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Everything posted by Francis

  1. Wow, good for you. Did anything noteworthy happen? I mean, what'd the animations do?
  2. That can have its merits. I got bugged at the prison cell. The troubles of having my vacation right now...
  3. You there. Yes, you. Have you ever dreamt about pokemon battles? Have you ever dreamt about walking from state to state, searching far and wide? Has your mom ever asked you to become a doctor, but then you tell her, "Dammit, mother, I want to become a Pokemon Master!"? Well then, write her a letter, because now you can! As a legit program by Google, you are hereby given the opportunity to wander the globe, and, well, get the title... *Sigh...*
  4. Mine completely died at the second round, leaving me with a measly 18 points. As of this post, it's actually three hours for you and me. The only reason my Elder Souls account was logged in all day (or night) was because I fell asleep on it. I'm still somewhat looking for the right guild. Been skimming through. I've got a few more hilarious anecdotes now since those last ones, if you wanna hear all about it. Anyway, just a friendly tip, but you really can't survive on ESO without a guild, David. I think you better find one too.
  5. Francis

    Nord Technology

    Aw, come on, that's not fair. The real structures are in the walled cities. Just look at the Blue Palace or Dragonsreach. You're looking at Dawnstar. Nobody likes Dawnstar.
  6. You're going to make David shed a tear for that. But you get kudos from me for being pro-Nord.
  7. Francis

