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Everything posted by Coty530

  1. Diplomat achieved award, and sense this is my 100th post also 100 posts
  2. Well I wasn't here a year ago, but welcome back all the same. Also good luck on getting your quest cape back, if you need any help with anything let me know.
  3. AgreedAlso I would like to see just a lot of boss killing, from gwd to kq, kbd, etc. etc. Hell even corp beast but we would have to get a lot more higher lvls, I also like events with other clans that we are allied with, now I don't know if we are. I haven't heard that we are, if not we can get some
  4. Happy Birthday TRR =P andj what made you think of penguins? lol
  5. very nice man, will help me tons thanks.
  6. I perfer cod over bf, although I do agree about bf being more about team work and cod being more about kd. Which kills me because I don't play cod for a high kd I play to win, I could careless if I went -50 kd in a game as long as I won, it don't matter to me, I had a great team and thats all we cared about and we dominated of course we all can't get on at same time as we used to, but o the memories.
  7. I would like to thank you all for giving me this promotion, I won't let yall down
  8. A lot of my friends have got bf3 and ain't getting mw3 till later on, so kinda sucks for me I honestly only have 1 friend left that is going to get mw3 as soon as it comes out, I would have more but someone hacked my live account and deleted all my friends....so I have went from 93 friends to I think 8? I will still try bf3 but I highly doubt I will like it, if its anything like bfbc2 I won't, I hate the huge maps, and the vehicles are overkill, plus no kill streaks? eh see I feel the need for kill streaks because its a reward for doing good, I mean you get a 29 kill streak in bf and don't get anything? what's the point in getting a kill streak that high? Yeah you can brag but it doesn't help you win, I play cod to win not for high kills, I could go a hole game and not get anything higher then a 2 kill streak and I would be ok with that if I won, but when I do get kill streaks you get rewards so stuff that helps you win the game, you have to earn it not, go jump in a helicopter that spawned up at the beginning for the game, that anybody can get, and if he gets shot down eh it will respawn in a min.
  9. When I first became a member I made it my goal to get the quest cape, I didn't have a 99 at that moment so I was going to make my frist acheivement cape the quest cape, I was doing 3-6 quests a day, flying through them making great progress but sadly I burned myself out, and now I don't do quests. I honestly love them, but certain things turn me off when it comes to rs quests, it just seems you have to have so many items and bank several times and some quests make it hard to get back to where you was, now with summoning you can carry more and I'm sure that wouldn't be as much of a pain, and I have thought about working on quests but haven't decided yet.As for the guides, yes I do use guides, now some people say it ruins the quest, and in a sese it does, but I don't want to spend hours and hours and hours on 1 quest. Now I still do quests from time to time, but usually only if I can get something out of it, not just for kicks and giggles.
  10. Sorry about your grandmother, I have been there many times so I understand how you feel. Don't worry about the war, and if you need to talk or anything just let me know.
  11. I will admit Cod ain't the best it has a lot of issues but hell it beats bf by a long shot.
  12. Glad the rl issues ain't bad, but take it easy man, I have quit this game numrous times before but I always seem to come back, well goodluck in life man.
  13. Will have to check this out but not right away too busy with training my atk/str, but sounds like a great update.
  14. He got 27+ Rep becasue he is Da Cow and you gotta respect Da Cow......or suffer the consequences your choice.Congrats on 400th
  15. I'm intrested in Council or Diplomat, and am willing to help with anything else you may need.
  16. Welcome, the names Coty if you ever need any help or just want to do something hit me up.
  17. eh my cousin got me to download it and well.....was not fond of it.
  18. Well I missed the screenie twice!.....gah but I did get 85 atk so for now I'm back to training strength hopefully I can get a lvl or two in before the war coming up
  19. Coty530


    Well in my part of Tennessee we don't really get snow, although they did get a good snow last year but that was the most in almost 20 years, last time it snowed like that I was 3 and it was a huge snow storm from what I heard, to bad I was too young to remember it.
  20. Well its ain't going to be easy but you can do it, good luck man.
  21. All skills over level 20 will be easy, but as your get higher it does tend to be a pain, honestly you can get almost any skill to 50 in a day with ease, its what I did when I became a member in rs, I got 52 theiving right off the bat for some reason I loved it, not so much now.
  22. Welcome Holly! The names Coty and I'm bout to turn 22 myself in two months =P if you ever want to talk or need help with anything hit me up.
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