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Everything posted by MstrMonopoly

  1. What kind of question is that, lol
  2. Heh, I tend to believe in a sort of higher power but I wouldn't say I'm religious at all.That doesn't mean I don't like Christmas.
  3. Lol, one day when I'm not so embarrassed I'll post some of my band's songs.
  4. Wooox16 got a lot of people into boss hunting, one of the greatest if not the greatest Corper ever.
  5. You should go for 99 wc if you're a member. It's nice and relaxing and you can watch plenty of television while doing it.
  6. How could they possibly do that to your state? I mean... if they moved Popeye's out for like, KFC, I could find that acceptable. But Arby's? ARBY'S? Damn.
  7. I mean, "the world" most often refers to Earth. Ruling that would be "sweet".
  8. When I saw that you responded to this thread, I thought for sure that the answer was going to be something... well... gay.
  9. Heh, why do you want to be a defence pure?
  10. Dubtastic.Nice to see you back dude
  11. T_Ranger, you haven't seen my mom, have you?
  12. It'll happen again, just not now.
  13. Yeah, subforum under Gen. Disc. would work IMO.
  14. GL at Arma broAlso, this was super generous Pinhead.
  15. Nice, thanks so much for running this T_Ranger.
  16. All MMSers are losers with no friends.See: Monopoly, Mstr
  17. What's your expected pull look like?
  18. DotA is possibly my favorite videogame of all time.Outside of RuneScape, that is. RuneScape isn't a videogame, it's a way of life.
  19. Yeah, the images are broken. I googled and it looks pretty nice, not a great update though. Luckily, the other updates this month sound awesome, so idc too much.
  20. My RPG recommendations - Runescape - Runescape - TES III and IV - Runescape
  21. Mystery city will still probably be for Ritual of the Mahjarrat.
  22. I mean... nothing really happens on summer mornings anyway, it's not a terrible habit to get yourself into.
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