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Everything posted by Buttons

  1. Tolfdir (college of winterhold) has got me to stand across from him so i can block his flames with a lesser ward spell, but he now refuses to go any further, he just stands there staring at me. Very annoying. I've tried walking around on the spot and recasting the ward spell, but that didn't work for me. I've tried waiting but it wont let me wait in that location. I tried waiting in a different location, but no. I've tried going off and doing something else and then returning, but he just continues to stand there and stare. I even tried sprinting into him to see if that would knock some sense into him, but nothing works. Need some help please... Does anyone know the code to finish the "First Lessons" quest? That would be very much appreciated.
  2. Yeah of course, I like it. Has a fun ring to it The Great Sir Gargus will destroy the filthy swine of Tamriel!! he-he-he, love it....
  3. Holy knight, dragon Priest. Definitely! They go well together in my opinion. If you are, can i suggest that you wear the resist disease and poison mask? That would be cool because it would make you sort of pure/clean as well. That's cool, by the way, I've recently started up a new character who kills everyone distasteful, kinda like what your character does. My character name is Jet, a goth looking chick, but she doesn't wear a mask. She's been killing all the cultists, the worshipers of false gods, anyone who calls her a milk-drinker, the bigot "Once Honored" who hates the dark elves in Windhelm, and also the Old Bitch "Kind" that runs the orphanage (The Arentino boy didn't need to ask her for that favor). And she just got through slaughtering the entire Dark Brotherhood. That was fun!!!
  4. Well, at least you know your stuff is safe... Um, if you're playing on pc i can suggest using console commands: Go into console by pressing the ~ key, then click on the Arch- Mage's door and then type in Unlock, hit the enter key, Then exit console by pressing the ~ key again. The door should now be ready to open. If you are playing on PS or XBox then i don't know what to suggest, I'm guessing you might have to give up all your pick-pocketing progress and go back to a previous save.... Take the key with you this time, keys don't weigh anything. There is one other possibility i just thought of... though I've never tied it. can you by any chance get on the roof? There might be a door up there that isn't locked? or am i thinking of somewhere else...? Good luck
  5. Not really... more of a flesh, blood and skull head these days. Rocks more my thing
  6. Yeah... I didn't undo my werewolf demeanor in case i jinx my good fortune for that character, but it must be a werewolf thing, I've eliminated all other options. It does seem odd, however, that i can't find anything about it on Wiki? surely someone else would have figured that out by now.... you would think. I've recently started a new character, who i will also make a werewolf with the same achievements, eventually, and am pretty sure the same thing will happen, but i will let you know either way.
  7. You need to feed (drink someones blood) before entering Morthal. Then what's-his-name shouldn't attack you (If you enter a town while thirsty for blood everyone can see it).
  8. So i loaded a pic of a couple of bears in a compromising position on an album in the gallery (not my best work). I was hoping to add more to that album over time, but in my second attempt it wouldn't let me add another pic to the album because apparently there was not enough room? So i went out of the site and came back in later - and now i cant get past selecting a pic from my files, no loading option, and i cant even find the option to make a new album any more.... Am I missing something? I went for a brain scan the other day, when the results came back the doctor told me they couldn't find anything. Very embarrassing, but no surprise.
  9. Buttons

