Well my thoughts on this are a little on both sides, on one hand it is just a game, but then again you can't really call yourself a gamer if you don't get mad at games, you honestly care that much. It may just be a game, but you put a lot of time and work into the game so if someone is stopping you for continuing what your doing its not going to make you happy. Plus the people who crash and tell you that's its just a game, and won't share or leave etc. just shows they care as much as you do, if its just a game, they would they have a problem sharing, time spent playing or the work you do in the game to gain levels or get money wouldn't matter to them, but why are they trying so hard not to let you play as well? Its because they are wanting to get stuff done as well, and as quickly as possible, but what if they are just trying to make you mad? Well the same concept applies, they still love the game and care, but they care about making you mad, so that's what they do. Those are my thoughts, I used to have this problem as well, not as much as I used too, I guess I usually play at hours most people ain't on, I don't know but I haven't had this problem, except when I'm training at the armored zombies, it does get a little crowed there. Plus I tend to be lazy, so that helps avoid crashers =P