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Unknown ProbLem

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Everything posted by Unknown ProbLem

  1. That second photo is just blurry enough to make you look like a super young Tom Hanks. Why do we have so many celebrities?
  2. could you maye provide a picture somehow, or something? I don't remember any gates. Also, look at the objective and see where it is on your map and possibly fast travel out from the Courtyard and that may fix it.
  3. Level 50/66 Battle-Staff Mage: Requirements: [table] [th]Build Number[/th] [th]Stat 1[/th] [th]Stat 2[/th] [th]Stat 3[/th] [th]Stat 4[/th] [th]Stat 5[/th] [th]Stat 6[/th] [th]Stat 7[/th] [th]Stat 8[/th] [th]Stat 9[/th] [td]Build 1[/td] [td]90 Smithing[/td] [td]50 Illusion[/td] [td]100 Conjuration[/td] [td]60 Destruction[/td] [td]90 Restoration[/td] [td]100 Alteration[/td] [td]100 Enchanting[/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td]Build 2[/td] [td]80 Heavy Armor[/td] [td]80 Two-Handed[/td] [td]90 Smithing[/td] [td]50 Illusion[/td] [td]100 Conjuration[/td] [td]60 Destruction[/td] [td]90 Restoration[/td] [td]100 Alteration[/td] [td]100 Enchanting[/td] [/table] Personal Notes: This character co-insides with a few suggestions for future DLC, including Mage Armor and Battle-Staves. This would explain Two-Handed, but Since it isn't out, the level 50 build has high alteration, allowing for the robe wearing mage more armor (yes, this build is ROBES ONLY) [table] [th]Enchants:[/th] [th]Option 1[/th] [th]Option 2[/th] [th]Option 3[/th] [td]Helmet[/td] [td]Fortify Conjuration and Fortify Destruction[/td] [td]Fortify Conjuration and Fortify Restoration [/td] [td]Fortify Conjuration and Fortify Alteration[/td] [td]Chest[/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td]Hands[/td] [td]Fortify Magicka and Fortify Two-Handed[/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td]Feet[/td] [td]Fortify Carry Weight and Muffle[/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td]Ring[/td] [td]Fortify Conjuration and Fortify Destruction[/td] [td]Fortify Conjuration and Fortify Restoration [/td] [td]Fortify Conjuration and Fortify Alteration[/td] [td]Amulet[/td] [td]Fortify Conjuration and Fortify Destruction[/td] [td]Fortify Conjuration and Fortify Restoration [/td] [td]Fortify Conjuration and Fortify Alteration[/td] [/table] Perk Distribution: http://skyrimcalculator.com/#168075 Level 50 http://skyrimcalculator.com/#168077 Level 66 Health/Magicka/Stamina Distribution: [table] [th]Value[/th] [th]Health[/th] [th]Stamina[/th] [th]Magicka[/th] [td]Distributed[/td] [td]20[/td] [td]9[/td] [td]20[/td] [td]Base[/td] [td]100[/td] [td]100[/td] [td]100[/td] [td]Ending Value[/td] [td]300[/td] [td]190[/td] [td]300[/td] [/table]
  4. Foreword: This guide and all parts of it go to the User Blexun and all credit is reserved to him, This is being posted here for easy access to all guest with this problem and hopefully with the resent influx of posts on the matter, that this will be solved. Enjoy the guide!! (Reposted by Unknown) How to get Divorced in Skyrim By: Blexun My divorce came to me as a complete surprise. That’s what happens when you haven’t been home in eighteen years. – Lee Travino Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 Users You can't. PC Users [*]Kill your spouse [*]Enter console command resetquest RelationshipMarriage [*]Remove the Amulet of Mara from your inventory. [*]Enter console command SetStage RelationshipMarriage 10 [*]Use console commands resurrect and setrelationshiprank player 4 on your spouse to resurrect them.
  5. I am Happy with this, I get new BB code to master Squishy and I can't wait to dominate with our new high-tech guides
  6. well, at least we at least get the DLC's lol xD but on a more serious note, Blake, please can i repost this on the Help as a catch all? seriously, if you've noticed, tons of people are like "plz remarry me" lol.
  7. Nice Andrew! also, you should post your LP on this thread an number them, I can't wait to see these make their way to the top! Also, test out the Perk Calculator, it's amaziiiiing. if you want, i could do a build for you also
  8. I thought of a MAJOR new idea that would only be possible with what happened for Skyrim. I have three things, the major thing will be the first. [*]Inscription: Yes, just like in World of Warcraft, the ability to inscribe spells to rolls of paper, making charcoal or some writing tool along with rolls of paper useful. This would replace the spell making of Oblivion and would work such as normal scrolls. You'd be able to make the same spells just like oblivion, just only one use. You'll be able to bring back spells such as 100 damage spells, and spells that last 2 minutes, or spells with range of 100 yards. Maybe... Bethesda could you know, bring back spell-making tables, however who knows. the addition of a higher level cap would be