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Everything posted by FunnyPirate

  1. my legend is BGS, we still friends and we talk sometimes in Tlol.I miss the TRR old days were everyone were happy :SLong....long.. long time ago
  2. Weel first I'm alomst 15, so Im not ready already to drink coffe to play 24 hours in a row, and the other tihng is that it's 1000 hours, and U may be able to play 24 hours in a row, but what about do tha in the 41 42 days ni a row...Can you do that, thats what I'm talking about, you may play 24 hours in a row but then you will still spend some extra time in the folowing day sleeping, so it's bad think....
  3. Realy nice indeed this event, this will be alot of fun
  4. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3ZcZ2h4Ths&feature=relatedhttp-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3ZcZ2h4Ths&feature=related
  5. Arctic Monkeys - Don't sit down cause I've moved your chair
  6. You have to see that humans don't play 24 hours daily right??
  7. Today, there were no more seats on the bus I was taking home, which meant I had to stand. I noticed that a creepy guy sitting in front of me had a boner, so I took a few steps back. Suddenly the bus went through something like a speed bump, which caused me to fall and sit on the man's lap.
  8. FunnyPirate

    I'm new.

    We are a big family TRR, enjoy and have fun
  9. We are a big family TRR, enjoy and have fun
  10. Of cource, well they are great Mono, I gonna realy work for it to see if I can get up some clan ranks.Have fun typing guys
  11. Well thank you Terra, great pics indeed.In my PC I can't play in high detail because I lag too much but I took the best pics I could.Well for what I see there are some guys that daily are able to help.....I would like realy much to help wenever I whant, but this 1st week of citadels Is my last week as P2P and after that only 4 weeks later in september I get P2P, so I, that realy like to help, are less one to the guys who could help.SO WE REALY REALY URGE ALL OF YOU GUYS TO HELP AS MUCH AS YOU CAN, becausew e realy need help every week to treat weel this place or i twill '' desapear'', every week the resources we need keep getting bigger so you all hav teo help for the better of the clan and our home in-game.The guys that have power, try to recruit good players and make them use the foruns. :DGood job you all and have a nice week
  12. This day will be remembered forever, this was one of the best updates ever for P2P players in all RS. So the basics for the first days of the citadel is cutt 12k of roots, that you found in a tree north-west inside the city. Every week to update the city walls and the building we have to cut the roots, each week the number of rrots keep getting bigger and each player can only cut 1k weekly. We have an active player that already have cutted 1k of roots, xdan (swaffle ingame) so we had some more guys active. We have for now 4 parts of the citadel: The 1st tier tree The battlefield The center The conference big room ( were you can get your clan ring from the clan master) These things have all to be updated and new spots have to be filled with stuff, so we ask all of the guys that are P2P to get to the clan in-game and go to the clan camp and get in the citadel to start cutting roots to our citadel evolutiong. This update brings some rewards for the game, you can get your ''Clan ring'' and if have worked in the week you are for any skill inside the citadel you will change your ring a skill ring and wen you train that skill in any runescape you will get extra XP, I think it's 1,5 or 2,5 more experience than normal. We had two great people, Heated Deus and Blexun working in our battlefield. It consists in a battlefield that we can mould as we whant, these guys did a gerat job and moulded it for like a minigame. It's fun to play but it still not finished, it's realy nice indeed. There are some good time memories. I'll post some pics for you to see the citadel This is the final pic the menu in the map option, it's great because inside ur clan citadel you can teleport to various places inside it without any items or effort You just click in the T and ur done. Well The pics are a little too big, but that way you will see realy well this new stuff. I hope you all enjoy play with this new update. More topics and more guides about this soon.
  13. The same girl you posted upon me, the megan fox, exchange for transformers 30_0
  14. So guys lets make this foruns more active, like traaginen said there were times wen we use to have like 60+ active top0ics and all the guys were postion, well right now we lost a big friends and good people from the clan, but we can always start again.SO lets make a new threat, tell jokes, post funny pics, funny youtube videos ......... and make people laugh above all.ENJOY LETS TURN BIG TIMES ON
  15. Oh hell yeah, let's go for it xD
  16. Yeah I agree, but this actress is great too xD Great legs -.-
  17. great goals xD good luck on them
  18. More less but I don't think that because I have fun doing thieving....And I have to a shity quest before be able to go piramid plunder....
  19. 99 thieving I realy enjoy training thieving
  20. People so if you have those opinions, why do I only see my votes in the poll?? COme one, this is supost to be fun :DVote please
  21. Hey, so I was thinking of a few ideas to improve our clan in-game activities and get us together, and I remembered that there are some ''Distractions and Diversions'' in the game that we can do weekly together, so I picked these three: Shooting Star Penguin Hide and Seek Teards of Guthix These three are P2P, I think there are no Distractions and Diversions activities for F2P's...so sorry to F2P guys... So maybe we could put this on the calendar and select a day to do this. These activities can only be done once a week (exept shooting star) and they are basically like this: we would get together at our home world and we would go do what should be done at that activity. Shooting star is different than the other two, basically; you go to your house or a friends house and you go to the telescope near a window and a shooting star will be there, and it will say +- the time when it will fall and where it's going to fall, so we get together, change worlds and we seek the star that is falling that moment or in a few minutes, we get together and we go mine it. We get money, mining experience and some other stuff as well. You can only get the rewards once a day, but you can continue to mine stars and get XP during the day.... You need a lvl 10 to start this, and then there are some rules, there are also different kinds of stars sizes, the bigger the size, the bigger the mining level you need to mine it. So, I have set this, now you guys vote and choose what activity you would like to have on the calendar to do every week. TIME CHART ----------------------------- 10:00 p.m. GMT Time (GMT) 6:00 p.m. Atlantic Time (GMT -4:00) 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time (GMT -5:00) 4:00 p.m. Central Time (GMT -6:00) 3:00 p.m. Mountain Time (GMT -7:00) 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time (GMT -8:00) 1:00 p.m. Alaskan Time (GMT -9:00) 12:00 Hawaii - Aleutian Time (GMT -10:00) If your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Timezone Converter Directions 1. Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" 2. Set the date to that of the event. 3. Set the time to that of the event. 4. Select your Timezone and then click "Convert". Thanks guys enjoy.
  22. We U guys left I end win hades and I almost died so I run. I picked some bones and don't remember the other thign.... Took 42k out of it but at least we get together for 3 or 4 kills
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