    ESO Early Access

    These cultists are getting stranger by the day...
  8. Francis

    Cold Harbor

    The adventure begins.
  9. http://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/21na7p/eso_crafting_quick_reference_guides/
  10. You have done the right thing telling me about this. As it just so happens, one of my many colorful personas is that of an accredited psychologist. Take a seat. Now, David. Tell me about your mother. Be very detailed. Very. Detailed. Alright, alright... I'm too smart for the likes of this bullshit. I have a real answer. If you had been pulling your own teeth out, I would think it was guilt, but, no, you claim they fall off. I believe you suffer from repressed fear. The fact that your subconscious is making you experience visualizations that bring anxiousness despite the lack of physical or imagined pain signifies that an inner anxiety is present. I believe you are not aware of it, because you do not want to believe that you are weak, but when, in fact, you do have very real doubts, and your subconscious knows it. These fears manifest themselves as the horror of falling teeth. As to why your subconscious chose falling teeth, I cannot say. Neurology isn't an exact science. Nevertheless, when a dream is created, it is possible that the emotional triggers originally present may induce the same visualization multiple times throughout subsequent sleep sessions. So, tell me, boy, what do you fear? It's okay. You can tell me.
  11. Very informative. Now I know why my country is potentially instigating World War III. No sarcasm. I still don't watch the news. You're right, that is good journalism.
  12. God dammit, dead last. Reality has no appreciation for fictional merit... Ahh, at least it was close.
  13. I believe it's called projection in psychology. You hear what you subconsciously believe. Nothing I can do for ya. Ha ha, sorry, pal.
  14. You can reset most of everything, and there are more than enough skill points in the long run. Don't sweat it. Just play to have fun.
  15. Okay... So, I see percentages, and we can assume the developers don't use compounding. That's one part down, but I'm sure the problem has more confounding elements than that. If you want an accurate number, here are some vague variables you overlooked: Effects often replace other effects.There is no base weapon damage listed, and they affect skill damage.There is no max stamina listed, and it affects weapon damage.There is no max magicka listed, and it supposedly affects ability damage, and not staff damage, according to TF's Mystborn. (I don't know, the system is screwy.)And there is no comprehending what you did with crit.But, luckily, there are soft and hard caps. I can therefore tell you, as an educated guess, that if what you listed is the combination of skills with the most optimized damage output, all you really need to do is to find the hard cap. Or, if you wish, the soft cap threshold where your combinations become impractical. I mean, what's the point of number caps anyway if not to keep ridiculously ambitious players like you in check anyway? Yes, just find the hard caps through experimentation, and you shall be satisfied. Or not. Either way, whatever gets you closure, man.
  16. Ah, you overestimate the propensity of people to be eager to perform complicated time-wasting tasks with little effort on the asker's part. List the number values, and I'm sure some theorycrafter would respond to you with fidgety eagerness. I was baited to your topic by the plea for math skills, but now I'm just typing for the sake of saying something, which in turn, is probably going to be misinterpreted by you as a hostile and snarky remark. I mean, I'm an engineering student. I am skilled in the art of math-to-math combat. I've been conditioned to instigate math aggression wherever I go, and in whatever I do. I worship caffeine and last-minute work as deities. But then I saw no variables. How do I work without variables?
  17. Jeez, okay, I made a mistake for once. Alright, thanks. Learned something new.
  18. Yeah. They're getting a stamina bonus too. His heart should be swelling. From recent Q&A stuff: In terms of skill mechanics, Bosmer and Argonians seem to be slightly inferior to the other races. Is there a plan to change/adjust their racial skills before launch? What is the benefit of improved swim-speed in the game? I never needed to swim more than a few seconds and slaughterfish still catch you easily. – Tachles We are actively looking at balancing the racial abilities, especially as we get more feedback and data from our beta testers. We won’t speak to what sort of changes we have in mind until they are fully tested and ready, but we can safely say that racial passives are a common topic of discussion for the systems design team. It felt appropriate for Argonians from a thematic perspective, but yes, it doesn't have too many advantages in most gameplay. That was why we chose to add extra functionality (stamina recovery) so that the passive would be useful to players that enjoy its thematic value and players that want a combat benefit.
  19. OVERVIEW The Elder Scrolls Online v1.0 features many fixes and improvements to existing content in preparation for launch. Here’s a brief overview of what awaits you in this test: Implemented the final cinematic you’ll see at the beginning of the game. Added all remaining orchestral music and VO. Fixed many issues that were impeding quest progress. FIXES & IMPROVEMENTS Alliance War General Enemy players will no longer be able to get past Elder Scroll gates while the gate is closed, protecting the scroll within the temple. Keep assets should no longer appear invisible. Art & Animations General Fixed an issue where the camera would go into third-person view when jumping and strafing right in first-person view. Fixed some issues with character animation transitions after dodge-rolling. Fixed an issue where shoulder pads on NPCs would float in the air while they scratched their head. Fixed frame-rate issues with Dark Anchors. Fixed an issue with female Khajiit with 3 face piercings not animating during conversations with NPCs. /torch has been temporarily disabled, but will return in a future patch. Audio General The remaining voiceovers and orchestral music have been integrated into the game. Balanced the audio levels in-game. Fixed numerous audio issues with UI, monsters, and ambience. Combat & Gameplay General You can no longer use /stuck while