    Bears In love

    From the album: A Buttons World

    No cubs in Skyrim? ....Maybe these two will help things along.
  10. Buttons


    Chicken killer! How dare you! Who do you think you are, some variety of poultry hater??? It might seem to be an insignificant animal, just a lowly chicken, but that's where the trouble begins, my friend, that's where it all begins!! So what's your next target I wonder - what's next?? Sure it's a chicken now, but then what, a goat maybe?? hmm? Huh? Is that what your working up to, a poor defenseless GOAT???? You ought to be ashamed... just ashamed.... Chicken Killer!! Grab up your pitchforks my fellow villagers, we're gonna hunt ourselves a chicken hater....
  11. I'm having the same problem with weapons racks too, if you have any suggestions or know of any weapon rack codes? I've been looking on Workshop in Steam for weapon rack mods, a mod where i can place weapon racks wherever i choose, but i got tires after the first few pages... if you otherwise know the names of any mods for this i could just type the name in to shorten the search.... But just a code or two would do please....?
  12. Well, once more i tried exiting and entering the cell, but still nothing there. Then I tried spawning it in other locations, including the underforge itself, but no success I'm afraid... i guess my werewolf will just have to live without a blood tub. At least he's got a couple of spider pets....
  13. I don't know if I'm on the right track here, so correct me if I've wasted my time, but i looked up How To Restore Data Files On PS3 on Utube, and this is what i learnt. But i think you might already now this, but worth a try anyway: 1) Turn the playstation off by holding down the power button. hold it down until you hear two beeps and the light turns red. Then Release the button. 2) Now you must hold the power button down again until you hear one beep, follow soon by two more quick beeps, and then the system will start up again and you can release the button again. Now there should be a number of options displayed on your screen. 3) From what i can gather you simply choose the option: REBUILD DATABASE 4) Then, from what i can gather, choose the option: RESTORE FILE SYSTEM. 5) It then takes about a minute or so for the system to restore the files, and then you should be good to go.... In theory. 6) Good luck Hannah. Let me know how you go.
  14. Hey there Bear Goldblade! I cant remember, are you on pc? or xbox/ps? If you are on pc, then yes. Go into console by hitting the ~ key located below the esc key, once the bottom half of your screen is grey click on the warehouse door, then type in unlock, then press enter. exit console but hitting the ~ key again, then click on the door again as if you are just opening a regular unlocked door, and it should open for you. Using the unlock command should not make the game think that you are breaking in, so you don't have to worry about the guards coming after you or anything like that. However, once you are inside you will need to kill off a few folk. If you've never been in there before keep in mind that there is a hidden doorway within the warehouse If you are on PS or Xbox, then all i can suggest is that you get your "sneak" up (even if that means using enchanted clothing or drinking a potion of invisibility), and break in... But you didn't want to break in, right? by memory I don't think there is any other quest that will give you access to the warehouse. but i might be wrong. check Google to make sure.
  15. I'm clutching at straws here, but has your partner completed the same Speaking In Silence quest you are attempting? If not, then try that, see if the same thing happens. This would be a lot easier to solve if you were on pc One other thing, have you spoken to the quest giver correctly and gotten all the information you need to start the quest? sometimes you need to finish a conversation with someone properly, especially in the guild, even though the quest has come up as started. But again, I'm clutching at straws.... Wait, are you saying that going back a savepoint before the trouble began didn't work? Because that would be odd....
  16. When you say you tried reloading, did you "save then load", or did you actually shut the game down and start it up again? If you have already tried shutting it down and starting it up again, then have you tried going back to a save point before the trouble began? I'm assuming you are on PS or Xbox....
  17. Um, yeah, I've re-read your post and mended my previous response, as i was little tipsy yesterday. My bad. Anyway, i can't see any other answers for you. Hopefully it was working ok for you when you turned the game back on. Have fun
  18. Gotta love the library lookout, i do the library lookout for that house too. Ok, as for your problem, and forgive me for asking because i realize that you did say you were stocked up on building materials, and i don't want to insult your intelligence - but it is easy to overlook something - and so is it at all possible that you have run out of Quarry Stone or some other major building material for building the house? If not, then there might be something wrong with the game. It does sound a little strange because, as you probably already know, you don't need to put in the grindstone or stables or smelter or any of the outside stuff in order to build the house section. Usually you put that stuff in after you build the entrance. Right? Anyway, if you have done everything correctly, i don't know what to say. Why it would happen with your second house and not the first is a mystery to me.... I'm assuming you shut the game down in order to go to your computer and write this post, so maybe the next time you go into your game it will be working fine. Just a temporary glitch?
  19. I've got a code for the Underforge Fountain. You know, the big bloodfilled bowl beneath the Skyforge. But whenever i spawn it i cant see it. I can activate it, and i cant walk through it, but i just cant friggen see it! I tried exiting and re-entering the cell, but that didn't materialize it either. I would like the fountain in my Werewolf characters house if possible... If anyone can help... Does anyone know an underforge fountain code beside this particular retarded one 102010
  20. where is this cell? how much play time?
  21. No... I've gone through all my enchanting perks. They are all the same now. I also went through my active effects and there isn't anything that would determine a higher enchanting rate in the wolf character. (Unless a single "destruction spells cost less to cast" would make the difference, but i cant see how.) I'm at a loss, David.....? Anything else it could be? Funny thing is, and I'm pretty sure I remember correctly: when i first noticed the difference i went into the wolf characters game and tried to duplicate the higher results, and the first time i did that the results looked the same as the other chanters.... So i figured it was a fortunate glitch for my wolf character. But then i tried a second time, just to be certain, and sure as bones i saw a little blink on the screen before it then changed and gave a higher result! Sure as bones i say, sure as bones... By Sithis i swear it's true! You should know, I have an ADD UP TO FIVE ENCHANTMENTS TO ONE ITEM mod. But i honestly don't think the mod is to blame as it has never done anything like this before. I just need to find out how the wolf character got such a high reading so that i can work on making all my characters that strong, you know?
  22. Ok, so... I have a few different Dragonborn Characters. Two of these characters are Nords, both are the same sex, both are at level 100 in Forging and Enchanting, but only one of them is a werewolf. The other is not a werewolf or a vampire, just a Nord. When the regular Nord takes an Enchanters Elixer Potion then enchants a bow, the Frost, Magicka and Shock damage never reach higher than 35 - 42 points. But when the werewolf Nord does the exact same thing the Frost, Magicka and Shock damage enchantments can reach right up to the 70's, 80's and 90's. Why?? Is it a werewolf thing, or is it some variety of glitch maybe?
  23. Never mind... the stupid little shit is talking again. I remembered my timescale is set at 1, so i waited 24 hours. All good. My bad. Buttons out Hey David, you can delete this threat if you see fit to do so
  24. I tried adopting Lucia, the street kid in Whiterun, but she is giving me nothing. No dialogue options at all. Earlier in the game i cut her off mid sentence when she was asking me for a gold piece, because i noticed something more interesting taking place near by. But i cant see why that would have ruined any future interaction with her, right? How can i make her adoptable again? (All the other kids, such as Sofia in Windhelm, still talk to me ok). Should i try these codes or will they ruin the game? reset BYOHrelationshipadoptable setstage BYOHrelationshipadoptable 0 Could someone please give me better codes if they know them? thanks
  25. Well, that sounds like a pain in the ass. Does it happen with any other game, or just skyrim? If it is just skyrim then the problem may revolve around overworking the station or collecting way too many files in its memory. usually the game will just freeze because of these things, but I do get this sort of complaint from my niece and nephew, as they also play on the xbox. Apparently they fixed the issue by going back and deleting older files that they wont be using any more. I suggest you go through and save all your dragonborn characters to date, at the top of the list, then delete everything prior to that. I hope this helps. However, if the xbox crashes with other games as well, then you may have a bigger problem....
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