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Everything posted by Francis

  1. Yeah, that. So, there you go... Unless...if that was actually blur we were seeing... You see the futility of what we're doing here? We'd be better off waiting 'til open beta comes.
  2. Chill. I sifted through it again, I think it's the guy with the restoration staff that keeps becoming transparent. We don't know if pbaoe does work on nightblades. And on the video I just noticed that his attacking doesn't remove the transparent effect either. Let's not argue, shall we? I only put Magelight out there.
  3. I'm pretty sure Paul Sage commented that it was a nightblade. Shoddycast commented on the uncanny length of the invisibility on their ESO Weekly: Quakecon video. I wasn't talking about the character Nick Konkle was using, if that's what you thought. And the point blank area of effect thing... I don't know. I thought invisibility only broke when the caster attacks. We'll find out sooner or later.
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  5. No, man, I presume we're going to keep a rotation of slotted abilities for different situations, and not fixed ones. Nobody mentioned Magelight at all. If Tamriel Foundry is to be believed, the nightblabe will be the most common class, and I suggest we cast Magelight in our idle wandering time to make sure that things like those guilds that consist of nothing but nightblades in Tamriel Foundry don't just walk past us at the frontlines. They went invisible really long in the Quakecon video. Plus, how else could you kill squishy nightblades if they kept disappearing?
  6. You know, you guys are gonna have to do this all over again when the game launches... So, sorry I haven't taken much of an interest. But I think you all forgot one really important thing: Magelight...
  7. Input the skill effects and whatnot. I've been using the older skill table since this one's incomplete. Plus I'm not seeing any bugs, so you're good. I'm sure he already has a list. But, still, I'm sure he had to move your post because everybody else's wouldn't make sense without yours on the new thread.
  8. It's the fuzz, man. Run! (Get it? Cause he's a Llama.)
  9. Crap, sounds like mage tanks would really be a threat to me. Break a leg with that.
  10. Okay, that bit about crafting was news to me. Thanks for the info.
  11. Oh, Jesus. I can't believe I got that wrong. And I'm one-fourth Chinese myself... -- Ah, got used to Japanese being predominant on the internet, and China being censored... Still, you misspelled both of them. Heh, so we're even, you son of a bitch. Nice analysis, by the way.
  12. I can picture werewolves who shoot straight with machineguns. Everyone would be dead. I think the werewolves I saw in Skyrim did have opposable thumbs. Pretty long ones too. If you don't have opposable thumbs and neither can you shoot fireballs, I think it would only be logical to assume that you need opposable thumbs to shoot fireballs. Case closed.
  13. So, no "expand/collapse all descriptions" button per section? It sounds like a good idea to me. But it's up to you, I guess. The builder sounds like it could be a gamble to attract some site traffic. But it won't really matter to me since I already put mine down on paper.
  14. Great work, man. We could use an "expand all" button.
  15. Oh, really? Sorry, didn't recognize it. Just saw it pop up on another site I check now and again. Ah, well, nevermind.
  16. http://www.frequency.com/video/leaked-elder-scrolls-online-game-footage/91038202/-/5-705602 Just thought I'd put this out there. Some people just uncovered this from obscurity. But to be honest, it's really not anything good. It's shot from an over-the-shoulder perspective.
  17. Okay... The first step is to admit you have a problem... Don't worry, we all do, and we're here for you. You can look to us for support. The second step is to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to our sanity, and set our lives straight. The third step is to apologize to everyone you've ever hurt because of ESO, and be willing to make amends. I forget the rest because I never made it past two...
  18. ...or, you know, a box costume. God damn, she looks like somebody I know.
  19. Personally, I fail to see the significance of this type of etiquette. But, sure, if you say so, man.
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