you are engaged in combat. Attempting to use /stuck while in Cyrodiil or any of the Cyrodiil delves will give you an error message. Note: This change is temporary. /stuck will be coming back to Cyrodiil soon, but it will use a different system. Fixed an issue so you can now break a crowd control ability while in the air from a knockback. Fixed an issue with charge abilities that could cause you to charge inside of monsters, rather than up to them. Fixed an issue where partially charged heavy attacks were doing more damage on sneak attacks than fully charged heavy attacks. Racial Fixed an issue where the Dark Elf racial passive Flame Talent would not improve the damage of many spells. It should now increase all fire damage caused. Fixed an issue where the Dark Elf racial passive Flame Talent was adding a flat damage to fire damage rather than a percentage increase. Increased the bonus fire damage for the Dark Elf racial passive Flame Talent. Reduced the bonus elemental damage for the last two ranks of the High Elf racial passive Elemental Talent. Dragonknight Fixed an issue where the FX for Igneous Shield could become permanently stuck on you. Nightblade Fixed an issue with Shadow Image where summoned shades were not disappearing properly when the ability was re-cast. Sorcerer Fixed an issue where you could become stuck when using Ball Lightning repeatedly. Templar Increased the health restoration of Healing Ritual, and increased the magicka cost to match. Slightly reduced the radius of Healing Ritual. Adjusted the effect of Light Weaver on the Healing Ritual ability. Instead of reducing the ability’s cost, it now causes Healing Ritual to give 2 ultimate to you and each ally it heals. Reduced the damage debuff on the ultimate ability Nova. Vampire Fixed an issue where Vampires could reset the disease back to stage 1 when they died or went to a different zone. Werewolf Fixed an issue where you could become stuck and unable to attack for a few seconds after casting the werewolf ability Pounce. Crafting and Economy General You can now trade the Breton Racial Motif. Fixed an issue with jewelry enchants that reduce the cost of all spells. The progression should now be consistent across all levels and veteran ranks. Dungeons/Group Content General Crow's Wood: Fixed an issue where Rulantaril would not properly spawn on the Subdue Rulataril quest step in A Son’s Promise. Darkshade Caverns: Fixed an issue where the Defensive Instinct ability could be interrupted, and was missing its telegraph in The Hive Lord. Blessed Crucible: Fixed an issue where Talres Voren would get stuck if gladiators were killed before quest was activated in Fire of Battle. Wayrest Sewers: Fixed an issue where Uulgarg the Hungry's 'Terrifying Roar' could be interrupted, and if you were out of range, he would cast the ability repeatedly until it hit you. Veteran Dungeons Veteran Spindleclutch: Fixed an issue that would prevent the Blood Spawn boss from using his charge/cave-in ability. Miscellaneous General Should our megaserver ever reach capacity, you will be presented with the option to either play on an overflow server (if the queue times have reached a sufficient length), or join the queue for the megaserver. Any progress made with your character on the overflow server will be saved for the next time you play on the megaserver. In order to optimize performance, the overflow server has the following features disabled: - Cyrodiil - Friends - Guilds (this includes related features such as guild bank and guild store) Quests General Replaced the weapon rack in the tutorial with tables. These tables now contain a sword and shield, a staff, and a two handed maul for you to pick up. Fixed an issue with several quests that would incorrectly despawn your pets, rather than removing the NPCs associated with that quest that needed to go away. Found an issue with hundreds of events in-game that could sometimes lead to the quest breaking. These fixes should resolve the following situations: Missing NPCs.Despawned or missing monsters that are critical for completing a quest.Missing objects that are critical for completing a quest.Groups completing quest content asynchronously.Moved the NPCs that take you back to your starter island to a closer and more visible location. Fixed an issue in several zones where monsters could stop spawning when a specific set of criteria is met. Areas impacted include: Auridon – Veiled Keep Glenumbra – Angof’s Sanctum Grahtwood - Cathedral of the Golden Path Grahtwood - Reliquary Vault Fighters Guild - Mzeneldt Fighters Guild - Stonefang Cavern Fighters Guild - Buraniim Mages Guild - Glade of the Divine Mages Guild - Cheesemonger's Hollow Main Quest – Heart’s Grief Stonefalls – Tormented Spire Auridon The Veiled Choice: Fixed an issue where Eranamo could become your follower permanently. Harsh Lesson: Fixed an issue where Ilara would not spawn if someone else had already helped her. Entila's Folley: Fixed an issue where the boss Bakihg would not spawn, preventing you from getting the achievement. Rightful Inheritance: Fixed an issue where Sorondil would not path properly when following the quest pin to his mother. Abandoned Mine: Fixed an issue where bosses and other monsters would not spawn in the ritual room if someone else had recently cleared the room. New in Town: Fixed an issue where Malareth’s quest marker would not update to her new location when turning in the quest. Bal Foyen Tears of Amaya: Fixed an issue where your response to Niima’s greeting claimed you had done something that you hadn’t done yet. Fixed an issue where Trynhild Earth-Turner was swinging as if holding a sword, but actually had a bow in his hand. Betnikh Unearthing the Past: Fixed an issue where the quest could be blocked if the Abomination of Hate became stuck. Deshaan The Judgement of Veloth: Fixed an issue where The Keeper would not spawn at all on the quest step “Free the Spirits,†even after attempting to relog. Cold Blooded Vengeance: Fixed an issue where you could not burn ships to advance the quest. Vision Quest: Fixed an issue where the Maulborn General Darvasen would not spawn on the quest step “Find the Maulborn General.