nice. maybe make the cap 85 or 90? who knows. [*]The ability to craft staves: Battle-staves, normal staves, Dragon Priest staves, and the like. Craft an enchantable Daedric Battle-Staff. when it runs out of charge, use it like a normal weapon until its recharged. Adding weapons to Skyrim would make it much much more re-playable, and beefing up the Mage builds would be really nice and I would love to play a Mage with a battle-staff and my third DLC option. [*]Mage Armor: Temperable Magic robes. Now you can have Mage armor with Light or Heavy armor pieces on it so you can keep the robe look, yet actually not be as squishy as a soft baked potato. you could temper with Iron, Leather and all the way up to Daedric or Dragon bones/scales. And if you want to make your gear more stylish, it goes to that as well. Maybe the Mage will have a little more beef and bite to it, with all three of these. who knows?
  9. Hey Andrew, nice job on the LP, just for future reference, post these in the General Discussion. Questions and stuff will go here, but unless you have a question about your LP, please post it there, but nice
  10. we're the wrong people to ask, but if you'd like to call us Bethesda, thank you. We'll pass it along. In the mean time, take better care of your dead spouse alright?
  11. I agree also, *equips trollface* Dwanguard David? just as bad as Gawnguard lol.
  12. Xbox and PS3: Can'tPC: Read Blexun's guide please
  13. Grats on posting to the site Andrew, glad I finally have a buddy on here from offsite. hope everybody enjoys my stupid banter :b anyways, grats man, hope this lets play turns out epic
  14. You should be able to complete the quest for it, But i don't remember how it starts. i can check in a little bit/while
  15. No, on the first character i beat Dawnguard with, he finished the Stormcloak side. please don't be 100% that because you did something in-game that it's the problem. make a new character and get to level 10 and test if it's just your one character or a problem with the DLC itself.
  16. there is a cool epic boss fight in the Soul Cairn if you can find all three Reaper Soul Fragments. he doesn't give much but the battle itself almost seems Legend of Zelda like. i don't know how to exactly but you can always youtube it. Just word of advice if you play 360, look for the soul gems, you'll know what i'm talking about
  17. I really liked Dawnguard and not only played both sides of the questline and got everything. The secret Reaper fight was tons of fun and the the items are useful.Along with that, Dawnguard allows for the ability to make arrows which now renders the Daedric arrow glitch rather useless because after a certain point, you have no use really for Daedra hearts. This was actually one of the funnest DLC i've ever played and think there is a threshold of understanding between people who watch videos on youtube or hear people talk about it, to yhe people who have played or beaten it.This DLC isn't exactly Shivering Isles standard, but still a 4/5 or 9/10 for me.Edit: The Vanpire lord is a ton of fun to play and the flow between spells etc, are very well. I thought that despite the repetitiveness, it puts a new perspective on a "Bethesda classic" where you get to meet the beginning of all vampires.
  18. Update*: This works on all three shelves and the double post is to allow anybody to see that this does indeed work on all three shelves. So if you'd like to keep all your books on one laggy shelf, head to Markarth today and buy a house!!!
  19. So i was making a character to test out all the builds for elder souls and I decided to use the Markarth house for this run through. turns out one or maybe more shelves on the living room in the house will add a book to be placed upon successful completion of the glitch.In my game, one bookshelf shelves from top to bottom go like this, 18, 29, 18. if I don't test it later, can somebody confirm if all 9 shelves carry this property. this is a long lasting glitch as well because I left the house, reloaded markarth and went back in with the same number.
  20. wow, sounds like your game hated you.I hope everything gets solved
  21. that Arvak looking horse is Arvak. He randomly spawns around the zone and runs around a little bit, like his ghostly owner will say. have you tried reloading the zone? or do you have a save just before entering the Cairn? The Soul Cairn isn't really a hard zone to complete just a tad time consuming. Also as far as I know, he may be as fast or faster than Shadowmere, just impossible to lose due to him being a summon. Hopefully there is a fix to your problem, Arvak isa good ride to have around Skyrim
  22. All Skyrim achievements including Dawnguard, and now a master of Lycanthropy and Polymorphic Hemophilia!

  23. yeah, no problem. also, as of this morning i got 100% completion and all the achievements
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