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Everything posted by Coty530

  1. I will be making this one, although I will need some reminding.
  2. Good luck with you goals, rfd ain't all that hard, just a bunch of mini quests put together, I hate quests but I have to say I actually loved that one, only hard part may be the boss fights at the end.
  3. wow lol well congratulations!
  4. I've been training dung too, if you need some more people just let me know I have a few people I dung with.
  5. I'm off this day, will try my best to attend, I need to get dung levels anyways.
  6. Well I don't have either, and don't plan on buying either anytime soon, but nice to know thanks. I have a request, people are always complaing about how I should sell my full dragon and get bandos (I'm working on buying it as well) the only real reason I have full dragon is 1. It looks awesome, and sense I was f2p I always said I would get it 2. its not bad armor, but always wondered the big difference between if its just minor or a decent amount.
  7. Coty530

    Mighty Banshee's

    Does anyone know the xp an hour?
  8. Probably won't be able to make it, I work nights and I don't think I have that day off, but we will see.
  9. Thanks, and I live in Chattanooga so I'm a good 4 or 6 hours form Memphis lol.
  10. wow very nice, I will have to do this. Thanks for the tip.
  11. Sorry man, I had the day off, but I've gotten my first apartment and I still having to get stuff worked out, hell I don't even have my bed in here yet, I'm sleeping on a blowup mattress....which wouldn't be so bad if it didn't get a damn hole in it....but with my superglue I fixed that little problem, but seriously sorry.
  12. Agreed, worse comes to worse we can always switch back.
  13. Congratulations so everyone on the promotions. Also thanks for the rank explanation, now time to climb the ladder =P
  14. Welcome, I actually got really excited when I saw you lived in Tennessee, as I do, and I have also lived in Florida, just actually moved back home to TN form Jacksonville, but then I see you actually ain't staying lol but it's all good, and I would say something about your computer your going to be building but.....I honestly have no idea what you said. I'm not the smartest person when it comes to computer, I mean I can use one just fine, but when you talk all about what makes it do its stuff and how to make it better....you lost me. Although I would love to learn so if you have any things to teach me that would be helpful, or know websites and such that's good for learning just let me know.<br /><br />My Sept farther is also in the military, he is in Navy, what branch are you in?
  15. I will be able to attend, and I will if i remember =P
  16. Coty530


    Welcome back.....well sorta =P
  17. Sorry, about your uncle.
  18. 1, rabbit, and ApolloThis is a great idea, and I would love to do this, we need to get more ppl active so we can start doing this.
  19. Combat: CaptainRecruiting 1 Referral---(refereed Hotguy4u2)
  20. Well my thoughts on this are a little on both sides, on one hand it is just a game, but then again you can't really call yourself a gamer if you don't get mad at games, you honestly care that much. It may just be a game, but you put a lot of time and work into the game so if someone is stopping you for continuing what your doing its not going to make you happy. Plus the people who crash and tell you that's its just a game, and won't share or leave etc. just shows they care as much as you do, if its just a game, they would they have a problem sharing, time spent playing or the work you do in the game to gain levels or get money wouldn't matter to them, but why are they trying so hard not to let you play as well? Its because they are wanting to get stuff done as well, and as quickly as possible, but what if they are just trying to make you mad? Well the same concept applies, they still love the game and care, but they care about making you mad, so that's what they do. Those are my thoughts, I used to have this problem as well, not as much as I used too, I guess I usually play at hours most people ain't on, I don't know but I haven't had this problem, except when I'm training at the armored zombies, it does get a little crowed there. Plus I tend to be lazy, so that helps avoid crashers =P
  21. Congratulations on your level, and good luck on getting 99, wcing is actually a much easier one to do. I found it easier then fletching, although fletching was faster it had a lot more clicking.
  22. I just did my first week's cap, it is boring I do admit, but its easily split up into separate days I did mine in 3 days, did a little then left and did what I wanted too.
  23. I've been busy with getting moved into my apartment and work, but I'm all good now and will be attending some events.
  24. omg!! why you tell them, now everybody knows! gah!
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