†Ritual of Anguish: Fixed an issue where skull quest items could not be placed on the designated altar. Trial of the Ghost Snake: Fixed an issue where the dream effect would not clear after you defeated the Shadow Snake. Challenge the Tide: Fixed an issue where you could not interact with the signal horn more than once if someone else killed Gruznak. Bad Medicine: Fixed an issue where Grell would not appear, blocking all quest progress. Eastmarch Lost Crown: Adjusted the difficulty of the fight with Malana. Fighters Guild Anchors from the Harbour: Fixed an issue where the Guardian attack sequence would sometimes start and stop incorrectly. Glenumbra The Dagger's Edge: Fixed an issue where Foulwing in the Shrieking Scar would not spawn, even if you used the picked bones. The Dagger's Edge: Fixed multiple issues that would occur after Foulwing was killed and you return to Lord Diel’s camp: On quest step “Talk to Bumnog,†Bumnog should now spawn without needing to relog first. On quest step “Talk to Lord Diel,†Lord Diel should now advance the quest correctly without having to leave the area or relogging. Cutting off the Source: Fixed an issue where Veilen would not always spawn. Wolves in the Fold: Fixed an issue that would prevent refugees from turning into werewolves when you used the quest amulet on them. The Lion Guard's Stand: Fixed an issue where the rescue patrols would not always spawn. Wyrd and Coven: Fixed an issue where Mother Murk would not always spawn . White Mask of Merien: Fixed an issue where the journal needed for the quest would not spawn. Reclaiming the Elements: Fixed an issue where Guardians would not despawn if the quest was abandoned after they were summoned. Reclaiming the Elements: Fixed an issue where Guardians of Earth, Air and Water were not interactable. The Legacy of Baelborne Rock: Fixed an issue where Ellina would not always spawn, despite a quest arrow indicating her position. Grahtwood Scuttle Pit: Fixed an issue where the Spider Queen respawned too quickly. Bosmer Insight: Fixed an issue where you couldn’t enter the final room to get Brackenleaf's heart. Khenarthi’s Roost Cast Adrift: Fixed an issue where the quest step with Nistel would break if you chose the dialog option "Sergeant Firion said Torchbug Treacle might help. I'll look for some on the beach,†and brought back treacle for her. Mistral: Fixed an issue where the banker in Mistral would not let you access your guild bank. Storm on the Horizon: Fixed an issue where Razum Dar would spawn many copies of himself on the quest step “Talk to Ealcil.†Storm on the Horizon: Fixed an issue where Razum Dar would sometimes not advance the quest or travel to the next destination after the quest step “Talk to Razum Dar†of Captain Tremouille’s quest. Storm on the Horizon: Fixed an issue where a quest marker would sometimes not appear for the Boatswain to take you back to Auridon. Storm on the Horizon: Fixed an issue where quest markers for Razum Dar would sometimes not appear throughout the starter area quest line. Mages Guild Fixed an issue where Shalidor was missing his greeting dialogue before offering a quest. Main Quest Tutorial: Updated the quest to give you a choice of three weapons at the start of the tutorial. Daughter of Giants: Fixed an issue where Lyris’ Axe was occasionally missing, blocking your progression. Daughter of Giants: Fixed an issue where leaving Coldharbour and returning midway through the quest would prevent you from advancing. Daughter of Giants: Fixed an issue where Lyris would not knock down the rock wall during her backstory quest, preventing you from advancing. Castle of the Worm: Fixed an issue where Lyris would not follow you, and would instead stay in the shack after you arrive in Coldharbour. Halls of Torment: Fixed an issue where dark companion bosses and the Dutchess of Anguish would become stuck in the world and immediately respawn, possibly breaking the quest. Shadow of Sancre Tor: Fixed an issue where Mannimarco would become invisible if you died by his cold hands at least one time. Malabal Tor Enemy of My Enemy: Fixed an issue where waypoints didn’t match the next step of the quest. Arithiel: Fixed an issue where the quest could be blocked if Cassio Varo fell out of the world. Reaper’s March A Door into Moonlight: Fixed an issue where you got stuck cowering after praying, and ended up blocking the quest. Rivenspire Blood Cursed Town: Fixed an issue where the text “MONSTER†would appear in the conversation with the Mayor. Stonefalls Stonefang Cavern: Fixed an issue that was causing floating rocks and a large indent in the terrain. Proving Trust: Fixed an issue where you could not interact with the peasants to heal them. Divine Favor: Fixed an issue where you would be unable to summon either of the guard captains. Restoring the Guardians: Fixed an issue where Blaze and Ragebinder would not always spawn. Restoring Order: Fixed an issue so that interacting with the dresser will progress the quest for those playing either solo or grouped. Davon’s Watch: Moved Holgun so he’s a little easier to find. Stormhaven Gift from a Suitor: Fixed an issue where you would become stuck if you logged off in the middle of “Defend the Countess.†Norvulk Ruins: Fixed an issue where Nariam would not respawn for a short amount of time for those that did not receive the achievement for killing him, if another member in their group killed him first. Simply Misplaced: Fixed an issue where you would have to leave the Mages Guild building and re-enter to make Valaste appear in order to progress the quest. Stros M’Kai Izad's Treasure: Fixed an issue where the Buried Treasure could not be interacted with once dug up. The Rift Fixed an issue where Soralfa Meadblood was missing her VO lines. User Interface General Added the final opening cinematic. Added the final credits. Updated the profanity filter word list. The location dropdown in the Group Tools window has been expanded to better support localized text. Fixed an issue where completing a quest while in a conversation would not automatically track a new quest if one was granted during the same conversation. Items that have a sell value of zero no longer display a value in their tooltips. Fixed an issue where a crash would occur when entering spawned portals in first person mode.
  20. ...And Craglorn is inter-alliance for a group of four? Wow, awesome.
  21. https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/6828/kw/scrolls
  22. Sent you a scathing PM. Anyway, haven't you noticed your GIF is basically cutting your head off? Watch the captioning. Nice one, Hirschel.
  23. Oh, and you just had to go mod on my post, didn't you? I think we can all agree this topic only brings conflict. What the hell, man?
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