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Everything posted by Buttons

  1. I tried dressing up Lydia in glass armour and she wouldn't take it on, I can however console add it to my own inventory. Lydia accepts it too but she wont wear it. She will however accept and arm herself with a glass battle-axe - so why not the armour? I also tried adding nightingale armour to my own inventory to give to her, and the computer did say that I added the items, but I just cant find them anywhere....? Anyway, I was forced to give Lydia Dwarven Armour but it looks too bulky on her. doesn't suit her at all! And she cant wear Ebony armour either because I'm wearing that until I'm ranked high enough to make my own dragon scale armour. doesn't seem right to console dragon armour; have to earn that status I reckon.... (By the way, where did Lydia get her staff of sparks from? I never gave it to her. she also has a cure disease potion I never gave her... think she's been sneaking around behind my back. she can keep these things of course, just wondering how she did it.)
  2. These are some other things I cant seem to find the code for on the google sites: 1) A "functioning" Weapons or Sword Rack 2) A "functioning" display case (one that doesn't pop open whenever Vigilance walks by) 3) A nice "functioning" bookshelf that I can actually see. Also, is there any way to actually go fishing with a rod? Catch a whole fish? hang a whole fish up on a hook in the kitchen? Furthermore, Is there a way to eliminate wolves from my game? they annoy the hell out of me, those useless pests.... Thank you for your patience
  3. David, after reading Skyrimkitten's question about her vampire situation yesterday I started to wonder about my own character.... I don't eat very often, and when I do its usually a sweet roll or apple pie. Not the point. I don't sleep much either. The point however is that earlier yesterday I was on some quest in the catacombs beneath Solitude when my vision went a pinkish colour and the computer told me I was getting weak when the sun rises. I also have a lot of people telling me I don't look so good. Does this mean I am a vamp? Nevertheless, these symptoms occurred earlier in the game when I was at a much lower level, and I believe I took a Cure Disease Potion to fix the issue. But I'm not sure if drinking the "cure disease potion" is working for me this time. After reading Kitten's question last night I went home and ate a proper meal as well, just in case. I DON'T WANT TO BE A VAMPIRE, I don't even like vampire movies (except for "Let Me In"), but I think I have come too far and done too much work to go back and prevent it from happening. If I am a Vamp, is there a console code to stop me from being a Vampire? or some other way to reverse the process?
  4. Yes, Dave, the SexChange fixed the issue, thank you. And thank you for your effort too Tristan, and to answer your question; I try to get away with as little work as possible, mostly. In any case, what I didn't realise is that even though my head was female, I had inadvertently changed my body to a mans.... I was a cross sex for a while. You can imagine my surprise when I went to enchant some clothing in my underwear and found myself standing there with a manly, hairy chest! I would have notices earlier had I not been wearing that bulky Dwarvn armour.
  5. That's really funny, I didn't even know you could become a Vamp. I don't know how to help you but you made me laugh, I can just imagine people screaming Vampire and attacking you at every turn. sorry... try the internet for answers, might be a Tube vid on it or something.
  6. I've been looking everywhere for the code to the black Bedroom Safe in the Solitude house but cant find it. I would like to add that safe to my other four homes.... Anybody know the code?
  7. Every now and then when I hit my quick-save key the game cuts out and returns to window.... it isn't very often, but it shouldn't happen and when it does it couldn't have happened at a worse time. Last night I was going into battle a Hag when it happen. made me furious. At the moment I'm using f1 as my quick save, because it is in close proximity to "esc" and "~". Is the key I've chosen the problem, or is it my software?
  8. I think what you have to do is find Onmund, go into console, click on Onmund, and type: AddToFaction 19809 1 I hope that works, although I am quite new to all this and am not entirely certain what "no DLC" means (for me that's tech talk)But if you can use Console it should work.... if it doesn't work you haven't lost anything. I have been compiling a book of command codes for various things. and I try them all out before I enter them into that book. Good luck with Onmund!
