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Everything posted by Coty530

  1. K/D doesn't really show how great a gamer is, I mean it can but only if he plays games that all you do is kill, but when it comes to others, it ain't how many kills its how smart you are, or how well you work together as a team, and strategy this is why I love those games, it just ain't a here's a gun now go kill a bunch of people. I used to have a sabotage team of my real life friends and friends I made on live, we had a 27 game winning streak over about 3 hours, it was honestly amazing, when you have the right people who ain't there for kills or who worry about their K/D you can easily win most games. Sadly some of us went to college others work, so we can't all be on at same time, so the team died.
  2. Good luck man, gotta a lot of work to do but it will pay off in the end. I myself has tried may times to make a pure but I could just never do it, I always want to train my main, and not another account, feel it is a waste of my time.
  3. Well I was interested until you talked about KDR, I'm one who is more focused on winning the game and not getting the most kills, you can go 80-2 but if you lose......it doesn't matter how many kills you got, but if you are doing teamdeath, and games such as this, guess it does make sense to worry about it. I'm more of a objective gamer myself, I love search, sabotage, demolition, those are my games, not a fan of just killing to be killing, gotta have a reason not just to get kills.
  4. The majority of the money I have, yes I got it thru rcing. I have also done dragons, my kingdom, herb runs, I try and do any thing that takes little time but decent profit, but rcing is my main way of making money.As for santa....yeah I don't think I will get it at the moment, I mean I could always save up and get it, but don't really wanna sell all my armour after working so hard for it, so I will just keep it and show off, just got to get 99 atk and str and I'm good.
  5. Agreed....why should we even vote if it honestly doesn't matter, we don't pick the president so why should I waste my time on voting?
  6. Well here is my total wealth at the moment have to say I'm very satisfied Now what I didn't/can't show you is my spikes for my dragon armor which is another 2mil, and my dfs which is 9.8mil, which is aprox 103mil!!!! So I have offical broke the 100mil mark which makes me very happy! Didn't honestly think I would do it. Now here is my next decision.......should I keep saving up and get the rest of the money for a santa hat, meaing I would have to sell all my armor, and have to go back to using rune armor for a short period, but I don't pk so I really don't need great armor like that, (even tho if I did I wouldn't risk that much money) I also don't do pvm very much, doing gwd, kbd, and stronger ones so tech....it wouldn't affect me only my training a tad, but if I keep rcing I could get my bandos back quick. Hmmm this is a tough decision.
  7. Should have said "hey I have a problem with my macbook can you help me?"
  8. I don't think I could every play cod on pc....idk just doesn't seem right, I mean I have played it on ps3 and that's fine not diff really but pc...
  9. Good luck on getting your cape back, what quests do you have to do?
  10. Take care of your stuff, sounds like you got a lot on your plate....good luck, hope to see you back soon.
  11. Hey Courtney, my names Coty welcome to TRR, and good luck with your degree.
  12. I've been playing it sense I got it at midnight lol, and I have to say...so much stuff to do and very little time before my day off is over with and then my skyrim time is limited again.... But so far, I'm pretty impressed with the game, I haven't seen many glitches and nothing that effects the game too much. Love the new leveling system also, and dragon fights are awesome, but can be a pain in the ass.
  13. Less then 24 hours till Skyrim is released!!!
  14. Hmmm god pages going up?....might start doing me some level 2 clues
  15. I have to agree, but I have seen tons higher in less time.....
  16. Also, yeah I'm just waiting for the hacks to start, right now its a great game but give it time and you will have everybody 10th prestige (if not already) and getting unlimited care packages etc. etc...Btw if any of you want to add me on live gamertag is xDa Man77x and there is a space between Da and Man
  17. I'm just glad their doing something about it.
  18. Well I'm a cod fan, I honestly love the game, but I always love every cod game they make, so far nothing horrible to say about the game, except the spawn kills which they seem to not be able to fix, which is a biggy for me, and I have died a few times from bull shit kills where I run around a building and the person shoots and hits the wall but I die, in kill cam it shows me not making it around the building. Survivel mode is awesome, I actually perfer it over zombies, haven't done single player yet, but I actually heard and ending was reallly really awesome, although my friend that told me this is highly addicted to cod so its hard to disapoint him.I love the support kill streak, this is a great idea, and it honestly makes sense, how you kills stack no matter if you die or not, I've always been that person that gets stuff to help my team not to get me more kills, so this is a update I love. I like the fact that took away currancy didn't really like it that much, I mean you had to unlock then gun then buy it? now if you could just buy it and not have to do both be different, but doesnt' really make sense why black ops did that. The fact they rasied the rank up to 80 kills me....just more and more rank to go up, I mean I'm the kind of person in one years time will get 4 or 5 prestige that's about it, I can't play cod all day I eventually have to take a break from it, (unlike mmo's or rpg's) so this just makes it harder for me, but not a huge deal really. Gun rank is intresting, and so far I like it, I'm glad they made it where you can get gold guns through actually using the gun instead of prestige which was completely stupid.Spec. ops are back! Hell yes!! I love spec. ops but they can be a pain in the ass, but its always fun to beat them on vet and feel special , I just hope this one they add more as time goes on and not forget about them. I have considered going elite but I"m not sure if I want to yet...tough decision, not really sure what all it can benifit, but I might we shall see. So only issues I have had with cod is, spawn killing issues (but that goes back to cod 4 when I first started playing) and today there was a huge lagg that kept laggin every couple of secs and it wasn't just me, ppl on live was talkinga bout it, now it did save me a few times on search but it also got me killed a few times, hoping that's gone when I wake up tonight to play before work.All in all it still beats bf by a long shot.
  19. Time Played:118 days 12 hours over 6-7 years
  20. Don't konw you ain't been here to long, but welcome back all the same
  21. you could always craft runes for money
  22. congrats man, keep up the good work only 14 more 99's to go!
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