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Everything posted by FunnyPirate

  1. FunnyPirate


    Well Im catholic too, since little, I'm 14 and I am go to the church to pray every week and after the church every week too, I go to a you people reunion and we do activities and we go to meetings that have to do with Jesus and so... And I like it... What can I say?? I was raised this way and this is who I am....
  2. This guy is sosolid2k he makes great movies and is one of the best and more known dragon slayer in the game. ( you can actualy see his youtube chanel here »» http://www.youtube.c...kk?blend=9&ob=5 ) http-~~-//www.youtube.com/user/sosolid2kk?blend=9&ob=5#p/u/0/ck_WD_ABidc http-~~-//www.youtube.com/user/sosolid2kk?blend=9&ob=5#p/u/1/eF0V64fh2Pg http-~~-//www.youtube.com/user/sosolid2kk?blend=9&ob=5#p/u/8/M4vs9xePwAE http-~~-//www.youtube.com/user/sosolid2kk?blend=9&ob=5#p/u/13/UZkmtntUDCQ http-~~-//www.youtube.com/user/sosolid2kk?blend=9&ob=5#p/u/21/SokTnbIBSXM http-~~-//www.youtube.com/user/sosolid2kk?blend=9&ob=5#p/u/20/0rhZTlBcgSk http-~~-//www.youtube.com/user/sosolid2kk?blend=9&ob=5#p/u/33/6Cpn89kRMHc This is Woox16, he is a player that is realy realy known, he is one of the best if not the best boss chalenger. He kicks some great boss ass..... ( his youtube chanel is here »» http://www.youtube.c...6?blend=12&ob=5 ) http-~~-//www.youtube.com/user/Wooox16?blend=12&ob=5 His most hard challenge: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/user/Wooox16?blend=12&ob=5#p/u/3/ljLBvwzLsPs http-~~-//www.youtube.com/user/Wooox16?blend=12&ob=5#p/u/17/QIrNtOqmp-s http-~~-//www.youtube.com/user/Wooox16?blend=12&ob=5#p/u/21/Et0UDbIk3g4 http-~~-//www.youtube.com/user/Wooox16?blend=12&ob=5#p/u/26/wUO-ochzOec LoL »» http-~~-//www.youtube.com/user/Wooox16?blend=12&ob=5#p/u/36/IXNG1w_dY6c http-~~-//www.youtube.com/user/Wooox16?blend=12&ob=5#p/u/39/kGLwmW-k97k Very Very usefull for high lvl players Big money (TDs guide) http-~~-//www.youtube.com/user/Wooox16?blend=12&ob=5#p/u/40/OOAoLnGrjds LoL»» http-~~-//www.youtube.com/user/Wooox16?blend=12&ob=5#p/u/41/aL875aiJ594 LoL»» http-~~-//www.youtube.com/user/Wooox16?blend=12&ob=5#p/u/42/-_R_PjARozM http-~~-//www.youtube.com/user/Wooox16?blend=12&ob=5#p/u/45/VP7sWvBBLIw LoL»» http-~~-//www.youtube.com/user/Wooox16?blend=12&ob=5#p/u/49/lk_zJHCeUHc Great videos, will take some time to see, but they are realy great. Sorry, because I Ithought this would be able to see the videos here in the foruns, but the video won't apper, so you have to click in the links to see the videos....
  3. Well I have a few budies in RS that I know for a long time, some are my real life friends and there are a few guys that play for a long time and make videos for about 3-4 years, we can say that they are elite people, I think some of you know them so I'll post here some gerat videos about them and if U know any more guys that make awesome videos about RS, post the videos and talk about those guys.ENJOY BECAUSE THIS ROCKS xDIm gonna talk about:sosolid2kwoox16In the future I'll post more....
  4. Good luck in your goals, nice ones for begginers
  5. I haven't 0_0 can I see it??
  6. Welcome back and have a good time.
  7. Well, you all enjoyed the event thats what matters, so gratz and thank for host the event.So up to me I'll strart to host F2P events
  8. If U can't see the pictures, click in the icon that appears instead of the pictures, copy the url and paste in the browser to see.
  9. in the behind the scenes it said that the GE will be separated in 4 parts so this sohuld be 1 of the parts....
  10. Both look great the new GE should be out in liek 7 days I hope not more than 2 week I gess, so this mnonth should realy worth the work for mods
  11. As I sad idk were I'll start to host F2P events now, don't worry.....
  12. Men this all together will be almost better than citadel, the new edgeville and new GE should realy be nice lets hope to the mods do a great job
  13. Great updates, the forum is turning realy great, I hope this forum last for very very long time now
  14. Welcome to our clan, don't be afraid to ask for help. Have fun
  15. No, I what you to post videos or some writte help in how about make videos of gameplay and take/upload pics.
  16. I though it were from events.....SO I'll just say whatever I said in every post and I change my vote soz traag....
  17. Event: Shoting star Meeting Place: Someones house in W64 Date: Every month in middle month Saturday Notes: Grab ur pickaxe, train some mining to get it high and then start to go shoting starts for a fun event, friends time and get some rewards and mining XP. We start by meeting in someones house in W64 and watch thru the telescope we hop some wrolds and see whats the ebst world to go to the stat.... Have a nice time TIME CHART ----------------------------- 00:00 GMT Time (GMT) 8:00 p.m. Atlantic Time (GMT -4:00) 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time (GMT -5:00) 6:00 p.m. Central Time (GMT -6:00) 5:00 p.m. Mountain Time (GMT -7:00) 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time (GMT -8:00) 3:00 p.m. Alaskan Time (GMT -9:00) 2:00 Hawaii - Aleutian Time (GMT -10:00) If your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Timezone Converter Directions 1. Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" 2. Set the date to that of the event. 3. Set the time to that of the event. 4. Select your Timezone and then click "Convert". This was a choice from my old poll, Im F2P by now and I won't host the event but as it is a monthly event that may later start to be a weekly event in shouldn't need someone to host and actualy in september I'll be P2P abain so.... just weight.
  18. Just to say that there are people that know how to make movies and get printe screens into pics online. I only know how to take the pics online, so I ask to someone to make a new post about help taking print screens and upload them online and then help in how to make videos out of the gameplay, add some simple effects and upload to youtube, that way would realy help some guys like me that have will to expand or clan to google pics or youtube with event videos, clan citadels reunions and citadel activities. That could bring some new and fresh people to the clan so I'd like someone to help and post videos or help to do these two things.Thank guys
  19. LooooLLLrealy do U understand the difference between ''world'' and ''planet'' ??? 0_0
  20. I have two new awards for the list, these awards could be monthly or so....The first is: the guy who takes more pics in events during 1 month...The second is: the guy who tmakes more videos about our events during 1 month...
  21. LLLLLLLLLLooooooooooooooLLLLLLLLLL
  22. uh Just oen thing (pick a world to rule....)
  23. U forgot to vote 0_0
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