Hi. My name's Francis. It might've taken me too long to create this account, but here I am... Pleasure to meet everyone. I've been clicking on my ElderSouls.com bookmark for two months now. I come here for the religiously-fast posting of new info... And I haven't not noticed that this place has a cozy and appealing little community. Personally, I'm baffled why this place doesn't have more people...But that's okay, because I kinda like things this way. *** So here's some self-introductory stuff: I'm one of the new-generation Elder Scrolls fans. Started with just Skyrim, but I fell in love with the game and the lore, and I've read tomes upon tomes about life on Nirn, along with having hearty, long-running adventures in Skyrim with my sidekick, Serana (who I think is hot). So, frankly, I've got it bad with the ESO-anticipation-syndrome. ESO's coming out on the exact season my summer vacation starts (college student here). And I'm not what you'd call a "gamer" as I don't play a lot of them, but, man, if you'd just give me the right game, I will get hooked. I also fancy myself a writer who hasn't written much. But I have written some broken chapters that might be reminiscent of an Elder Scrolls world... Well, the general medieval-escapist setting, anyway. And I wanna turn it into a book someday. That being said, I'll be in the game for the role-play as well as PVP milestoning. *** And, here's the deal. By now, I feel like I know you people. Until recently, I had no idea what the heck TRR was when you guys brought it up. Then I found out that it meant "The Runescape Rebelz". What're the odds, I thought! I used to love that game, like, five years ago. Well, until I lost my membership, the game changed, and I sorta outgrew it. Shame too, was level 101, never had a guild. But still, the moment I read that, I decided to create an account and finally talk to you people... I've taken it as a sign of fate that I wandered here. And, uh, I wish to join your guild for ESO, if there be one... And if you'll have me. I'm a Nord by heart, and I'll be fighting for the Ebonheart Pact. I hope that's not a problem. I can be the guy who writes the tales of our adventures. Possibly, from the viewpoint of a guy who conspires cross-faction, because I assume most of you will be friggin' cats in the Dominion. Still, I don't suppose there can be an Ebonheart sector, will there?