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Everything posted by irons

  1. The cost of abilities depend on your lvl. In Cyrodil your lvl gets increased to 50 so gets your stats, which also means that they skills cost increase. You don't unlock skills just by going into Cyrodil you have only those skills available which you unlock. Than the ability lvls but not past 5 (morph) and they don't grow stronger. They only get stronger depending on your lvl. The same thing is with entchanments they also get stronger while you lvl up.
  2. You can only unlock class skills at lvl 1 weapons start at lvl 5. The next class skill will be unlocked at lvl 5 Armor and Weapons lvl when you just wear them means that you don't have to slot a weapon skill to lvl them. And both lvl relative quickly. Soul Tree gets unlocked through the story. Similar to mage guild which lvls when you bring them books.
  3. The thing is that some people ask me if you get the boni of let's say Elder Dragon (+5% HP reg for each skill on your bar) when a skill out of that line is only on the other hotbar. Which you don't get.
  4. Yes power is a % based entchant but stamina is either a fix amount of points or a fix amount of reg
  5. There are actives which have passives and there are passives which only work when you have skill out of the skill line slotted
  6. 1. Yes the cooldown on potions is 30 sec 2. Yes food has a longer duration than potion and yes you can use them both, but I think you can only have 1 food and 1 pot active at ones. 3. It just adds up so if you have 5 pieces with 10 stamina reg than you gain 50 extra stamina per sec. If you ask if the passive stamina reg will effect entchantments than I have to tell you that I don't know that one but most likely it won't.
  7. I'm not I know that my main will be a DK Tank/Dps which I use for PvE and PvP and that my only twink will be a sorccerer healer which I only use for Dungeons & raids.
  8. Sorry cooldown is wrong I meant duration. Yes, if you cast molten weapons the effect will run for 45 sec. even if you swap your weapons. But effects like Inferno, Bound armor will disappear, because those don't have a duration.
  9. That's wrong. Only effects which doesn't have a cooldown disappear, like Inferno (DK), or winged twilight, also passives only work when the are on your bar.
  10. It has to be on your active bar.All abilities which doesn't have a cooldown get deactivated ones you swtich your hotbar.For example if you summon a winged twilight and than switch to your other hotbar it disappears.Most likely you can't stack abilities in Eso.
  11. Intereseting build, I like it. But that brings me to somethin different. When we post builds we have a scenario (group setup, encounter) in mind for it, that's why in some cases our builds are so different. So how would your 4 man dungeon group look like? the one I have in mind looks like this: 1.DK Tank (my DK build) 2.DPS with a little bit of CC mainly CC's which take opponents out for a long time and stuns and so on to interupe bosses + has at least the option to switch to AoE dmg so we can bomb. (DK?) 3. DPS with support, dmg mitigation, heals and so on (Templer would be a good one) 4. Healer pure healer (my sorccerer build)
  12. I have hopes that it will be the MMO which I'm so long searching for. First when I heart about it I wasn't really into it because the Skyrim combat was never the best and I feared lot's of balance issues and so on. But now I'm stoked.
  13. Oh that one. Yeah I think it was from pax east early this year
  14. Entropy is something you would use at all time to gain that extra magicka reg, Dark Exchange is really more of a oh shit I'm out of magicka button. I don't want to channel it for anything more than 2 sec, because while I'm channeling I'm unable to heal others. I don't really like Steadfast Wand because it's a bit random, and Blessing of protection is a cone heal plus gives armor and spell resist that which I think is really nice. My target is to not come in a situation where a skill like Steadfast Wand would be useful. The restoring light ablities from the templer only effect skill from restoring light. The advantage I see for a Sorccerer compared to a Templer is that he has more magicka reg and that his spell cost less. Of course the Templer also has advantages over the Sorccerer but personally I don't really like the Templer class. @Musclemagic I'm also sorry that things got a little bit out of hands. What I said was too harsh and I want to excuse myself for dissing your build.
  15. Sorccerer Healer Build: Weapon Restoration Staff Race: Breton (best DC mage class) Hotbar 1: Regenerate Grand Healing Blessing of Protection Dark Exchange Entropy HotBar 2: Regenerate Grand Healing Blessing of Protection Lightning Form Encase For the ultimate I would go with overload. I think the build is pretty much self explaining. The first bar is your standart bar where you have 2 abilities which help you to keep up your magicka. Dark Exchange makes sure that your base Stamina isn't wasted. The second bar is for situations where you are under pressure, there you use Lightning Form to reduce the dmg and Encase to immobilize your enemies to buy your Tank enough time to take care of the mobs.
