A lot of my friends have got bf3 and ain't getting mw3 till later on, so kinda sucks for me I honestly only have 1 friend left that is going to get mw3 as soon as it comes out, I would have more but someone hacked my live account and deleted all my friends....so I have went from 93 friends to I think 8? I will still try bf3 but I highly doubt I will like it, if its anything like bfbc2 I won't, I hate the huge maps, and the vehicles are overkill, plus no kill streaks? eh see I feel the need for kill streaks because its a reward for doing good, I mean you get a 29 kill streak in bf and don't get anything? what's the point in getting a kill streak that high? Yeah you can brag but it doesn't help you win, I play cod to win not for high kills, I could go a hole game and not get anything higher then a 2 kill streak and I would be ok with that if I won, but when I do get kill streaks you get rewards so stuff that helps you win the game, you have to earn it not, go jump in a helicopter that spawned up at the beginning for the game, that anybody can get, and if he gets shot down eh it will respawn in a min.