  9. aha... that's what you meant... now I feel a little silly. Thanks again man I will let you know how I go with that
  10. Dave says I hit the start menu, then go into controls, then adjust my "invert y axis" in order to reverse my up and down site on the xbox one controller for the pc.... but I can not find "invert y axis" or anything even close to that in my start menu. I know its difficult to believe, but may I actually be doing something wrong? lol David, you there? ...anyone? By the time I figure it out my brain will be use to using it the other way.... :-)
  11. So glad my body and voice are female again. still cant believe my head stayed the same during all that
  12. I take it you tried the bedroom? ;-) lol
  13. far out, thanks man, but I went into controls (to set control settings) and there is nothing like "Inverted y Axis" there. the closest thing is a "Y default" button which undid all the settings that I had already set :-(
  14. You probably killed Banning without realising. Vigilance is a cool dog! worth obtaining. Actually, I bought Vigilance at night when Banning was sitting and drinking at home, and Banning also had a bad habit of calling the dog stupid, which I didn't like very much, so I offered to buy the cute pooch. Keep in mind that Vigilance doesn't have a lot of health so I tell him to "wait here" until I've cleared an area, but I do let him fight with me on smaller battles. I let him kill all the wolves as well, because the wolves annoy me and turn up at the worse possible times. It use to be that Vigilance came into every battle with me but he died a lot that way and I spent a lot of time going back to previous save points to bring him back. Of course then I quite often had to do the mission all over again. But he is worth it! By the way, if you tell him to "wait here" at any time, don't make him wait too long or he will walk home to where you found him. Then you may not be able to purchase him again... so I hear. On a different note, Lyra, Are you the same Lyra that plays chess online? If so, I'm still waiting for that rematch.... :-)
  15. ok just realised that my character has a mans body, which is why she has been sounding male for a while now. I obviously done something wrong when I was changing my mannequins sex, could someone tell me how to change her back to having a females form again? strange, very strange, her head remained the same....
  16. Don't play Xbox, but use to play playstation.... So, I mention this because I Just switched from mouse and keyboard to Xbox control on my pc. Feels like I'm beginning to play all over again.... am I the only one that thinks that pushing view stick forward should be looking down and pulling back should be looking up? I cant seem to get use to that. Not to mention I have a hard time straightening up, so I find myself running sideways most of the time. I'm guessing its just going to take time to get use to... Is there any way to reverse the look up and down operation?
  17. Well, your right, I don't plan on reinstalling the game. That would be like cutting down an apple tree to get the apple on the top branch. The last time I used my characters unrelenting force shout she definitely sounded girly.... she may be back to normal now. Passing phase? I'm gonna leave this topic open because I don't think its over... and I'm thinking someone out there might read it and know exactly what's going on. I did change the sex of my mannequins in my Windhelm home around the same time the change in her voice took place... possible there was some variety of hiccup in the system when I did that.... I did after all experiment a few times before I got the sex change to work on those darn mannequins. Could be my bad, but I still cant recall properly what I might have done. I would be interested to find out what I did actually do though.... if anyone knows....
  18. reinstallation sounds dangerous and drastic....
  19. Really? I see... in that case I understand ParkFalls concern. Nope, cant help then, but I will let you know if I hear of anything. Hope you didn't kill your wife because of what I said. oops, my bad!
  20. No voice mod, that's why I thought I'd better mention it.... Update: I just started a new game as a guy, and it seems he has the same voice as my girl. Something's gone wrong. Does anyone know how to change my girls voice back to female?
  21. Ok, so, the other situation I have is that my voice is changing.... My character is a girl, quite a cute one too I might add, and when I started the game she sounded very girly. You know, when she ran out of breath or got hurt it sounded very much like a lady. Now, however, her voice has changed, still a girl, I think, only different now. If I had to say I guess she sounds more rusty than she did before, but definitely different. Now don't get me wrong, I'm more curious than anything because I think her voice at the moment has a little bit more grit and character than it did before. It's possible that I like it more but I'm just not sure. Is a voice change normal for the game or have I been messing with my console controls too much? The change seemed to take place around the same time I turned the mannequins in my Windhelm home from male to female.... might be a coincidence.
  22. Frost has disappeared (my horse). I went to visit my quarters in Winterhold College and when I came out he was gone. And yes, I've looked for him all through and around Winterhold but he's just not there! I know he sometimes runs away when in battle with a dragon or some other monster (bit of a coward that way), and yes I've spent many hours just looking for where he might be hiding, but he has never before completely disappeared. Moreover, He's never wondered off when I've left him somewhere. He's always been good like that. Where O where could my little Frost be...?
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