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Everything posted by Coty530

  1. Figured it wouldn't last, but at least its a break from them.
  2. Congrats on your goals man, keep up the good work.
  3. Welcome man! The names Coty I try to be as active as possible if I'm not on it means I'm rather working or sleeping or just being lazy which I tend to do a lot, but if you ever need help don't be afraid to ask.
  4. Hey, the names Coty I've been playing rs for over 6 years now so I know a decent amount of stuff about the game ( not everything sadly) but if you need any help or just want to add me and I can help as much as I can.O and btw Welcome
  5. Glad to see you didn't lose anything, bank pin was a big fav. update of mine.
  6. yeah.....no Well at least not now, I had thought about getting it a while back, but never did . After I get it to 80 we will see if it will go any higher.
  7. I stopped at 10 sense nobody else was there =P

  8. Thanks man, as you can see I've actually had this for a while, I think about three years now I just copied it from the fourms from my last old clan and brought it here, as I really enjoy posting stuff on my blog even tho I'm lazy.
  9. My levels as of 12-20-2011 Current Goal: 90 attack/strength, 70 prayer, Also leveling my dungeoneering to 85 for frost dragons. Major Goals: Atk/Str/Hp Cape Range Cape Magic Cape Santa Hat All skills level 80+ Gold Trimmed Dragon Armor Minor Goals: 99 Cooking 99 Fishing Accomplishments: Guilded Alter Fletching Cape Full Spiked Dragon Armour Woodcutting Cape Defense Cape Bandos Amour Rare Drops: Obsidian shield....sadly thats it Best drop form drop party: Well I finally got a ok drop at a party on 7-3-08 i got a dragon skirt worth 180k Race's Lost Defense race against Hotguy4u2 on 2nd Feb. 2011 Won Fletching race against Poplers8 on 19th Dec. 2009 Won Woodcutting race against Hotguy4u2 on 15th of Jan. 2010 Bank Worth Approx. My bank is worth approx 103mil
  10. Wow that actually looks really fun, would take a bit of effort getting all the stuff your self.
  11. Sorry I couldn't make it guys, I was on but I had a last min phone call I had to go with my brother to doctor sad thing is we get there and they say we have to come back tomorrow.....so a big waste of time.
  12. Good luck man, I'm actually working on 70+ myself well I haven't gotten 60 + yet but I only have about 2 skills to get up and their both 1 level away so....I got it.
  13. won't be able to make this one, I shall be sleeping as I just got home from work =/ and I gotta go back at 9pm so....Coty gotta get his sleeply time or he will be an angry panda bear, and we don't want that.....DO WE!?
  14. I voted for pking =P I haven't been in forever and I honestly suck at it but I figure with a group it would go at little better.
  15. This is true, but you will be able to make more money too, so it works out =P
  16. Will try to make this, and nice little prize =P just wondering who is donateing the money?
  17. I honestly hope this does work, and 98% of bots are gone, would help the econmey in rs so much! People could actually make money again. As for the 3x xp......that is fucking awesome! I'm not a fan of slayer but I will diffently be doing some slayer to get a lvl or two.
  18. Defense!!! I would be the best tank! or Heath! If I couldn't be a tank I would just have tons and tons and tons of health so you would take forever to kill me and I would just kill you , or you would just get a shit load of xp from killing me =/
  19. Sorry I couldn't make it, I had some things to take care of so I was gone all day long, but congratulations on 99 wc.
  20. I will be starting overnight shifts this Tuesday, so I can make events from 2pm-9pm but anything after 9pm I can't make it. (timezone est. -5 gmt)
  21. Runecrafting, it easy very boring, but you can easily make 300k an hour, sometimes more depend on your rc level and summoning level.
  22. Thanks Apollo, and I've planed on getting bandos, I actually had 10mil saved up towards it but just bought a dfs bout a week ago, as I want to have bandos with dfh and dfs with my whip, so I need about 34-37 mil more for it, but I've been training my combat more then making money, although I'm making a little money at zombies, picking up drops about 150k a run which runs last about 3 and a half hours, which ain't good, but considering I'm just training not bad, I should do slayer but I hate that skill with a passion.
  23. Well sense I have 99 defense I guess I could, but I would have to sell my dfh to buy bandos, and well I ain't doing that, so I will get it in time, plus love bandos with a dfh.
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