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Unknown ProbLem

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Everything posted by Unknown ProbLem

  1. agreed. I think they handled it the right way by making it seem more "educational" because building a house probably won't be as much of an adventure, like dawnguard. Based on everything, I'd give it a 7 or 8/10
  2. you won't understand until you program for yourself, especially with C++, Just because you happen to have several years of experience, does not make it any easier. also Bioware and other use other program languages that THEY created. I'm fairly certain Bethesda uses C++ still as it is generally commonplace, along with giving the user power and control over what they are doing.Skyrim have thousands, if not tens of thousands of lines of code and C++ does not point out mistakes and if one thing is out of place, something may not work. it could take from hours to months to figure out, going down all the code. David hopefully understands the difficulty and could maybe explain it better. Also, they aren't just trying to fix the PS3 problem, they still need to develop DLC for the xbox at least, as they are under contract.
  3. i thought the Hearthfire trailer was bland, unloke Bethesda's standards, however it did give you a very good idea of what you're buying.
  4. I prefer Jets, little rusty but can adapt pretty easilyhttp://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/soldier/Unknow%20ProbLeM/stats/334982061/xbox/http://bf3stats.com/stats_360/Unknow%20ProbLeM
  5. makes plenty sense. and don't worry, there may be spoilers, but if you eer want DLC info, I got your back xD
  6. Sadly this is a very "grey area" subject. people will go to the ends of the world, saying that you can, while some, or even maybe most people who try have failed to no avail. I assume nobody technically knows. I wish i personally could help, but I found re-marrying didn't work what-so-ever.
  7. they can't really do much to be honest, it's all in the programming. I don't want to sound arrogent or whatever but you tend to get a much different perspecitve when you have a general programming experience.
  8. I feel bad for everybody who didn't get Dawnguard because it really was good, but the problem between xbox and PS3 is that PS3 generally has free internet usage and doesn't opt out for those special release deals, just hooking up with downloads etc. Xbox, for whatever reason goes "hard in the paint" when it comes to DLC and exclusive releases, they take the cake by working up semi-insane contracts allowing their fan-base to get their stuff early. an example was (and it's a little blurry) but DICE hooked up PS3 and PC users with The Close Quarters DLC sneak-previews before Premium was announced, along with the 2 week premium period began.I don't personally feel either is better as they both have their ups and downs, just now adays I feel the PS3 got screwed over because of the major differences over PC and Xbox. This is because PS3 is Sony, while PC and Xbox are Microsoft made. Oddly enough, also, again going by memory, I'm pretty sure that most of not all of the multi-platformers have contracts with Microsoft for things.Don't know how this got so long but I just feel bad that PS3 users are suffering, but Bethesda is good at what they do and... well coding is not an easy thing, it's 99% problem solving, with no direction. It isn't easy to explain but it isn't easy to fix certain problems, or things like that, sich as the PS3's supposed Skyrim memory errors.
  9. I've been here several months, and figured time to stoping hiding. I feel I look a little sleepless, and it's a bathroom picture, sorry folks. Anyways, here you go!http://i746.photobucket.com/albums/xx102/Unknown_ProbLem/photo-62.jpgPeace out, hope to delieve more guides!-Samuel
  10. one good thing happens, then 10 much more shitty things follow. Might be missing some school for something a little more devastating.

    1. Unknown ProbLem

      Unknown ProbLem

      FML, i really can't wait to graduate and just GTFO of my house. waaaaay toooo much drama.

    2. Jake


      Wait, what are you talking about? Are you having troubles at home? Your post is very vague.

    3. Unknown ProbLem

      Unknown ProbLem

      Yes, I'm having more home problems

  11. I love the new layout for the front page, like Squishy said, it is definitely much much more professional and sleek. I think however, it may be a bad move to turn the entire forum into that though, as it would probably be not only a hard task, but something that would definitely take a long time to get used to, and in the long run may even hinder you. I think you've done an amazing job on the coding and I'm actually learning to do what you're doing. Like I posted, I'm learning HTML and CSS this year. I'm curious what else there would be to updates there could be on the site. I can't wait, and I hope that over time it gets easier to for articles to be posted and such, along with the evolving of the site.
  12. Did everything go alright? I hope you can do the quest and such now. As Greg posted in possibly a different thread, you can technically start Dawnguard at level 1. so you could check it out that way.
  13. that kind of blows, but I'm a senior and I purposely left myself to dry. This year, including German 4, if you count computer languages as languages. I'm going to learn 5-7 languages overall. I'm learning:GermanC++AccessOpenGLHTMLand some more VisualBASIC (or something else due to my second semester of Intro. to Computer Programming)not 100% sure, but I'm also learning CSS (part of HTML, just not sure if it's a language within itself)so, fun for me .... right?
  14. Getting ready for a Skyrim guide or something, any honest suggestions?

    1. David


      Hearthfire review.

    2. Unknown ProbLem

      Unknown ProbLem

      Alright. Anything else?

