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Eric the Bard

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Everything posted by Eric the Bard

  1. Wow! You should try getting it into Guiness!
  2. I was kinda hoping you guys would post pics of your pets. I don't really know why though.
  3. Well, fishes are pretty easy to take care of. When you are away, you can give them that weird food thingy that they can eat from over a period of time.
  4. Eric the Bard


    Have YOU got any pets? I've got a few fishes, bought some yesterday in fact. So heres a few pictures of them Warning! May be inappropiate for people under the age of... 18? 16? 13? I dunno... But some people might be offended! It's a lot of swearing. That's what I'm saying. I like how the last picture got cut off for no reason, as it was intact before I finished it. I zoomed out, and paint decided to cut off the last bit... Anyways, do you guys have any pets? EDIT: Feel free to like, as I spent literally MINUTES(!) making that! Another edit: Heres a picture I found of a similar fish with pedo-mustache:
  5. One thing I really liked on the LoL forums, was that we could see the topics where there latest had been a post, in a sidebar. We got one for new topics, but I'd rather have one for active topics. Also, we should have a link directly to the applications page, so that people who get to the page, don't get confused because they can't see an applications thread.
  6. Ahhh... I can see on your pic that you still use the old style clothes, Huyg I do too, never changed it
  7. Hmm... Your G&A inspires me to play again... But I can only play on my shitty laptop, and that's annoying... Anyone know how to reset a computer? The new stationary computer my bro uses, so I might restart the old one. Aldo, was it Smoking Kills that was the quest to make Slayer better?
  8. Well, I bought SC2 for like 80$, and as I am reading this, I realize how expensive games are in Norway... Much like everything else... 80$ is normal price for a proper game. But the point was, I've almost never played SC2, even though it's a good game.Ps. Did you know that Jarlsberg is produced in Norway, but still Costs more here than in USA!
  9. I've accomplished something awesome! I became active on the forums again! I also made a new user and saw all the new shot Jagex added to the game.
  10. OMG! I'm not on the Runehead! Add me, EricBloodaxe !
  11. I don't think they have announced the releace date yet, but pre-purchase starts 10th of April.
  12. Lol, this game fucking sucks!Relax, just kidding, I've never played it... It sounds pretty good though. But I doubt I'll buy any games before GW2.
  13. I'm reviving this! MineCraft is awesome! If you start watchin this series; http://www.youtube.com/show?p=M-_uPjfjVzc&tracker=show_av you will understand why it is so awesome. It's not so fun singleplayer, I think. It can be a bit fun singleplayer though, if you got mods. Multiplayer is the real stuff. I play on server.minecraftomega.com sometimes. I really encourage people to play MineCraft and to check out that server. It's v 1.1 though, because some mods aren't working together after the update(s). I might post some pics later.
  14. Well, even though it's not out yet, it's already tons of guilds out there.
  15. So... What about that Guild Wars 2 eh? I'm really looking forward to this game. I honestly can't wait. I think I'll pre-purchase the day it become available. It looks really awesome. If you haven't heard about it I suggest you check it out. The Yogscast have some really kewl videos of it. So, any chance GW2 will be a part of this guild as well?
  16. What's on YOUR mind? Stop asking me all the time, you freak...

    1. Blake


      I don't know. School st00f.

    2. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Whattt?! You think about school in the weekend?! Blasphemi!

  17. Yessss!! I noticed that I suddenly got an avatar when I was updating my page. I guess it is okay this way
  18. Well, I tried downloading it and uploading it aswell, but it still wouldn't let me
  19. Law runes have gone down pretty much anyway. Earlier they costed 1k each, and people had less money back then. If it get's any cheaper, it's almost for free. I don't really mind that anyway.
  20. NES owns. I have a game where you play football(soccer) and you can shoot down you're opponents and kill them. Best game ever.As for N64 though. LEGO Racer was pretty good, and Super Mario Party
  21. Wha's a statstic? State stick?
  22. We are talking about CC in RuneScape, right? In that case, I want to say that I want to be invited, just send me a msg on the forums if you are able to, and you see that I am on the forums.
  23. Pfft, I am the real bard. Even my name is BÃ¥rd
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