  16. I have to disagree. You ingore lot's of my points and I'm sorry but I have the feeling that you just want to defend your build.A few examples:That Obsidian shield has a different describtion that they others doesn't matter, the dmg mitigation of the other skills to help you to keep up obsidian shield only works if you cast oblivion shield at the right position if it even works what we don't know. Your point for Breton was that it has more ressources than the others so you can spend more points on HP.If you take away adrenalin rush (which adds 34 stamina every 3s). than you compare 7 points which you gain per sec no matter if you use a skill or not with 3 points less per spell and a spell will also take 1s to use (animation). That's why I say your math is off.The taunt doesn't last 5s it lasts 10s (last time I checked it) that means I have plenty of time to switch the bar to use immoveable where I 'm not even sure that I need it because at the other bar I have 3 dmg mititgation skills alone. But the nice thing is that when I switch to my 2H that I'm able to deal more dmg.Than you say that Ash Field is better than Dark Talon, but I don't pick one over the other I use both. So I don't understand where you wanna go with that. And you say that I shouldn't focus on dmg because the group will do it where I agree but in the same post you say that I don't deal enough dmg.I have enough for me your build isn't really good and it seems that you think the same way over my build which is fine but I just no longer want to argue with you when you keep ingoring my points.PS I won't make any further comments on that build because I think I have allready said what I wanted to say
  17. Okay I personal think you have over done it with your dmg mitigation skills.With all your buffs you have only 7,5% more dmg mitigation than I have while you have a lower HP reg.Than Obsidian Shield really doesn't seem to be that great to me any more:Take a look a Conjured Ward (Sorccerer) it's quite similar to Obsidian Shield. If the OS also gains 11.5 times stronger at lvl 50 it will be to weak to be useful. Than you said that you would gain 15% stamina which I don't think is true, I think it's just 5%.Another thing is your otherbar is single target focused which you say is better than AoE. After my expierence however it's better to have AoE on you if single target is needed I would simply switch cleave for reverse slash.Than again you say that my bar is useless because I would die to quickly, but I still would have the buffs of Spiked Armor & Immoveable and if needed Ash Cload, even the effect of low slash stays up longer than obsidian shield, and that hotbar would be mainly for phases where you have to quickly kill of mobs which the boss spawned those mobs normaly don't hit to hard.Than your Breton logic is off. The Redguard has from all races the best ressource gain. He has 10% more stamina regs more stamina and gains stamina when he hits a mob (with a cooldown). Your Breton might has more magicka also 10% and reduced spell cost but you spam stamina abilities plus even if you would spam magicka attacks the Redguard would still have more ressources.Another thing Flurry.It's a channel, we know that if you click 3 times a light attack you have to wait until that chain of command is done. So I think it's fair to say that it will be the same with Flurry okay 1.3s isn't long it might could cause you problems.You said that you believe that you can't CC bosses.I agree in the way that I don't think that you can stun or knock them down but I think CC's like a immobilize or snare will work on them.I don't use low slash for the slow I use it it to reduce the dmg of the boss by 20% which effects the whole group.Dark Talon is on my bar so that I can make sure that enemies stay in my Ash Field plus it's an AoE.And if a healer has some mobs on him he can run to me I use Dark Talon the can't get away and he can buy himself some time.Searing Strike: That's a complicate case, I'm not sure that kindling will really improve searing strike, Searing heat apllies bruning effect to all fire abilities and I think that kindling only improves that burning effect.But that's just pure speculation.Than Dragon Leap for me that's a DPS skill you knockback enemies which for me is something I don't want as a Tankl. I want the mobs to be close to me so that I can take the dmg for the group.All in all your build lacks for me CC to really be able to keep enemies at you./Edit:I forgot to explain why Magma Armor is so great. It caps the incomming dmg at 3% of your max health but you also a 3% hp reg in combat. I'm going to use a HP reg build which means my reg will be way higher therefore I think in most cases using Magma Armor (whichs heals your HP/stamina/magicka) means that you outheal all incomming dmg. Magma Armor also deals fire dmg to nearby enemies which means that Magma Armor also uses all the passives of Ardent Flame, 12% more dmg inflict burning whichs deals + 200% dmg and even slows.
  18. If you are refering to the DK Fire dmg build than I would advise you to go with the Templer. The problem with that DK build is that the DK is from his class skills a melee fighter and all the great fire abilities he has are all close range.
  19. Here: (was on page 14) Templar – Heavy Armor – Bow/Resto – Orc Bow Solar Flare – M Sun Fire – M Piercing Javelin – M Snipe – S Rapid Maneuver – S *Berserker Rage – U Resto Staff Sun Shield – M Immovable – S Rune Focus – M Healing Ritual – M Regeneration – M *Barrier – U there should be more templer builds like this in the old thread
  20. it has to be somewhere in the min/max thread but I try to find it.
  21. No.Musclemage had actually made some really nice Templer builds in the other thread, I think one of them was a little bit similar to the one in the quakecon video.DK is just my favourite class and will be my main in ESO that's why I mostly post DK builds but tomorrow I maybe sit down and create a Sorccerer build.
  22. I could take apart your post but it might could get personal and it also would get me a little bit upset. So I won't. I'm sorry that i critisized your build in the future I won't to it again. But could you pls to me a favour and think your builds through before you post them. Thx
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