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Everything posted by Francis

  1. Looks like until they can prove they can get to the Helix fossil, neither is world peace possible.
  2. It must've been trauma from Camilla Valerius. Somehow, I just knew that chick was prone to domestic violence.
  3. Oho... I just delved into this certain game's beta forums... You do get something. Edit: Oh, wait, I guess only the older beta testers got stuff. They got exclusive pet monkeys. Not sure if were getting those too. Nevermind. I was wrong.
  4. Oh, yeah, a two-handed sword might be a good idea. If Boethiah's sacellum doesn't sound good, initiate him into The Blades. That way, maybe it'll fix him up, change his default gear into Blades' stuff, and then you can do Blades quests with him if you don't mind killing Paarthurnax.
  5. I will be playing ESO while I wait for life to shower me with happiness and meaning.

    1. Musclemagic


      If you find happiness and meaning from ESO, you wouldn't accept that as a life showering?

    2. Francis


      Maybe a little bit. But it's not the wellspring I was hoping for.

  6. Sheogorath has stricken your friend--or at least you can decide that's what happened. Sorry,but more often than not, his influence is really irreversible on the Xbox. Sometimes, fate just does things like that. Yeah, move on.
  7. I got into a certain game's beta. Now, for this certain beta *nudge, nudge*, I got two things: -A Beta Account (and) -"Beta-Group-Beta Entitlement" So, does anyone know what exactly Beta-Group-Beta Entitlement is? (It's in the post-code-redemption email.) Is it some sort of "for-the-record" entry for your character log? There's a reason I'm asking this. It involves multiple ESO accounts, but that's another story.
  8. Yeah, it's me again. I can't seem to stay away. http://elderscrollsonline.com/en-uk/news/post/2014/01/29/pre-order-eso-now. "The characters you create can join any alliance, no matter which race you choose." Oh, man, what the heck's gonna happen now?
  9. You know, the site looked great the way it did. The grey, narrow post boxes, the Skyrim mountain background. I didn't think you needed to change anything.
  10. First off, I'm back! Well, sort of. I guess you can count me back for two days right up to the end of this column. While I was here, I decided to make an article. http://eldersouls.com/blog/37/entry-96-a-translation-of-the-daedric-script-around-the-dark-anchor/ Unfortunately, I'll be out of these forums for another month or two. So, see you all when ESO comes out.
  11. After seeing all the theorycrafting threads last thursday, I thought "Come on, there's gotta be something for the lore enthusiasts." So, I spent the better part of the night translating the Daedric runes found circling the Dark Anchor on the recent developer gameplay video. I was hindered a little when, for some reason, some of the text was facing the inside of the circle, while the rest faced the outside of the same circle. I copied them facing the same way on the picture. I hope you guys find this somewhat worthwhile (at least), because I went in there thinking I'd find something meaningful, but ended up exasperatedly squinting at these mind-numbing messages. Though, on a brighter note, it's interesting how they decide to spell words, those daedra. Apparently, it goes beyond just the omission of X's and Y's, as once previously thought. I might have just discovered a new aspect to the Daedric language right here. Now, we can say that, sometimes, daedra like to spell their words according to how they sound, as opposed to just making a direct obfuscated version of english text, minus the X's and Y's. So, I guess I did find something out.
  12. Woah. David, definitely nay.
  13. Coming in at just over 8 minutes long, this video is significantly more substantial than the majority of official releases. What are your thoughts?
  14. Thanks. I also poked around yesterday. Man, you guys go overboard with the theorycrafting.
  15. Beta still eludes me...

    1. Blake


      Maybe one day, young Francis

    2. Francis


      And so, it has unfolded that you are not incorrect.

  16. Coming in at just over 8 minutes long, this video is significantly more substantial than the majority of official releases. What are your thoughts? Click here to view the article
  17. ... Aw, I'm touched. Sorry, couldn't resist seeing what people would say...eheh... So, maybe that was too abrupt. Let me put it this way: Anyway, last time now, I swear. See you all when ESO swings around.
  18. This is to discourage me from lurking back here. I feel like I ought to cut myself off from all the tedious distractions of ESO-related procrastination. I'm going to focus on schoolwork and other productive things, like finally writing that novel I've been trying to start since, like, ever. So, thanks, everyone, but I'll only be back when the game launches. I understand this is the equivalent of going comatose in forumland, but, please, I bid you... do not weep for me.
  19. Ah, yes, the negative quibbling... In an anonymous society, such as the web, where the ability to discriminate people eye-to-eye rarely exists, the ability to judge people into high and low status groups also disappears. So, the average knowledgeability middle-ground that usually exists among the archetypal "normal guy" group, is then lowered to include idiots, young'uns and culturally-alien foreigners. The hate bandwagon is garbage. I've yet to hear from a beta-tester who doesn't love the gameplay.
  20. Sorry, dude, I'm not knowledgeable with glitches, nor have I ever sided with the vampires. All I can suggest is that you try to leave the area and come back.
  21. God dammit, they removed Weighted Shot and replaced it with Poison arrow... I was gonna use that...
  22. Oh, in that case, I don't know. I've never used him. I think I've read somewhere that he doesn't have perks like other companions, but I don't know if that's true either.
  23. Oh, hey, you're right. But I looked it up, he's also one of the worst companions in the game. http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/615805-/61540975?page=2
  24. Okay...thanks? Not sure I understand that, but as long as it's a no homo thing, alright.
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