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Everything posted by MstrMonopoly

  1. My girlfriend has pet turtles; they're pretty awesome.
  2. Blake, could you make/buy me a lot of iron platebodies? I need them for an ingredient in summoning pouches... about 1500 will do. The cheapest way to do this would be to buy 100 at a time from the GE (damn buying limits). I'll pay you a healthy interest on whatever you paid.
  3. I sort of want to get a chaotic crossbow and rigour + 95 range before I do more Arma, but I'll tag along to some trips. My range level isn't great (90) but I have overloads and pretty good gear to compensate.
  4. Yet another pro reflection from the man they call T_Ranger. Keep it up, you're doing a great job.
  5. Community members can, however, use our full forums and friends chat if they so desire.
  6. what's it like to feel like feceshow are you even sentient?
  7. Shouldn't really be in this forum, but bye. Hope you come back to us!
  8. I usually wear the skillcape du jour (Attack or Firemaking most days), the respective hood, and some similarly-colored gear. Need to improve my outfits tbh.
  9. I lobby Mr. Met for our mascot. Or the Pope.
  10. Emma Watson is the one girl who I think almost everyone finds attractive. She's not at the top of my list, but she's on it for sure.
  11. Gonna sound like a broken record here, but I miss you gaise so much. Can't wait until I get back and can do these events.
  12. Hey Jealousy - Gin Blossoms Great 90s power pop band.
  13. GE Familiar update is the best part of this. Although I can't wait to see the new Morytania graphics.
  14. What Grinds My Gears: Volume 2Alvin and the ChipmunksSrsly, most annoying cartoon ever.
  15. Just went on a 55 mile bike ride, and for shits 'n' giggles ran like 3 miles afterwards. Legs hurty.
  16. Jagex can't ban you unless you say the URL or use an autotyping bot.
  17. If anyone's interested in recruiting, we could always use more Diplomats! PMing friends in-game or posting in LFC threads then PMing on forums/in game is a great way to get started. If you've already recruited a bunch of people, Diplomat status is virtually guaranteed.
  18. Maybe the worst music taste of any TRR staff member ever.
  19. I know you intended to be sarcastic, but Kai and you are like the only guys I've seen in the IRC, lol.
  20. MstrMonopoly


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