  15. I think this is meant for xbox, because they are trying to fix the lack-luster PS3 version. they are working on the memory problems and stuff. so Dawnguard is mayyybe coming soon. Don't worry squishy, I'll at least give you a "guide" about it all
  16. I know they get views still, just nothing near what they used to. It's somewhat the only thing keeping me from feeling motivate to drop guides, and stuff, skyrim or game related
  17. I never got my stuff that I needed, and just nothing new gor Skyrim aside patch and dlc news which I'm pretty current on. there isn't much to post, and granted my speedrun guide may have not been the best, and I'm not looking for views but I dedicated a bunch of time, and it got seemingly little to no attention.That wa a bit of a kick to my motivation but, When Hearth drops, I'll try to make a guide on it, about places to build and such. everything to the extent of my expeience playing it. I wish new users would come here longer than just one question or something honestly. It feels like Squishy and I are basically writing for a captive audience of ghosts aside like 5-15 members. ibhope for it to get better on all sides, because i like being here, just it is a hobby site after all :/ I wish tons of luck to David on improvements on whatever he thinks is necessary, and for more traffic. Not een just for Skyrim, just a general populace would be nice. In all honesty, while staying at a friend's house, I saw around 10 or 12 people on and I was actually a little dumbfounded, ha.
  18. Well It's more beneficial to others and such, I don't really know. I currently don't have it, so it is easier to mess with it. Also modding is a fun hobby for me and even if i did have it for pc, it'd still be fun. I'm currently working to figure out on how to get PC mods to work for xbox. I'm quite close already to figuring it out.Also, if a person has multi-"console" setups, he can now help out all of his others friends with this particular knowledge.I also personally believe that to fully understand a game, you need to know everything about it. I have yet to be graced with owning it for PC but i think the challenge of modding is rewarding within itself. it is a very frowned upon hobby for no particular reason and is both difficult but high reward. If I can figure out the right things to get mods working, prepare xbox users, You'll be most likely getting download links for whatever I find. Such as house mods, etc.
  19. Skyrim PC mods on Xbox 360 -By Unknown ProbLem Well wonderful folk at Eldersouls, I have wonderful news for you. It has pretty much been out for a long time, but it is physically possible to modify things in you Xbox save. This is done in an extremely easy fashion and requires only a few things. You'll need Modio or Horizon or a general Mod tool that has a device explorer to reach your saves. Now, if you're rich then you should just buy Skyrim from steam. You WILL need a PC version of Skyrim (the more updated the better) and this is how you'll be able to do "anything" in Skyrim. Like having a level 1000 Character. Okay, to start. [*]Load up your USB from Modio or your tool (modio is recommended for me) and you'll want to go into the contents and pull out the save data. rename this Savegame.ess and you're .exs file is now a PC compatible gamesave. [*]find your Skyrim save data and put your save in there. now load up Skyrim and get in your save (since save was moved, you'll notice the save image is glitchy looking as well. [*]Open up the console commands with ` and begin to mess with anything. General commands for attributes: for your skills (you'll need two to break past 100) to reach 100, it varies, as some need more but you'll type in: player.advskill "Skill name" 400000 you can put in a half million, but it technically doesn't matter. after all your skills are 100, type in: player.forceav "skill name" "desired value" Ex: player.forceav Smithing 2000 and your Smithing will now be "buffed" to permanently be at 2000. for level: this is extremely simple and you can break everything, lol. enter player.setlevel "desired level" you can hit basically any level in the game. you can go from level 1 to level 300 if you choose. or just whatever you like. So far, the "highest" level I inputted was 1000. you can add items, remove items, remove companions, add companions, and several things. For all the commands, just search "console commands for Skyrim" and you'll be able to change several aspects of it. granted modding isn't several people's motif but if you are like me who feels that understanding a game completely includes knowing the flaws and what you can do, then enjoy these! after you do what you want to your save, save it and copy the save to the desktop and make a copy of your .exs file and put the file next to your .ess PC save. open up your .exs file in the resigner and go to file options and replace the savedata.dat with the new .ess file. rehash and resign then put your save onto your flashdrive. Hopefully this will work, I have yet to do it 100% but I'm fairly certain it works if everything works properly. enjoy your level whatever and just checking everything out, lol. to get all the items you could imagine (including Dawnguard since it's been added to the test hall) type in the console menu, coc QASmoke you'll be taken to the test hall and can pick anything up, just DO NOT save there, as it is meant to be a PC only place. You will need to teleport out and just now you'll have full reign of your world. possibly trying to figure out a way to get PC mods to work as DLC on xbox. look out for a possible post of it and hope you enjoy this guide about how to PC mod skyrim instead of looking up a program which may only give you gold or something.
  20. Thanks for the update, I actually did not know that. the crossbow would be a pretty useful tool at level 1
  21. was it Pc or console?If it was PC, there are console commands.and as far as legit xbox, probably not. now I do know of a way to mod Xbox saves so it is technically possible, although time consuming and you nee a pc version as well.
  22. She doesn't care about race either My first character was an argonian and she still loves me lol. Now we have crazy werewolf vampire sex, lol.
  23. The elf bloods would've cluttered it, and Unless i wanted to put in my entire Oghma guide, i though'd it would be a little more friendly to put the guide there, and I need to finish up my Daedric artifact guide.
  24. My favorite cities are Solitude and Markarth. IMO I feel that like Eden said, The house in Windhelm is the best, yet personally the city is pretty crappy, especially for the home of the "High King". My least favorites are Morthal, Windhelm and finally Winterhold, simply because the city itself is non-existant, it's 99% College, 1% City.
  25. I already tried to make them as short a possible but there is only enough vagueness to show on something like this. Also, it takes quite a bit of skill to start a speed run of skyrim, and still requires a lot of explaination. also my questline choice was a little unorthodox already and I would make it shorter if you could help, because I really don't know how much shorter it could be
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