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Everything posted by Francis

  1. What is this? I mean, even my friends shove this garbage at me. ... Okay, what I mean by animal husbandry are the animal mounts...well, horses for now, but, heck, maybe they'll have a pygmy silt-strider in the future. I don't know. But please don't spread those links around, you're making idiots rich by giving them exposure.
  2. Okay... Anyway, I was thinking, how about this arrangement: [*]General Questions -->(Everything from race to armor, plus anything not covered by the subsequent five categories.) [*]PVP [*]Quests & Dungeons [*]Crafting, Cooking, Fishing & Animal Husbandry [*]In-Game Factions -->(Fighters' Guild, Mages' Guild, Dark Brotherhood, etc.) [*]Lore -->(Stories, 2nd era stuff and easter eggs.)
  3. No worries. Click "more reply options", and then click "view saved content" on the bottom. Edit: ...It re-saved, huh? Tough luck.
  4. Those are criteria under the five main subsection, right? You're not suggesting David branches them out to those, are you?
  5. Advice about your girlfriend? Dude, there is a 50-50 chance that instead of the almighty, ever-loving site creator, you might be answered by the other guy, the manifestation of everything that is wrong and perverted-- Blake. Edit: ...Hah. Whom I'd love to hear.
  6. I'm pretty sure you can't make followers use scrolls. I mentioned that already. And followers don't level up like you. Their level is dependent on your level. At some point, they all hit a max-level cap.
  7. Hey, ask a mod for a proverb. Maybe he'll answer it... And tell him to make it life-changingly awesome.
  8. Ahaha. Now, if only God was like that.
  9. You don't need a mod to change the title. Click "edit", then click "use full editor". ...Oh, but you do need a mod to take care of that double post. Tsk, tsk. That's a demerit from the Llama.
  10. No. Sorry... you can't teach followers new spells. They know what they know. Mods aren't an option either, cause you're not on a PC. But I've never thought about trying to make them use scrolls though. I just looked it up and couldn't find anything. So, as an educated guess, I'd say no, they can't use them. (And regarding your other thread: ) You can glitch yourself an army of about half a dozen people at most. I trust you can use Google.
  11. Yep, I can agree that owl was hardly drawn.
  12. Francis


    Divines smile upon you. David, become a Dark Elf. Now, if David and Blake would just join us, I'd feel less insecure about using a site run by dominion recruits. Blake, we have lustier maids.
  13. Well, your wishes are.
  14. Francis


    Cool. Good luck, dude. Join the Ebonheart Pact. Your subconscious demands you. I welcome you on behalf of myself and everyone. Become a Dark Elf.
  15. No way. The older one made me want to go ogrim tipping. It was too goofy, but this new one, now this is a daedra.
  16. "Lez eat them!" Ew... No. Son of a bitch, no...
  17. Nothing else seems to be going on, so I thought I'd pose a question: What would you wish for?
  18. Morrowind is a semi-impoverished wreck due to eruptions and Argonians, but I'd assume, yes, they're with the empire. The Nords gave them Solstheim, after all. Tiber Septim sort of only got the Argonians via treaty. Nobody actually invaded inner Blackmarsh nor garrisoned anything strategic. They withdrew from the empire, and weakened it by sacking the Dunmer before the White-Gold Concordat even happened. Cyrodiil... Not much of an idea. Probably not. Oh, and I found this: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Fourth_Era Go nuts, curious one.
  19. I always say Legate Rikke was the more competent commander. Though, I think I forgot Tulius was unenthusiastic. And I do understand the Forsworn's plight at the end of the day. Defending your own is something I can sympathize with. It's just that those nutbags try to kill me all the time.
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