us think abut many aspect, I would advice a few ppl to blog because ppl blog and then stop but a weekly blog or some like that would be nice, I think I will do a blog myself probs about school or some funny stuff but I hope everyone can find fun or some good stuff in blogs...Thanks to ur attention.
  5. Im not from america but tbh nowadays elections are ''bought'' voting doesnt matter that much because they always have ways to make more votes that there realy are...
  6. Im w8ting for a new event like this because Im currently F2P and need to do some dung...
  7. I whant a new console because PS2 is already kinda retard and then I want is MW3
  8. The medals I need update are:1600+ total lvl100+ quest points500+ posts in TRR forunsThanks
  9. So I would like you to post in her just telling what of special would you like to get by christmas as a gift....I would like a new console + MW3 to play it, because with the new updates and patches is great!!
  10. So guys I don't know if there is any topic about Christmas yet but still I would like to make one so here it is... So guys I was thinking in some stuff about life bla bla bla and so I had this idea of help you know, now a days teenagers don'0t care so much about other ppl as aduls.... other than theyr girlfriends/boyfriends or friends.... and basicly I thought that as we are realy close to christmas I could lauch a campain of help to feel. Wierd name but what it means is that first wen you help someone you are doing a good action wich is good, if everyone does that the world would be great!! but most ppl just don't care... Second, wen you do this most times you will feel good by have helped the other person + the other person will retribute to you and help you or at least would be thinking ur a great person. So the basics are that help someone else is great for the world and if we all do this, like help one new person daily or help the same person but alot would be nice, and try to do that often, no just in christmas... Free yourselves because they are going to help you back with big happiness Enjoy christmas and now see some funny pics This one's great!!! lolololol HOHOHO
  11. So guys christmas + my birthday are realy close and I may get alot of money so I was thinking about some RS pause ( Still coming to the foruns OFC) but I have a problem, Im gonna buy MW3 + the console but Im going to play it online ofc after go thru the career and some survival... But my problem is that PS3 is great in graphics but bad into gaming because net connection and xbox360 in the other side is reasonable in graphics + great in connection and gaming online but it needs Xbox live golden membership for me to play online, still having internet wireless wont help, so I whant to know, ´should I buy PS3 and play with my wireless internet or buy Xbox360 and pay to play online?? idk, because I never tryed to play with xbox live because my friends dont have, in terms of money I dont know if I will get much or not so just try to help....
  12. RSN: MusclePirate P2P or F2P: F2P Are you a Boss Skiller: Kinda Are you planning on taking an arrow to the knee: Idk This shit is fucked stupid editor kasf.sdfds.klfhsdf
  13. oh soz, about the fuck recruit I mean. Yeah fuck, I WILL RECRUTE!! lol
  14. Yup defender is a hard role but if you get use it is easy...Looking forward for the guide!!
  15. FunnyPirate

    Hi :)

    Welcome back and have a good time here in TRR.
  16. With very very sad news guy Im here to tell u that, FUCK IM BACK What will come next from me : ( oh fuck he is serious ) lots lots and wtf did he sad lots of more posts? yup Big activity even during school ---lidshçsksjfdghg--- time Im gonna get up in ranks and help ppl in the foruns, in-game and fuck recruit But still Im not over -- oh fuck i forgot whats next soz, sooo Ima think and catch up with u guys later
  17. Im back bitches :D lets say ''fuck school''

  18. Seriously, Im gonan smash u all and do big topics and great anwsers to get in top 5 posters
  19. Omfg, you matched me, I just finished smoking kills yesterday and right after it I got a banshees taska nd I thought those in the well were like lvl 60 and so I did 2 trips to them 0_0 omfg, I lasted less than 10 mins in the both trips, because you realy need to pray melee or fuckd... I got to rswiki and the is says that you have to pray melee because theyr attacks are magic melee based..... :S
  20. Hard job... and you had sucess, gratz
  21. Uh don't take it serious...... usualy ppl wen say that they are just kidding xD
  22. Remember the old times last month were you would play PC at 3 4 5 Am and you would talk alot to me and xdan wen I lost my lithership in the n2 or n1 with the most lines in the IRC and it's bad Im down.... BEcause of yo this all shit sucks so cme back to RS and do like old times bossing till 5 AM and use IRC alot to have fun
  23. I've trained till now some Agility, fletching, and thieving....And my goal is 70 agility and Im like 57 or 58 but The course now is the one in the wildy and it's fucking waste because there are always stupid guys killing all the ppl or poisoning so idk what to do 0_0
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