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Eric the Bard

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Everything posted by Eric the Bard

  1. Yeah, I remember watching it. Like ten times. Good movie. Can't really say that the squirrel scene is the one I remember the most though. I remember the fish scene and the magic fighting scene better.
  2. That monster-thingy looks like one of those weird Zerg things from SC. Can't remember what they are called though...
  3. Something that isn't a new bug, but has never worked; can't check comments on statuses on mobile version.
  4. Well, I wasn't going to bother looking it up, but... alright then... tomorrow... maybe...
  5. Now here's a problem; I've sen everywhere that the solution to everything is cleaning the cache. However, I've managed to avoid this during my whole computer life, and therefore never learned how to clear the cache... So how does one do this thing?
  6. Quotes doesn't work on dark skin again... It seems. Not here atleast. It does in this thread though.
  7. I ended up in the middle of the hills somewhere in France, and after ending up in the same place twice, after leaving it, I gave up. GG. Round 2: Started in the middle of two fields in what appears to be Finland, judging by the sides. There is nothing but fields and trees to see. After spending some time trying to get to a town on this never-ending boring road, I give up. GG.
  8. And Brad! Brad is often on... and Tynisa. Possibly more people... Lion, where arth thou? Come back!
  9. It is, but this new box is ugly... Liked the old one better.
  10. Quoting doesn't appear in a box in mobile version, it just says that something is quoted, and there is nothing distinguishing them.
  11. I think I'll play it when it comes out. For like 10 minutes and then log out again.
  12. What, since when did MotM get a price?
  13. Does this mean you're not legit?! Where's the real David?! (you're David, right? I'm terrible at names, so I usually just go for tge usernames, bevause I actually can see them)
  14. Well, you can't just make up ruled like that! It sakd nothing about that in the other montgs I've boted... As far as I know... It might have been, as I think last time I read it was in May or something...
  15. Trr is two clicks away from me, I got a TRR bookmark with TRR stuff in it. Unfortunately the list has got so lobg I struggle to find the TRR bookmark...
  16. I predicted the election! Obama won with 79%!
  17. I just found your photobucket Brad, and... You got some weird shit on there... Why do you have all these pictures on photobucket btw?

  18. I already had the heya page bookmarked. This are all good sites though. Had some fun with the kick-ass app. It was really fun for like a minute, then it became incredibly boring... Still, good fun.Edit: I watched the first bug fight. I thought it was going to be epic, but right after it started one of the bugs hit the other one in the face and it was over...
  19. Don't think it would bring more members though...
  20. I found it: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1265147791
  21. Happy Birthday! I've spent almost a year in TRR and a year and a half, possibly two of those years in LoL, which is almost the same. Kinda.
  22. I think maybe MineCraft, with a public server might bring new members. Not sure how many people on here play MineCraft though.
  23. Didn't Jamie post here FaceBook on the forums somewhere?
  24. It's pretty bad, but I was able to find that recent posts thingy. However I've given it up, as it kept telling me it couldn't connect to the community, and it's really slow.
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